religious right

Stories 41 - 58 | << Prev 

Why Doesn’t the Right Embrace Huckabee?

Christian leaders care about tax breaks, not charity, NYT argues

(Newser) - Why is it that leaders of the religious right aren’t rallying behind authentically conservative Mike Huckabee, wonders  New York Times columnist Gail Collins. Huckabee—who Collins notes is “on his first wife and first position on abortion”—is the obvious conservative choice, she proposes, but Values Voter...

Christian Right Isn't Singing the Praises of GOP Candidates

Evangelicals meet today to seek agreement

(Newser) - Crowded as the GOP field may be, the religious right can't  seem to find a congenial candidate. The Washington Post reports that evangelicals—today beginning a 2-day summit—remain unmoved no matter how sweetly Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain come calling. And the idea of a Rudy Guiliani...

Rudy Tells Religious Brass 'I’ll Go It Alone'

Candidate picks direct appeal to voters rather than courting leaders

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is going directly to values voters rather than risking confrontation with their kingmakers, and one aide says Rudy doesn’t need the brass on his side. The socially liberal GOPer hasn’t met with the Arlington Group and is the only Republican who hasn’t responded to a...

Blackwater CEO Thick as Thieves With Bush, Christian Right

Prince's ties date to White House internship

(Newser) - The CEO of embattled Blackwater USA has deep ties to the GOP and the religious right, beginning with a college internship in the first Bush White House. Erik Prince’s security firm's federal contracts have grown from under $1 million in 2001 to over $1 billion today, and he's made...

Christian Right Seeks Rudy Alternative

If the faithful can't find a candidate soon, he'll be the winner

(Newser) - The religious right’s failure to coalesce around anyone in the GOP’s top presidential tier could throw the party’s nomination to socially liberal Rudy Giuliani, the Los Angeles Times reports. By favoring unrealistic candidates such as Brownback and Huckabee, and doubting the conservative zeal of Romney and Thompson,...

Thompson Losing Evangelicals
Thompson Losing Evangelicals

Thompson Losing Evangelicals

Balk at endorsing candidate who won't talk about his religion, doesn't back gay marriage ban

(Newser) - Fred Thompson, once the longed-for alternative to a field of uninspiring GOP candidates, didn't get through his campaign's first official month before the religious right started jumping ship, Politico reports. Thompson's refusal to back a gay marriage ban, past lobbying for an abortion-rights group, and refusal to talk religion has...

Bush's True Base Isn't the Right, It's the Rich

Business and wealthy have hijacked the GOP, argues new book

(Newser) - Don’t be fooled by the lip service to Christian conservatives: the interests the Bush administration serves are economic, not religious, Jonathan Chait writes in the “The Big Con,” a book that the Washington Monthly’s Kevin Drum calls the best on the long list of recent  Bush-bashers....

ACLU's Alter Ego Invites God Into Courtroom

Center scores wins for religious right with free speech arguments

(Newser) - A legal center that champions the Christian right is scoring victories and becoming “a very, very significant player in constitutional law,” one analyst says. The American Center for Law and Justice has made waves in the legal world by defending prayer at high school football games and supporting...

Wikipedia: Encyclopedia, Newspaper, or Cult?

All of the above, and an astonishing success

(Newser) - Novelist Jonathan Dee plumbs the phenomenon that is Wikipedia: First it was a populist encyclopedia, increasingly it's populist journalism, and all along it's been a religious cult, populated by cybermonks working in isolation, often putting in long hours in their bedrooms on school nights. The amazing twist, he notes, is...

Rudy Woos Religious Right
Rudy Woos Religious Right

Rudy Woos Religious Right

But doesn't mention gays, intelligent design or the "A" word

(Newser) - White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani managed to made a campaign stop at one of the evangelical capitals of America without once mentioning  abortion, same sex marriage or intelligent design, Salon reports. Giuliani, who appeared at Pat Robertson's Regent University, is struggling to win the votes of social conservatives without flip-flopping...

Conservative Takes on Wikipedia
Conservative Takes on Wikipedia

Conservative Takes on Wikipedia

'Conservapedia' plays David to allegedly liberal Goliath

(Newser) - Unhappy with what he perceives as Wikipedia's liberal bias, a conservative lawyer has launched, a religious-right-friendly answer to the online encyclopedia. Conservapedia has some 12,000 entries (to Wikipedia's 1.8 million in English) and several thousand readers and volunteer writers. It includes multiple Bible verses, psychoanalyzes Hillary...

Right Wing Is Leaning Rudy-ward
Right Wing
Is Leaning Rudy-ward

Right Wing Is Leaning Rudy-ward

Religious cons sacrifice hot-button issues on altar of electability

(Newser) - The religious right is lining up behind Rudy Giuliani, Pew tells the Politico, despite the candidate's support for gay rights and abortion. Analysis of recent polls suggests that pragmatic social conservatives are so frightened of a Democrat in the White House they're passing over harder-line hopefuls like McCain, and buying...

Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center
Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center

Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center

New generation prays for Darfur, against climate change, though abortion lingers

(Newser) - The once hard-right Evangelical Christian movement is waxing centrist, the New York Times reports, as a new breed of religious leaders breaks from an abortion-and-sexuality-obsessed old guard to tackle broader nonpartisan issues like AIDS, and even liberal-leaning ones like Darfur and global warming. 

Falwell's Death Ends an Era
Falwell's Death Ends an Era

Falwell's Death Ends an Era

Fineman takes the measure of a partisan preacher and his political legacy

(Newser) - It's impossible to grasp the profound change in American political life in the last quarter-century without understanding Jerry Falwell and the movement he fostered, writes Newsweek's Howard Fineman. Falwell, who died yesterday, created the Moral Majority, helped launch the Reagan Revolution, and dug the evangelical foundations—currently shifting—on which...

Televangelist Falwell Dead at 73
Televangelist Falwell Dead
at 73

Televangelist Falwell Dead at 73

Controversial conservative mixed religion, politics

(Newser) - The Rev. Jerry Falwell, who founded the Moral Majority and mixed evangelism with conservative social criticism, died today after collapsing in his office at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. He was 73. A lightning rod for controversy, Falwell once called AIDS "the wrath of a just God against homosexuals"...

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues
Rudy Tries Candor On
Tough Issues

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues

'I should honestly tell you the things I can evolve on, and the things I can’t'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani chose Houston Baptist College to debut his new, more candid campaign today, telling a conservative crowd that he supports abortion rights, some restrictions on gun ownership, and gay civil unions, though not same-sex marraige. Giuliani appealed to the audience to be open to a GOP candidate who may...

Coulter's Slur Slinging Aims Right for GOP Base

Edwards attacks play right into insecurities

(Newser) - Ann Coulter's gay-baiting of John Edwards won't cost her anything, writes Glenn Greenwald in today's Salon, because it appeals perfectly to her base: anxious, insecure American voters. "Her aim was not to suggest that Edwards is actually gay, but simply to feminize him like they do with all male...

Jesus Tomb Claim Stirs Cries of Heresy

Archaeologist calls it "pimping off the Bible"

(Newser) - A book and documentary produced by Titanic's James Cameron claims to identify the burial place of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and a son, Judah. The documentary, which Newsweek calls "a slick and suspenseful narrative," asserts that 10 bone boxes found in 1980 in a first-century burial cave in...

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