Mexican border

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Good Fences Make Good Borders
Good Fences Make Good Borders

Good Fences Make Good Borders

New designs aim to exclude, but not offend, Mexican neighbors

(Newser) - Pity the designers of the new border fence with Mexico: They'd been asked to come up with a design that will keep out the most determined immigrants but doesn't read as unfriendly. The government has mandated the fence be "aesthetically pleasing" to folks in Mexico, who are, after all,...

Mexican Fence & More Guards Will Stop Illegals: Rudy

'You can stop them at the border'

(Newser) - Republican White House candidate Rudy Giuliani said that if he's elected president he would stem the flow of illegal immigrants into the country by building a high-tech fence along the Mexican border, boosting patrols 50% and stationing guards at 50-mile intervals. "You can stop them at the border,"...

Mexican Border Fence Grows
Mexican Border Fence Grows

Mexican Border Fence Grows

US is quickly expanding the barrier to include rural areas

(Newser) - After a slow start, the federal government has ramped up construction of the fence along the Mexican border in recent weeks. The steel barrier now reaches far into rural areas for the first time, in response to a shift in smugglers' strategy, the Los Angeles Times reports. Workers have finished...

Teamsters to Mexican Truckers: Hit the Road, Jack

Union rips deal opening US roads to foreign rigs

(Newser) - Teamsters are protesting the launch this week of a program allowing Mexican trucks to travel anywhere in the US, rather than just 20 miles inside the border. Union officials argue that Mexican trucks aren't safe because they're subject to different environmental and inspection standards, and that regulations regarding shifts and...

Mexico Calls for Eco-Friendly Border Fence

Environment minister warns US against proceeding with plan

(Newser) - Citing environmental concerns, Mexico is calling on the US to revise its plan to expand border fences. The current layout threatens fragile ecosystems in the Sonora Desert area and could wipe out endangered species like the Mexican black bear, a new report shows. Mexico is ready to take the US...

Border Patrol: OK to Shoot Fleeing Subjects?

Congress probes case of jailed agents

(Newser) - Now that the president is in the business of commuting sentences, some lawmakers would like to see him turn his attention to two border patrol agents who drew more than 10 years in prison for shooting a fleeing, unarmed drug trafficker in the back. By federal law, agents are allowed...

Cartels Come Down Hard on Mexican Cops

Local law enforcement wages drug war within and without

(Newser) - Despite the Mexican government's vow to crack down on drug cartels, local police forces are outmanned, outmaneuvered, and outgunned by the more sophisticated trafficking organizations, the Los Angeles Time reports. The ill-prepared and often corrupt community police have emerged as the weakest link in the offensive against drug trafficking on...

High-Tech Towers Could Seal Border
High-Tech Towers Could Seal Border

High-Tech Towers Could Seal Border

Towers with sophisticated cameras could create a virtual border without walls

(Newser) - A series of towers equipped with high-tech cameras now being tested along the Arizona-Mexico border could be the first step towards a "virtual border" for the US, the Los Angeles Times reports. The system, being tested in the busiest corridor for illegal immagrants entering the country,  could obviate...

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