
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Raises More Cash Than Dems in Aug.

Unusual spike gives minority party $1.7M more for the month

(Newser) - Republican campaign committees got a big fundraising bump in August, pulling in $1.7 million more than Democrats, despite being the minority party. “Republicans have been able to tap into some of the anger against Democrats in power and translate that into fundraising,” one analyst tells USA Today....

Pledge Boom Helps Public Stations Ride Out Recession

Loyal public help keep stations going as sponsorships, government funding vanish

(Newser) - Loyal viewers and listeners have stepped up to help their local public broadcasters make it through the recession, the Washington Post reports. Public stations say their appeals to the public are meeting a warm response despite the recession, with donations staying steady and, at some stations, even rising to record...

Dem Fundraiser Charged in Citibank Scam

Obama, Clinton donor allegedly tried to bilk bank out of $74M

(Newser) - A major fundraiser for Democratic candidates, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, was charged yesterday with using bogus documents to obtain a $74 million loan from Citigroup, Reuters reports. Hassan Nemazee, who did not enter a plea, faces up to 30 years in prison if convicted. Prosecutors say he forged...

Ron Paul's Son Raises $433K for Senate Run

Political newcomer borrows dad's tactics in online fundraising

(Newser) - Rand Paul borrowed a page from his dad’s playbook this week, raking in $433,509 in online donations in just 24 hours, reports CQ Politics. That’s may not approach the $6 million “money bomb” Ron Paul managed for his presidential run—or the $1 million Rand had...

In Texas, a Modern-Day Fight for the Alamo

(Newser) - The Alamo is once again at the center of a pitched battle, the Wall Street Journal reports—only this time the combatants aren’t soldiers but the gentle ladies of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The 7,000-member group has run the historical site, which is badly in...

Bachmann: I'm Being 'Palinized'
 Bachmann: I'm Being 'Palinized' 

Bachmann: I'm Being 'Palinized'

Calls for supporters' help against 'liberals' scorn'

(Newser) - GOP Rep. Michelle Bachmann doesn’t want to be “Palinized”—that is, hammered with media attacks and “liberals’ scorn,” she writes in a fundraising letter to supporters. “Just as they did with Sarah Palin, the more I talk about the issues, the more they attack...

Wal-Mart Guns for Girl Scouts With Knockoff Cookies

(Newser) - Wal-Mart appears to be rolling out cheap knockoffs—well, “Great Value” replicas—of Girl Scout cookies, and that has one former “Cookie Mom” hopping mad. “The exclusivity of Girl Scout cookies is what makes the cookies really sell,” CV Harquail writes on Authentic Organizations. And now...

Cash-Poor Bunning Won't Run in 2010
Cash-Poor Bunning Won't Run in 2010

Cash-Poor Bunning Won't Run in 2010

Ky. Republican blasts party for campaign 'to dry up my fundraising'

(Newser) - An irate Jim Bunning said last night he won't run for a third term in the US Senate because his fellow Republicans "have done everything in their power to dry up my fundraising" amid pressure to step aside, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports. Bunning, 77, has focused his ire on...

Palin's Haul From Small Donors Echoes Obama: Silver

60% of war chest in chunks under $200

(Newser) - The nearly $1 million raised by Sarah Palin’s political action committee this year is not in itself all that impressive, writes Nate Silver for After all, her figures are dwarfed by Republican players with significantly less star power. But Palin’s fundraising numbers reveal a true strength:...

Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M
Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M

Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M

Gov's resignation sparks $200K in new donations to spread Sarah's word

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's political action committee has received almost $1 million dollars since she created it at the end of January, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The fund—which Palin plans to use to spread her message and campaign for chosen candidates across the country—has received $200,000 in donations...

Republicans Don't Want 'Help' From Palin

Lawmakers facing tough 2010 battles think she'd hurt them

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may not spend much of her newfound free time campaigning: Many GOP lawmakers facing tough 2010 contests don't want to be associated with the soon-to-be-ex-governor, who they fear will galvanize liberals, the Hill reports. One anonymous Republican said that if Palin came to his district, his opponent would...

Coleman Could Be Mulling Gubernatorial Bid

Former Senator asking donors to wait on endorsing other candidates

(Newser) - Norm Coleman has given up the fight for Minnesota’s US Senate seat, but he may be mulling a run for governor. Coleman has been calling his major donors, asking them “to hold off making any commitments to other candidates,” a University of Minnesota political scientist tells the...

Pinning Burris for Perjury Difficult: Experts

Senator says he was just placating Blago brother in taped calls

(Newser) - Controversy surrounding Roland Burris' appointment to the Senate has heated up after the release of his conversations with Rod Blagojevich’s brother, taped by the FBI, but a criminal case against him is still iffy, Politico reports. The possibility of perjury charges over inconsistencies in Burris’ statements is slim, experts...

Since Leaving Office, Bush Raises $1M a Day for Library

Dubya raises funds faster than predecessors

(Newser) - George W. Bush has amassed over $100 million in donations for the construction of a presidential library at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Time reports, with most coming since he left office. Bush has tapped into his campaign donor network to hit the estimated $300 million cost for the project,...

Democrats: $1 a Day Sends Norm Coleman Away

Groups pressure GOP holdout by funding other candidates

(Newser) - A pair of Democratic groups think the best way to get rid of Norm Coleman is by pressuring his fellow Republicans. The newly formed Progressive Change Campaign Committee, together with Howard Dean’s Democracy for America, has sent an email to more than a million addresses asking supporters to donate...

To Rake in Funds, Just Drop Her Name

Palin helps raise money on both sides of partisan issues

(Newser) - Political fundraisers on both sides of polarizing issues have a secret weapon: Sarah Palin. Mere mention of the Alaska governor helps bring in the big bucks, Politico reports. “I can’t tell how many invitations I’ve seen with ‘Gov. Palin’ in 25-point font and ‘invited’ in...

Stalled Minn. Senate Race a Home Run for Fundraisers

Groups for both parties reap cash by citing Franken-Coleman battle

(Newser) - For some political fundraisers, the longer the Franken-Coleman race barrels onward, the better: it’s helping them pull down huge sums, Politico reports. Groups from both parties are hitting up their constituents for cash, using the Minnesota race to spark sympathy. “We need to expose these illicit attempts to...

Amid Recession, Obama to Prod Weary DNC Donors

(Newser) - President Obama is set to address a Democratic fundraiser later this month—the first such event of his presidency—but the money might not flow from donors cowed by recession and overextended after the recent election, Bloomberg reports. “Nonetheless,” said a White House deputy press secretary, “the...

Dem Fundraisers See Gold Mine in Rush Uproar
Dem Fundraisers See Gold Mine in Rush Uproar

Dem Fundraisers See Gold Mine in Rush Uproar

Donkeys pounce

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh isn’t the only one cashing in on his new, higher profile. Democratic committees are using the uproar as a fundraising gimmick, the Washington Post reports. “When Rush says jump, Republicans say how high?” reads an email from the Senate campaign committee, urging GOP senators to “...

10 Ways Public Radio Gets You to Pay Up

Drive-time deejays know how to tug heartstrings and egos into paying up

(Newser) - If you listen to public radio, you’ve come to dread it too, writes June Thomas in Slate; at least twice a year, the airwaves are dedicated to fundraising, with broadcasters plying listeners with New Yorker subscriptions and tote bags in exchange for a few bucks. Thomas studied the pleas...

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