Molly Shannon

2 Stories

Molly Shannon Recounts Ugly Incident With Gary Coleman

She says the late star sexually harassed her years ago in hotel room

(Newser) - Molly Shannon is making the rounds promoting her new memoir, and she spoke to Howard Stern about a disturbing incident with the late Gary Coleman at the start of her career. The 57-year-old recalls that she had just landed the same agent as Coleman, who at the time was a...

Kath & Kim Is Floppy Seconds
 Kath & Kim Is Floppy Seconds 

Kath & Kim Is Floppy Seconds

Aussie remake misses satirical mark

(Newser) - As if Knight Rider wasn't bad enough, NBC continues to look like a college kid "furnishing an apartment out of mom's hand-me-downs" in debuting the "witlessly Americanized" sitcom Kath & Kim, writes Robert Bianco in USA Today. The Australian remake wastes Molly Shannon's talents while "exposing the...

2 Stories
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