Pope Benedict XVI

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Vatican Butler Just a Scapegoat, Says 'Leaker'

New leaks reveal a Vatican in chaos

(Newser) - The Vatican may have arrested the pope's butler , accusing him of being the source of the ongoing leaks of confidential and personal documents to the Italian press, but he is actually just a scapegoat—according to the latest leak of confidential documents, reports MSNBC . The Italian newspaper Il Repubblica...

Pope's Butler to Cooperate in 'VatiLeaks' Probe

'Will collaborate with investigators to ascertain the truth,' says lawyer

(Newser) - The butler allegedly did it, and now he's ready to cooperate with police. Pope Benedict's butler Paolo Gabriele has agreed to assist in the investigation into leaks of Vatican documents after officials reportedly found confidential files in his home , according to law enforcement authorities. Gabriele's lawyer said...

Vatican Mole Is... Pope's Butler?

Paolo Gabriele is arrested after allegedly leaking Benedict's letters

(Newser) - An in-house scandal at the Vatican expanded dramatically yesterday with the arrest of the pope's butler, Paolo Gabriele, who was found with confidential documents on him and has been accused of leaking the private letters of Benedict XVI to the press, reports the New York Times . The Vatican confirmed...

Nuns Rock, and Vatican Is Nuts to Mess With Them
Nuns Rock, and Vatican Is Nuts to Mess With Them
Nicholas Kristof

Nuns Rock, and Vatican Is Nuts to Mess With Them

Nuns show the best of Catholic Church; Rome, the worst: Nicholas Kristof

(Newser) - Catholic nuns represent much of the best the church has to offer—they're tough, smart, and humble. Which is why Nicholas Kristof has a clear warning for Pope Benedict: "You are crazy to mess with nuns," whom Kristof lauds as "the first feminists" and whom he...

Ahead of 85th Birthday, Benedict Asks Strength

Pontiff will also mark 7th anniversary as pope

(Newser) - Staring down both his 85th birthday and the seventh anniversary of his papacy, Pope Benedict today asked the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square for both prayers and strength, reports the AP . "Next Thursday, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of my election to the See of...

At Easter Vigil, Pope Warns of Technology Without God

 Pope Warns of 
 Without God 
easter vigil

Pope Warns of Technology Without God

Benedict XVI sees 'darkness enshrouding God'

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI, carrying a tall, lit candle, ushered in Christianity's most joyous celebration with an Easter vigil service tonight, but voiced fears that mankind is groping in darkness, unable to distinguish good from evil. "Life is stronger than death," he said. "Good is stronger than...

Pope Slams 'Radical' Austrian Priests

The Lord doesn't approve of women priests, says Benedict

(Newser) - Pope Benedict has ripped into a dissident group of Austrian priests for questioning some church teachings and advocating for married and female priests. He accused the group—known as the Pfarrer Initiative—of "a desperate push to do something to change the church in accordance with one's own...

In Nod to Pope, Cuba Gets a Holiday

Cuba to celebrate Good Friday for first time since 1959 revolution

(Newser) - It looks like Pope Benedict's visit to Cuba brought about at least one good thing for the Cuban people—a new holiday. On April 6, Cuba will celebrate its first Good Friday since the communist takeover in 1959, reports CNN . It's not the first time a pope has...

Fidel Castro Meets Pope
 Fidel Castro 
 Meets Pope 

Fidel Castro Meets Pope

Benedict wraps up visit to Cuba

(Newser) - Pope Benedict delivered a relatively blunt message during his homily in Havana today—"Cuba and the world needs change"—but that didn't prevent a subsequent half-hour meeting with Fidel Castro, reports NBC News . It's not Castro's first with a pontiff: He met John Paul II...

Pope Quietly Lands in Cuba
 Pope Quietly Lands in Cuba 

Pope Quietly Lands in Cuba

Cooler reception in country with only 10% Catholics

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI followed in the footsteps of his predecessor's groundbreaking trip to Cuba today, hoping to renew the faith in Latin America's least Catholic country. Cuban President Raul Castro came to the airport in the eastern city of Santiago to welcome Benedict, just days after the pope...

