space exploration

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You Might Be Able to Glimpse This Asteroid

It's zipping by us, and even amateurs might spot 2023 DZ2 Friday night or Saturday

(Newser) - An asteroid big enough to wipe out a city will zip between Earth and the moon's orbit on Saturday, reports the AP . The close encounter will offer astronomers the chance to study a space rock from just over 100,000 miles away—that’s less than half the distance...

China&#39;s Rover Is Now Roaming Around Mars
China's Mars Rover
Hasn't Moved in Months

China's Mars Rover Hasn't Moved in Months

Zhurong's roaming days might be over

(Newser) - China's first Mars rover appears to have finished roaming. CNET reports that images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show the solar-powered Zhurong rover has been inactive since September 2022 and possibly longer. The rover, which entered a planned hibernation in May last year, didn't budge between an...

One of Century's Biggest Science Projects Is Underway

Square Kilometer Array will search for extraterrestrials, among other things

(Newser) - Astronomers and other folks curious about the nature and origins of the universe—not to mention the possible existence of extraterrestrial life—have a new reason to cheer: construction has begun on the world’s largest radio telescope. Per the BBC , the Square Kilometre Array is scheduled for completion in...

After Tense Wait, NASA Reports a Lunar Success
NASA Capsule
Reaches the Moon

NASA Capsule Reaches the Moon

Unmanned craft on track for record-breaking lunar orbit

(Newser) - NASA’s Orion capsule reached the moon Monday, whipping around the back side and passing within 80 miles on its way to what should be a record-breaking lunar orbit, per the AP . The close approach occurred as the crew capsule and its three test dummies were on the far side...

Possible 'Planet Killer' Asteroid Found in Earth's Orbital Path

Future generations will want to keep an eye on it

(Newser) - Astronomers have discovered a new asteroid in our neighborhood: it's more than a mile wide, and its orbit around the sun crosses the Earth’s path, making it a potential "planet killer," according to a New York Times report on the rock known as 2022 APY. Not...

Experts: Mars Isn't the Best Target for Interplanetary Mission

Researchers say crewed mission to Venus would provide valuable experience

(Newser) - While Venus is never going to be a vacation destination for space tourists, largely because anybody stepping foot on its surface would die in a split-second from intense heat and crushing air pressure, a group of experts is arguing that it would be a better target than Mars for the...

The Universe Has a New Mineral
The Universe Has
a New Mineral

The Universe Has a New Mineral

China identifies transparent crystal on the moon

(Newser) - China has identified a new mineral on the moon, joining the exclusive club of nations able to make that claim. The transparent crystal has been named Changesite-(Y), after the Chinese lunar goddess Chang'e, reports . The International Mineralogical Association has confirmed the finding, which New Atlas reports is...

NASA Gizmo Is Able to Make Oxygen on Mars
Toaster-Size Box Makes
Oxygen on Mars
new study

Toaster-Size Box Makes Oxygen on Mars

MOXIE offers hope of clearing a big hurdle for manned missions

(Newser) - The comparisons are small scale at the moment: A device the size of a toaster generated oxygen comparable to that of a modest tree. But given that this took place on Mars, the implications are of the large-scale variety. In a study published in Science Advances , NASA researchers report that...

NASA Releases More New Images From the Cosmos
NASA Releases More New
Images From the Cosmos

NASA Releases More New Images From the Cosmos

Courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope

(Newser) - NASA on Tuesday unveiled a new batch of images from its new powerful space telescope, including a foamy blue and orange shot of a dying star. The first image from the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope was released Monday at the White House —a jumble of distant galaxies...

Voyager 1 Glitch Puzzles NASA
Voyager 1 Glitch
Puzzles NASA

Voyager 1 Glitch Puzzles NASA

Venerable space traveler is mainly OK, but some of the data it's sending back is off

(Newser) - In the grand scheme of things, the astonishing Voyager 1 is still behaving like a champ. But the 45-year-old space probe is experiencing a glitch that has NASA scientists baffled, reports CNN . As describes it, Voyager has lately "appeared confused about its location in space." However,...

