
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Scientists Make 'Critical' Find on Honeybees, Herbicide

Glyphosate, used in Monsanto's Roundup, may kill off insects' essential gut bacteria

(Newser) - Animals don't seem to be harmed by the world's most widely used weedkiller, but bees apparently don't fall under that protective umbrella. "This is really critical," one entomologist tells Science of a new study showing the digestive system of honeybees (and possibly other bees as...

100-Plus People Infected by Pet-Store Puppies: CDC

Agency links antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter infections to pet-store pooches

(Newser) - Eighteen states, more than 100 people sick, 26 hospitalizations—and an unknown number of puppies as the likely infection-spreaders. That's the word out of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has tied contact with puppies at six pet-store companies to the outbreak of human diarrheal infections from...

He Ate a Bad Oyster, Died 2 Days Later

Saltwater bacteria Vibrio vulnificus claims life in Florida

(Newser) - A man dined on oyster at an unnamed restaurant in Florida's Sarasota County, only to die two days later from a deadly bacteria. The 71-year-old died July 10 from a bacterial infection caused by the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus, reports the South Florida Sun-Sentinel . Though such infections are rare—only...

STD You May Not Have Heard of Could Be Next Superbug

Mycoplasma genitalium can develop resistance to antibiotics if not treated properly

(Newser) - A little-known sexually transmitted disease carries the potential to become the next superbug. Per the BBC , health officials in the UK have set new guidelines regarding the bacterial infection Mycoplasma genitalium, or MG, out of fear improper treatment could lead to antibiotic resistance. Huffington Post UK reports the British Association...

Teen Went to Sleep on a School Trip. She Never Woke Up

16-year-old Sara Manitoski died from toxic shock syndrome in March 2017, coroner finds

(Newser) - An overnight school trip last year turned tragic for a Canadian teen, and now a coroner has confirmed why. People reports 16-year-old Sara Manitoski, who was found unresponsive in her cabin bed after friends came back from breakfast, died of toxic shock syndrome, with the coroner's conclusion based on...

Tainted Water Blamed for Deadly E. Coli Outbreak

Romaine lettuce outbreak is over, feds say

(Newser) - The worst E. coli outbreak in the US since 2006 is over, with five people dead and more than 200 sickened by tainted romaine lettuce, federal authorities say. The outbreak, which affected people in 36 states and caused at least 96 hospitalizations, was traced to the Yuma region in western...

Your Kitchen Towel Is Grosser Than You Know
Kitchen Towels
Dirtier Than You Think

Kitchen Towels Dirtier Than You Think

Study finds that bacteria is common

(Newser) - There's a decent chance your kitchen towels are hiding bacteria linked to food poisoning and other infections, according to a new study , though some are urging caution before tossing those towels in the trash. The finding is based on a University of Mauritius study of 100 kitchen towels used...

By This New Measure, Plants Rule the Earth
By This New Measure,
Plants Rule the Earth

By This New Measure, Plants Rule the Earth

They outweigh all other life on the planet, by a mile

(Newser) - A first-of-its-kind study reveals that humans make up a minuscule portion of life on the planet. As in 0.01%, reports the Guardian . The flip side of that? Despite the scant figure, humans have reshaped the animal kingdom, helping wipe out about 83% of mammals and half of all plants...

Bathroom Hand Dryers Spew Fecal Matter
Hand Dryers
Spew Pretty
Nasty Thing
new study

Bathroom Hand Dryers Spew Pretty Nasty Thing

Poo bacteria gets 'aerosolized' in bathrooms: study author

(Newser) - Hand dryers are great environmentally friendly inventions, right? That's the word, but a new study by University of Connecticut scientists finds they spread fecal matter onto people's hands, CNET reports. "The more air ya move? The more bacteria stick," study author Peter Setlow tells Business Insider...

CDC: 'Nightmare' Superbugs Are Here

Hunt found more than 200 cases of antibiotic-resistant bacteria last year

(Newser) - "Nightmare bacteria" with unusual resistance to antibiotics of last resort were found more than 200 times in the US last year in a first-of-a-kind hunt to see how much of a threat these rare cases have become. That's more than health officials expected to find, and the true...