Benedict to Mexico: Return to Your Faith

Pope says Mass before 300,000, calls for peace

(Newser) - Under the shadow of the Christ the King monument in the Roman Catholic heart of Mexico, Pope Benedict XVI said Mass before hundreds of thousands today, urging the violence-plagued nation to "look deeply into the human heart, especially in times of trouble." The Mass was a second call...

Pope Arrives in Mexico, Decries Drug Violence

Tens of thousands greet Benedict upon arrival

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI wasted no time in Mexico, the world's second-most populous Catholic country, immediately attacking the violent drug war and gang violence that has killed 50,000 people there, reports the Guardian . Benedict arrived yesterday in Leon, in central Mexico, where tens of thousands of people, 20 deep...

Anonymous&#39; Latest Target: Pope
 Anonymous' Latest Target: Pope

Anonymous' Latest Target: Pope

Websites attacked to protest 'political' visit

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI begins a trip to Mexico and Cuba today, but Mexicans searching for information about his visit may find Anonymous standing in the way. The Mexican branch of the hacking collective has crashed at least two websites for the papal visit, claiming that the visit is a political...

12 Cops Probing 10 Beheadings Killed in Mexico

Police ambushed as they searched for victims' bodies

(Newser) - A dozen police officers investigating the beheadings of 10 people were killed in an ambush in southern Mexico. Another 11 officers were injured. The officers were traveling in six patrol cars searching for the bodies of seven men and three women whose heads were found dumped outside a slaughterhouse in...

Eau de Pope: Benedict Gets Own Cologne

One-of-a-kind scent features 'lime, verbena, and grass'

(Newser) - Holy water de cologne? Boutique perfume maker Silvana Casoli has created a special cologne for the famously well-dressed Pope Benedict XVI, featuring "hints of lime tree, verbena, and grass" based on the pope's love of nature, reports the Guardian . But don't try to find this unique blend...

Benedict Warns US Bishops on Gay Marriage

Pope is wary of 'political and cultural currents'

(Newser) - With gay marriage being put on the ballot in at least five states, Pope Benedict XVI warned bishops visiting from the United States of "powerful political and cultural currents seeking to alter the legal definition of marriage," reports the BBC . He also called premarital sex and couples living...

Hackers Crash Vatican Website

Italian branch of Anonymous takes credit

(Newser) - Hackers infiltrated the official website of the Vatican today and crashed it, and the culprits were an Italian branch of Anonymous, reports Reuters . According to a statement on group's Italian site, the hackers targeted the Vatican because of the Catholic Church's extensive history of "corruption." The...

Church Is at Breaking Point Over Molesters: Archbishop

Irish leader fuming over Vatican handling of pedophile priests

(Newser) - Catholic officials' failure to adequately police and punish molesters in the clergy has placed the Irish church at a "breaking point," Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin tells 60 Minutes . The Irish Catholic leader has angrily criticized the church hierarchy for moving pedophiles from parish to parish, and defied Vatican...

Vatican Leaks Expose a Mutiny Within

Leaks shed light on Holy See power struggle

(Newser) - The Vatican's already-battered image is taking a beating lately from a series of leaks that have exposed an ugly power struggle inside the Holy See, Reuters reports. "It is a total mess," says one source, who believes the leaks are part of a "mutiny of the...

Catholics Blast Nicki Minaj's Grammy Stunt

Catholic League: Academy would never allow similar insult to Judaism, Islam

(Newser) - Madonna might've been down on her creaky old knees at the Super Bowl , but hell hath no fury like the Catholic League today over Nicki Minaj's religious-themed, stunt-laden appearance at last night's Grammy Awards. The League today issued a press release titled, "Is Nicki Minaj Possessed?"...

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