Mexican border

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How the US Shrank One Square Mile

It happened 50 years ago at the Mexican border

(Newser) - It's been half a century since the US shrank by a square mile thanks to a combination of geography and politics. The Rio Grande, between Texas and Mexico, has shifted over the years—and its movements between El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico have changed our borders. In...

Border Officers Have Killed 46, Face No Consequences: Report

Customs and Border Protection hasn't released officers' names

(Newser) - US border officers and agents have killed dozens of people, including Americans, since 2004, but it appears they haven't faced any discipline for their actions, the Arizona Republic reports. Customs and Border Protection's acting internal affairs head has told journalists he doesn't know of any terminations or...

Dangers Lurk for Waves of Kids Flooding US Border

11-year-old boy's death highlights perils facing the youngest crossing

(Newser) - The 11-year-old Guatemalan boy's body was found about a mile from Texas' southern border on June 15, his brother's Chicago phone number scribbled on his belt buckle and a white rosary around his neck. While 445 immigrants died along the border last year, the discovery of Gilberto Francisco...

Mexican Inmate: I Was Duped Into Digging Tunnel to US

Authorities don't believe him, 16 other inmates

(Newser) - Who digs the stunning drug tunnels snaking between the US and Mexico? According to 17 inmates in a Mexican jail, they're dug by unwitting slaves like them. One man tells NPR that a man lured him to a warehouse in Tijuana in 2012 by promising to take him to...

Texas County Overwhelmed by Dead Illegal Immigrants

Sparsely-populated Brooks County saw 129 bodies last year

(Newser) - Last year, a border county in Texas recovered 129 bodies belonging to immigrants who were attempting to make the trek from Mexico only to be felled by the elements; the toll stands at 76 so far this year. That's a staggering number for Brooks County, which has historically seen...

US Uses Border Searches to Seize Devices: Manning Ally

Technique allows warrantless search of electronics

(Newser) - If you cross in to or out of the US, the government might seize your electronic devices—whether it's got a warrant or not. David House, a fundraiser for Chelsea Manning's legal defense fund, found that out the hard way in November 2010, after a trip to Mexico....

At Mexico Fun Park, a Border-Crossing 'Experience'

...without the border

(Newser) - Splash Mountain it ain't: One of the attractions at Mexican amusement park Parque EcoAlberto is a re-creation of an illegal US-Mexico border crossing, complete with smugglers, dogs, sirens, and border patrol agents, PBS reports. It isn't supposed to be fun—the three-hour "Night Walk" experience is intended...

Rio Grande Is New Hot Spot for Border Crossings

Tops Tucson crossings for first time in two decades

(Newser) - Unauthorized border crossings from Mexico to Tucson are so 2012. In 2013, it's all about Texas' Rio Grande Valley, which has topped Tucson's apprehension figures for the first time in 20 years, the New York Times reports. Since October 2012, 94,305 people have been apprehended crossing in...

Immigration Bill Will Ramp Up Border Security

Senate preps legislation as marchers gather in DC

(Newser) - Today, thousands are gathering in Washington to demand immigration reform—and with a Senate bill set for release as soon as tomorrow, "we are optimistic," an activist tells WCSH . Possible details of the legislation are emerging, and it may set some tough standards in terms of security, notes...

Smugglers Launch Pot Over Border With Cannon

But a citizen finds them first

(Newser) - The catapult didn't work so well. Nor did driving over the border fence with a makeshift ramp. Now Mexican drug smugglers have resorted to cannons, authorities say. Smugglers used a pneumatic cannon to shoot containers of pot over the border into an Arizona field, reports the Yuma Sun . It...

Mexico Arrests 2 for Killing of Border Patrol Agent

Suspects captured across border from Arizona shooting

(Newser) - Mexican authorities say they have arrested two suspects in Tuesday's killing of a Border Patrol agent in Arizona, Reuters reports. Nicholas Ivie, a 30-year-old father of two, was shot dead and a colleague was injured while responding to a tripped ground sensor. Mexican officials say the suspects were captured...

US Border Agents Guilty of Human Smuggling

Brothers, accomplices, helped hundreds enter United States

(Newser) - Two Border Patrol agents were found guilty yesterday of smuggling hundreds of people into the United States—using official Patrol vehicles. The government began investigating brothers Raul and Fidel Villarreal in 2005, but the Villarreals were tipped off in 2006 and fled to Mexico, where they were arrested two years...

49 Bodies Dumped on Mexican Highway

Latest casualties found near border city of Monterrey

(Newser) - Mexico today made the latest grisly discovery in its drug war: 49 bodies, some of which were mutilated, were dumped along a highway connecting the northern city of Monterrey with the US border, reports the AP . The 43 men and six women were found early this morning in the town...

Mexican Migration Down to 'Net Zero'

Fewer leaving Mexico, many returning from US

(Newser) - Rising standards of living in Mexico are causing emigration to drop, and increasing the number of Mexican immigrants returning home, reversing the massive exodus of the 1980s and '90s, reports the Christian Science Monitor . In fact, with one million Mexicans returning from the US between 2005 and 2010—three...

Bullet From Mexico Hits Woman in Texas

El Paso woman injured by Juarez shootout

(Newser) - El Paso is considered one of America's safest cities, but it was painfully reminded of its proximity to one of the world's most dangerous yesterday. As cops battled carjackers in Ciudad Juarez, a stray bullet crossed the border and struck a Texas woman in the leg as she...

US Border Fence Extending 300 Feet Into Pacific

$4.3M, 18-foot fence to extend into Imperial Beach waters

(Newser) - For some people, "from sea to shining sea" just isn't good enough, not when it comes to keeping illegals out of America the beautiful. The Great Wall of America is getting a $4.3 million upgrade at its westernmost point, at scenic Imperial Beach, where an 18-foot-high steel...

Border State Governors Ditch Mexico Conference

Only New Mexico's shows up to meet Mexican counterparts

(Newser) - The governors of border states in the US and Mexico have been holding a conference to discuss cross-border issues every year for 30 years, but the tradition appears to be withering, the AP finds. New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez was the only one of the four US border state governors...

Mexican Helicopter Mistakes Airports, Lands in Texas
 Mexico Invades Texas Again 

Mexico Invades Texas Again

Chopper lands in Laredo airport, instead of Nuevo Laredo

(Newser) - Mexico might want to invest in some maps: For the second time in as many weeks, the Mexican military has inadvertently invaded its neighbor to the north, reports the Houston Chronicle . A Mexican helicopter landed at the airport in Laredo, Texas, yesterday afternoon, leading US Customs officers to check out...

Mexico Accidentally Invades Texas

 Mexico Accidentally 
 Invades Texas 

Mexico Accidentally Invades Texas

Dozens of troops stray over border bridge

(Newser) - What may have been the largest incursion by foreign troops onto US soil since the Japanese invasion of Alaska's Aleutian Islands occurred in Texas this week. Four Humvees carrying a total of 33 Mexican soldiers accidentally strayed into US territory, crossing the boundary line on a bridge across the...

Hutchison: Obama Has 'Bias' Against Texas

GOP senator claims president doesn't like Lone Star state

(Newser) - GOP Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison thinks President Obama has it out for Texas. "I see a bias in this administration," she said on MSNBC today. Specifically, she cites the denial of federal disaster funds for the state's recent wildfires and claims that Obama is reluctant to help...

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