NASA Designs New Message for Aliens
NASA Designs New
Message for Aliens

NASA Designs New Message for Aliens

'Beacon in the Galaxy' proposal builds on previous efforts, with some important updates

(Newser) - The Arecibo message—beamed via interstellar radio in 1974 from its namesake telescope—was “humanity’s first attempt to send out a missive capable of being understood by extraterrestrial intelligence,” per Scientific American, which reports on efforts to develop a sequel, nicknamed “Beacon in the Galaxy.”...

Toyota Working on a Moon Car
Toyota Shoots for the Moon

Toyota Shoots for the Moon

Automaker working on vehicle for space missions

(Newser) - Toyota is working with Japan's space agency on a vehicle to explore the lunar surface, with ambitions to help people live on the moon by 2040 and then go live on Mars, company officials told the AP on Friday. The vehicle being developed with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency...

Saturday Is Christmas for NASA in Another Way, Too
Most Powerful Telescope
in the World Lifts Off

Most Powerful Telescope in the World Lifts Off

The James Webb Space Telescope, successor to the Hubble, launches aboard rocket

(Newser) - Updated: The world's most powerful telescope is on its way to the cosmos. A rocket lifted off Saturday morning with the James Webb Space Telescope, reports the AP . NASA is collaborating with the European and Canadian space agencies on the telescope, and the launch took place from French Guiana....

12-Year Asteroid Mission Begins This Weekend

NASA launches 'Lucy' toward Jupiter

(Newser) - Attention asteroid aficionados: NASA is set to launch a series of spacecraft to visit and even bash some of the solar system’s most enticing space rocks. A robotic trailblazer named Lucy is up first, blasting off this weekend on a 12-year cruise to swarms of asteroids near Jupiter—unexplored...

Bezos to NASA: Let&#39;s Make a Deal on the Moon
Jeff Bezos
Makes NASA
a $2B Offer

Jeff Bezos Makes NASA a $2B Offer

Ex-Amazon CEO wants to again compete in moon race against SpaceX

(Newser) - If Elon Musk thought he had the sole lock on building NASA's next lunar landing vehicle, there may be a new wrench in the works. In April, the space agency announced it was offering Musk's SpaceX a $2.9 billion contract to build the spacecraft that will take...

Jeff Bezos Blasts Into Space
Bezos Touches Down
After Trip to Space

Bezos Touches Down After Trip to Space

He and 3 passengers lifted off on Blue Origin's debut flight

(Newser) - Billionaire No. 2 has completed his trip to space. Jeff Bezos and three passengers blasted off on Tuesday from Texas aboard a Blue Origin rocket and returned safely about 10 minutes later. The flight, another crucial test for space tourism, follows the feat of Richard Branson . As the AP notes,...

Bezos' Final Passenger to Space Is a Teenager

Oliver Daemen will be the youngest person ever to make the trip

(Newser) - When Jeff Bezos blasts off for space next week, the flight will be historic on two fronts that are polar opposites. His Blue Origin capsule will include the youngest and oldest people to fly to space, reports CNN . The company announced Thursday that the fourth and final passenger will be...

Computer Glitch Makes Hubble Go Dark

NASA is struggling to reboot the 'brain' of the telescope

(Newser) - The famed Hubble telescope is still kicking after more than three decades in space, but it's been dark for more than a week now because of a computer glitch. NASA has tried and failed to reboot the telescope's payload computer since it crashed on June 13, reports Live...

2 Dueling Views on Jeff Bezos&#39; Space Trip
Is Bezos
a Hero
or a Jerk?

Is Bezos a Hero or a Jerk? 2 Views

One writer thinks his space trip shows integrity, another the exact opposite

(Newser) - Jeff Bezos, conqueror of retail sales on Earth, is venturing into space next month on the first manned voyage of his Blue Origin company. As you might expect, this generated all kinds of opinions, and below are one each from the yea and nay camps:
  • Bravo: At Time , Jeffrey Kluger

China Just Joined an Elite Mars Club
China Just Joined
an Elite Mars Club

China Just Joined an Elite Mars Club

Nation landed a spacecraft on the red planet

(Newser) - China landed a spacecraft on Mars for the first time on Saturday, a technically challenging feat more difficult than a moon landing, in the latest step forward for its ambitious goals in space. Plans call for a rover to stay in the lander for a few days of diagnostic tests...

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