financial crisis

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How Board Games Screwed Up Your Fiscal Sense
How Board Games Screwed Up Your Fiscal Sense

How Board Games Screwed Up Your Fiscal Sense

Games teach excessive lending, scarce saving

(Newser) - It’s really no wonder Americans fouled up the financial system—fiscal irresponsibility was instilled in us at an early age by board games, observes Caitlin McDevitt for the Big Money. Among the poor lessons imparted by money games:
  • In Monopoly, the game’s bank can never go bust—if

It's Too Soon for Feds to Ease Up on Economy
It's Too Soon for Feds to Ease Up on Economy

It's Too Soon for Feds to Ease Up on Economy

If Washington cuts off the cash, recession will worsen: Krugman

(Newser) - With critics prematurely calling on Washington to scale back financial rescue efforts, economic history fans see “déjà vu all over again,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. This is the third time a major economy has been stuck in a liquidity trap, and both previous...

Obama to Launch Radical Bank Reform
Obama to Launch Radical Bank Reform

Obama to Launch Radical Bank Reform

Changes will be the most ambitious since the Great Depression

(Newser) - President Obama will unveil next week sweeping new changes to the nation’s governance of troubled financial institutions, the AP reports. Unlike Washington’s temporary ownership stake in automakers and major financial companies, the new regulatory protocol will be permanent and will present the most ambitious revision since the 1930s....

Net Worth of US Households Sinks Another $1.33T

(Newser) - The net worth of US households—assets minus debt—fell $1.33 trillion in the first quarter to $51.71 trillion, the Wall Street Journal reports. The 2.6% drop is smaller than the 8.6% of 2008’s fourth, a Fed report says. The first-quarter data don’t include...

Moore's New Movie Targets Wall St. 'Bloodsuckers'

After Bush, GM, and guns, filmmakers sets sights on 'robber barons' behind crisis

(Newser) - Michael Moore promises to tear chunks out of the people behind the Wall Street meltdown in his new movie, USA Today reports. The documentary filmmaker, who calls the financial crisis "the biggest robbery in the history of this country," is targeting the corporations and politicians responsible. He hopes...

Airlines Need Steeper Prices, a Shakeout, to See Profits

Industry knows crisis management, but future hazy

(Newser) - The airline industry, an old hand at crisis aversion, is holding its own in the recession by cutting costs, along with fares, the Wall Street Journal reports. But higher prices to consumers—and a major shakeout—would be needed to get even close to profitability. The industry expects to lose...

Brown's Woes Offers Obama Reality Check
Brown's Woes Offers Obama Reality Check

Brown's Woes Offers Obama Reality Check

Voters don't reward economic competence after crisis: Krugman

(Newser) - The Bush administration has taken much of the blame for the American recession, but a "huge housing bubble and a financial crisis" were always on the cards, as Paul Krugman writes for the New York Times. Writing from London, where voters gave Gordon Brown a pummeling in Thursday's elections,...

Obama Promises 600K Stimulus Jobs

Public works, schools, summer youth programs to see US cash

(Newser) - President Barack Obama promised today to deliver more than 600,000 jobs through his $787 billion stimulus plan this summer, with federal agencies pumping billions into public works projects, schools, and summer youth programs. Obama is ramping up his stimulus program this week, promising an accelerated pace of federal spending...

The US Needs Its Own Perestroika: Gorbachev
The US Needs Its Own Perestroika: Gorbachev

The US Needs Its Own Perestroika: Gorbachev

Global financial crisis calls for economic restructuring

(Newser) - Mikhail Gorbachev has been saying for years that the US needed change, and for the first time, he writes in the Washington Post, people have been meeting him with applause rather than skepticism. America needs a perestroika—a restructuring—because, like Russia in the 1980s, it can no longer revert...

