Chuck Yeager

2 Stories

First Person to Break the Sound Barrier Dead at 97

Chuck Yeager had the 'right stuff'

(Newser) - Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles “Chuck” Yeager, the World War II fighter pilot ace and quintessential test pilot who showed he had the “right stuff” when in 1947 he became the first person to fly faster than sound, has died. He was 97, the AP reports. Yeager...

City Covered Up Yeager's Fabled Bridge Stunt

Press, public kept mum about '48 flight under city bridge

(Newser) - When local son Chuck Yeager flew his jet under a Charleston bridge in 1948, there was no advance warning—and no official record of it afterward. The rebellious fighter pilot was scheduled to buzz a boat race, but no one expected him to do it from 6 feet above the...

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