Yucky Ducky? Kids&#39; Bath Toy Has a Dirty Secret
Rubber Ducky, You're
the (Really Gross) One

Rubber Ducky, You're the (Really Gross) One

New study finds that yellow hallmark of childhood is a bastion of bacteria

(Newser) - Scientists now have the dirt on the rubber ducky: Those cute yellow bath toys are—as some parents have long suspected—a haven for nasty bugs, reports the AP . Swiss and American researchers counted microbes inside the toys and say the murky liquid released when ducks were squeezed contained "...

Scientists: Musk's Roadster a 'Biothreat'

Scientists point out risk that car's Earthly bacteria might contaminate life on Mars

(Newser) - In the small chance that Elon Musk's space-exploring Tesla Roadster comes crashing back to Earth, experts say the planet will be just fine. It's a different story with Mars, where the car could become what one scientist calls a "biothreat." The Tesla, in a large orbit...

200K Antelopes Died Suddenly. Now Scientists Know Why

High heat and humidity altered bacteria in their bodies: study

(Newser) - Saiga antelopes have been roaming Central Asia since the time of the woolly mammoth, an achievement only a resilient species could pull off. But now, "total extinction" may be on the horizon. That's according to researchers studying the deaths of more than 200,000 endangered saigas in Kazakhstan...

Safety Experts Say 'Raw Water' Trend Is a Very Bad Idea

Drinking untreated water has more drawbacks than the price tag

(Newser) - Is drinking "raw water" a great way to get beneficial minerals and microbes removed by filtration—or do people who pay $15 a gallon for untreated water have more money than sense? The subject has been hotly debated since a New York Times story last week looked at people—...

Eating Placenta About as Beneficial as Snake Oil
No Proven Benefits,
Several Risks to
Eating Placenta

No Proven Benefits, Several Risks to Eating Placenta

Placenta capsules may carry bacteria, heavy metals: study

(Newser) - The trend of eating placenta after childbirth "borders on cannibalism" and is only lining providers' pockets, rather than offering any benefit to women or their newborns. That's according to researchers of a study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, which finds "no known scientifically...

Houston Floodwaters Are Full of Sewage: Report

Testing by 'NYT' shows E. coli is rampant

(Newser) - Houston's floodwaters are contaminated with dangerous bacteria likely responsible for an upswing in health issues, reports the New York Times . The Times organized a team of scientists from Baylor College of Medicine and Rice University who tested floodwaters in two Houston neighborhoods. In a family's living room at...

Puppies From Petland Are Making People Sick: CDC

39 people have come down with 'Campylobacter' in the last year

(Newser) - Don't look now, but those adorable baby Labradors and basset hounds you've fallen in love with might be getting you very sick. On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control announced that the "likely source" of an outbreak of Campylobacter —bacteria that can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain,...

Purple Spots Marring Vatican Scroll Have Unlikely Source

Parchments around the world are covered in mysterious purple splotches

(Newser) - Call it the attack of the purple pigment. Live Science reports purple splotches are damaging old animal-skin parchments around the world. Take, for example, a 16-foot-long scroll inside the Vatican Secret Archives. The parchment was written by Italian villagers in 1244 asking the Church to make Laurentius Loricatus a saint....

Twice as Many White Kids Get Unnecessary Antibiotics

Researchers call for investigation of parental expectations

(Newser) - It's becoming something of a mantra: Antibiotics do nothing to treat the flu or common cold. And it apparently needs repeating, because even though antibiotics treat bacterial instead of viral infections, as many as 75% of kids with viral respiratory infections like a cold are prescribed them, reports Health...

Yep, Blowing Out Birthday Candles Is Actually Gross

How many germs are spread depends a lot on the person

(Newser) - Let's get one thing out of the way: Our mouths are positively brimming with bacteria. But as gross as that may seem to some, the vast majority of those bacteria are benign. Still, it may be hard for some to swallow the latest news that blowing out candles on...

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