Housing Market Woes Hit Home for Geithner

Treasury secretary can't sell, stuck renting out his NY home

(Newser) - Housing market troubles are getting personal for Tim Geithner, the AP reports. The Treasury secretary bought his five-bedroom suburban New York Tudor for $1.6 million in 2004; after moving to Washington, he tried to sell it for $1.635 million. The price later dropped to $1.575 million, but...

Merkel Rips the Fed for Deepening Crisis

German chancellor says central banks have made economy worse

(Newser) - World leaders rarely criticize central banks in public, but yesterday Angela Merkel laid into the Fed, the European Central Bank, and other institutions for deepening the global economic crisis. In a tough speech, the German chancellor claimed that the banks were too powerful, had acted too aggressively, and, in the...

Dow Boots GM, Citi; Travelers, Cisco Take Spots

Overhauls drive firms off Industrial Average, says editor

(Newser) - General Motors and Citigroup are losing their spots on the Dow Jones Industrial Average after GM filed for bankruptcy, MarketWatch reports. Replacing them are Cisco Systems and The Travelers Companies. “A bankruptcy filing immediately disqualifies a stock regardless of a company's history or its role as a cultural icon,...

Geithner to China: Your Assets Are Safe

Treasury secretary seeks to reassure China about growing US deficit

(Newser) - Tim Geithner began his trip to China with a speech at Peking University, where the Treasury secretary said that once the current recession and financial crisis are over, the administration will bring down soaring fiscal deficits. But students at the college where Geithner himself once studied peppered him with tough...

Banks Privately Chafe Against Derivatives Reform

Embrace change in public but quietly fight it

(Newser) - The Obama administration is pushing to reform the market for financial derivatives by requiring new reporting to make trades more transparent. In public, Wall Street is saying it's in favor of the changes, but as the Wall Street Journal reports, the banks are pushing hard against reforms behind the scenes....

Only Trade Can Rescue World Economy: Brown
Only Trade Can Rescue World Economy: Brown

Only Trade Can Rescue World Economy: Brown

'A banking crisis has become a trade crisis,' writes British PM

(Newser) - The banking crisis has stabilized, according to Gordon Brown, but a new calamity has replaced it: "a trade crisis" that is killing jobs in industrialized nations and exacerbating poverty in developing ones. Globalization has compounded the downturn, but it can also accelerate the pickup, the British PM writes in...

'Quiet Radical' Bernanke Reinvents Fed
'Quiet Radical' Bernanke Reinvents Fed

'Quiet Radical' Bernanke Reinvents Fed

Low-key chair deserves chance to stay on, clean up: Ignatius

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a huge decision coming up this summer: whether to reappoint Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Fed or turn to obvious challenger Lawrence Summers. If he’s smart, he’ll stick with the soft-spoken incumbent, writes David Ignatius of the Washington Post. “He has been a...

White House Plans Unified Banking Regulator

New agency would replace hodgepodge of regulators blamed for financial crisis

(Newser) - The Obama administration is working on plans to create a single agency to do the work of the mishmash of regulators who failed to see the financial crisis coming, the Wall Street Journal reports. The new agency, which may be proposed to Congress next month, would strip powers from the...

Recession Will End Next Quarter: Economists

(Newser) - If economists are right, the worst is over for the US economy. In a survey released today by the National Association for Business Economics, 74% of economists said the recession would end in the third quarter. But the coming recovery won’t be a strong one, they warned. Job losses...

Bondholders Reject GM Deal; Bankruptcy Looms

(Newser) - General Motors says not enough of its bondholders agreed to swap their debt for company stock, meaning the troubled automaker is almost certainly headed for bankruptcy protection. GM has until Monday to finish restructuring or file for bankruptcy. But the company said today that its offer to exchange $27 billion...

Companies Hobbled by Fewer Wall St. Analysts

(Newser) - The turmoil on Wall Street has left fewer analysts covering companies of all sizes, the Journal reports, leaving smaller operations struggling to connect with investors. Since September, there have been more than 2,200 instances of analysts formally dropping coverage—nearly a quarter of all research. That plunge has been...

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