Michele Bachmann

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Bachmann Tones Down Words on HPV Dangers

Rush Limbaugh says she's 'jumping the shark' with retardation anecdote

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann looks to be pulling back from controversial comments she made about the HPV vaccine after drawing flak from the medical community and others—including Rush Limbaugh, notes Minnesota Public Radio . Bachmann scored points in last night's debate by criticizing Rick Perry's decision to try to mandate...

Consensus Say Michele Bachmann Got Her Mojo Back

 Michele Got Her 
 Mojo Back 
Consensus Says:

Michele Got Her Mojo Back

Bachmann's HPV attack on Perry turned heads

(Newser) - Pundits seemed to all agree that Michele Bachmann was on the ropes heading into last night’s Tea Party debate—and now they all seem to agree that she fought her way back in with her scathing indictment of Rick Perry’s HPV vaccination program. Here’s what people are...

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party
Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Debate Winners: Romney, Bachmann, Tea Party

Rick Perry-bashing pays off for rivals

(Newser) - It was "attack Rick Perry night" at last night's GOP debate in Florida -—to the extent that even Jon Huntsman got in on the act—and the Texan's rivals succeeded in landing a few blows. Mitt Romney, who wisely ignored the Tea Party debate audience to...

Republican Presidential Americans Debate

 Pile on Perry 

GOP Debate

Candidates Pile on Perry

Bachmann gets feisty again with spirited jabs

(Newser) - Rick Perry drew feisty attacks on stage and a few boos from the crowd at tonight's GOP debate in Florida, which also saw Michele Bachmann step it up a notch after fading in the first debate, Politico reports. Tonight kicked off with a fiery exchange on Social Security, when...

5 Things to Watch For in Tonight's Debate

Social security and Tea Party topics likely to be big issues

(Newser) - Yes, it’s debate time again. Here’s what to watch for when the 2012 GOP presidential candidates face off tonight in Florida, at an event sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express:
  • Social Security will likely continue to be a flash point. At the last debate, Rick Perry

Bachmann: Obama's Plan Just 'Gimmicks'

She denounces it as a 'political speech'

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann criticized President Obama's jobs plan tonight as filled with "failed gimmicks" and "yet one more political speech where he doubled down on more of the same policies that are killing the United States economy," reports Fox News . "Mr. President, what among your proposals...

'Michele Bachmann Overdrive': Not a Tribute Band

Group hopes to capitalize on her name while poking fun

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is such an icon these days, she’s even got a band named after her—though its members aren’t her biggest fans. “The concept is to have a band that captures the spirit of Michele Bachmann by being somewhat ill-prepared, not really up to the challenge...

Bachmann Will Rebut Obama's Speech

She appears to be only Republican planning to do so

(Newser) - As she struggles to stay relevant in the 2012 presidential race, Michele Bachmann has figured out at least one more way to keep her name in the news. She’ll offer a rebuttal to President Obama’s jobs speech tonight at 8:30pm, The Hill reports. No formal Republican response...

And the Winner Is ... Mitt Romney (Mostly)

His steady performance seems to make him the consensus pick over Perry

(Newser) - A consensus is taking shape from last night's GOP debate, and Mitt Romney should be pleased. He won or at least held his own in the eyes of most (but certainly not all). Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post pronounces him the winner for his "slow and steady"...

Election 2012 Opinion Roundup: Michele Bachmann Is 'Done. Fini. Kaput.'
 Is 'Done. 
 Fini. Kaput.' 
OPINION roundup

Bachmann Is 'Done. Fini. Kaput.'

Critics agree: GOP debate confirmed she's just an 'afterthought' now

(Newser) - If the fat lady didn’t quite sing for Michele Bachmann at last night’s debate, she at least hummed a few notes, say the critics:
  • It was “remarkable” to see this once-top-tier candidate “relegated to an afterthought, getting barely as much face time as Herman Cain, Rick

Republican Debate: Rick Perry Makes His Debate Debut With Fellow GOP Candidates in California
 Perry, Romney Tee Off 
gop debate

Perry, Romney Tee Off

Texas governor makes his presidential debate debut

(Newser) - Rick Perry made his debate debut tonight, and it's clear the new frontrunner is happy to mix it up. He and Mitt Romney went after each other with gusto, notes AP , as evidenced by an early exchange: After Perry criticized Romney's record of creating jobs in Massachusetts, Romney...

What to Watch for in Tonight's Debate

Will Perry make a good impression? Can Bachmann survive?

(Newser) - Sure, some of them have faced off before—but tonight’s Politico/NBC News debate marks the first time new frontrunner Rick Perry will join the fray, making it what Politico calls the “first Fall Classic” for 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls. And it’s the start of a busy month...

Bachmann's Shooting Star Is Burning Out

Bachmann's poll numbers have dropped in half since winning Ames

(Newser) - A month ago, Michele Bachmann won the Ames Straw Poll and was a leading candidate in the GOP's nomination process. Today, her support has plunged in half, her campaign manager has quit, and she's struggling to keep her name alive in a contest increasingly all about Rick Perry...

Romney Boasts His Health-Care Law Is 'Big Asset'

Romney seeks middle as other GOP candidates vie for right

(Newser) - With the GOP presidential candidates vying to be the rightest-of-the-right at yesterday's Freedom Forum in South Carolina, Mitt Romney kept focused on the general election, where wooing moderates is key, reports Politico . For example, he defended the need for federal regulations. “Regulation is necessary to make a free...

Michele Bachmann Again Vows $2 Gas
 Bachmann Again 
 Vows $2 Gas 

Bachmann Again Vows $2 Gas

Slams White House for blocking domestic energy production

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann isn't giving up on her $2-a-gallon gas, today repeating her pledge to bring pump prices down, reports Politico . Asked by Face the Nation's Bob Scheiffer how she would hit that magic number, Bachmann cited "an all-of-the-above energy strategy,” blasting the Obama administration for foiling...

Election 2012: Has Michele Bachmann Given Up on New Hampshire?
 Bachmann Gives Up on NH 

Bachmann Gives Up on NH

Campaign confirms she's focusing on Iowa, South Carolina

(Newser) - Where’s Michele Bachmann? Well, she’s certainly not in New Hampshire. She hasn’t visited the state since two months ago, and she canceled her last planned visit, after the Ames straw poll. In fact, every single 2012 GOP candidate other than Bachmann has been to New Hampshire since...

Jewish Donors Think Bachmann Is ... Jewish

And that's bad news for Mitt Romney's quest for cash

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann likes to talk to crowds about "the creator of the universe, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ." Yet for some reason, some Jewish donors think she's ... Jewish. And what may be good for her campaign coffers is bad news for Romney's, according to the...

Hey, Media: Tone Down the 'Theocracy' Fears

Journos' 'language of conspiracy' stems from lack of understanding: Ross Douthat

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry’s time in the spotlight has brought back a “fear of theocracy” not seen since the days of George W. Bush. Liberals are concerned that “Christian extremism is again on the march,” writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times . And while...

Bachmann: God Sent the Hurricane, Earthquake...

To make Washington spend less

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is the latest candidate to make the risky political move of “attributing political motive to natural disasters,” as Alexander Burns writes for Politico . The St. Petersburg Times reports that this weekend at a campaign event in Florida, while praising the Tea Party for its focus on...

Bachmann: I'd Drill in the Everglades

...as long as it's done 'responsibly'

(Newser) - Speaking in Florida yesterday, Michele Bachmann supported drilling for oil and natural gas wherever we can find them, even in the Everglades—as long as we do it “responsibly,” the AP reports. “The United States needs to be less dependent on foreign sources of energy and more...

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