Pope Benedict XVI

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Pope Bounces Back, Visits Soup Kitchen

Security heavy for first trip since Christmas Eve attack

(Newser) - On his first trip outside the Vatican since being knocked to the ground in a Christmas Eve incident at St. Peter's, Pope Benedict XVI visited a soup kitchen in Rome today. The pontiff, 82, was unharmed when a woman vaulted a barrier and accosted him before Mass. Today he mingled...

Pope Delivers Christmas Blessing Despite Fall

Cardinal fractures hip in Christmas Eve assault by woman

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI delivered his traditional Christmas Day blessing today, looking tired and unsteady but otherwise fine hours after being knocked down by a woman who jumped the barrier at the start of Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. The Vatican said the 82-year-old Benedict was unhurt in the fall and...

Pope OK After Incident Before Christmas Mass

Woman clears barrier at Vatican, knocks down pontiff

(Newser) - A woman jumped the barriers in St. Peter's Basilica and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI tonight as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass, a Vatican spokesman says. The pope was not hurt and quickly got up. Benedict, 82, calmly resumed his walk to the basilica's...

Pope During Holocaust Moves Closer to Sainthood

Jewish groups wanted Vatican to wait; John Paul II also 'venerable'

(Newser) - Pope Benedict has moved two of his predecessors one step closer to sainthood, including a wartime pope dogged by criticism that he did too little to stop the Holocaust. Benedict declared Pius XII and John Paul II to be "venerable," the first of three steps to sainthood. The...

Irish Bishop Quits Over Child Sex Scandal

Vatican mum about scathing report, government furious

(Newser) - The bishop of Limerick is offering his resignation to Pope Benedict XVI today in the wake of a damning report on the church's cover up of multiple child sexual abuse cases. Donal Murray acted "inexcusably" in one case and handled others badly, the report concluded. The report has caused...

Anglican Deal May Lead to Married Priests

Vatican's gesture cracks door to ending celibacy

(Newser) - The Vatican's attempts to heal the centuries-old rift with the Anglican Church may have a consequence nobody intended: an end to celibacy for priests. By offering a new Anglican rite under the umbrella of Catholicism, Pope Benedict XVI has invited married Anglican clergy into the fold—and cracked open...

Catholic Church Welcomes Disgruntled Anglicans

Extends a hand to those unhappy with gay bishops, ordained women

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI has created a new church structure for Anglicans who want to join the Catholic Church, responding to the disillusionment of some Anglicans over the ordination of women and the election of openly gay bishops. The new provision will allow Anglicans to join the Catholic Church while maintaining...

Pope Canonizes Father Damien
 Pope Canonizes Father Damien 

Pope Canonizes Father Damien

Belgian missionary, four others elevated to sainthood

(Newser) - Father Damien, the Belgian missionary who ministered to leprosy victims on the Hawaiian island of Molokai before contracting and dying of the disease, was canonized today. The 19th-century priest, the founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor, and three others were elevated to sainthood in a ceremony that drew...

Vatican Plans Major Overhaul of Secretive Bank

Pope shakes up management at little-regulated Vatican bank

(Newser) - The Vatican bank—so secretive it makes Swiss bankers seem chatty—is getting a major revamp as part of Pope Benedict XVI's campaign for transparency. Italian economist Ettori Tedeschi has been appointed the new chief executive—replacing someone who's been in the post 20 years—and the bank's supervisory board...

Pope Recalls Holocaust Horrors, Forgets Jews

Benedict XVI has testy relationship with Jewish community

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI recognized the 70th anniversary of the start of World War II today by paying tribute to Poles and the “tragedy of the Holocaust,” but did not mention its Jewish victims, the New York Times reports. The omission may further strain relations between Jewish leaders and...

Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me
 Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me 

Kennedy to Pope: Pray for Me

Senator wrote letter delivered by Obama

(Newser) - In the months before he died, Ted Kennedy penned a letter to Pope Benedict beseeching the pontiff's prayers—and enlisted no less a messenger than the leader of the free world to deliver it, reports CNN. “I am writing with deep humility to ask that you pray for me...

Italy OKs RU-486; Vatican Threatens Excommunications

(Newser) - Italy has legalized the abortion drug RU-486, drawing the ire of the Vatican, which threatened to excommunicate doctors who prescribe the medication and women who take it. A church official said using the pill is "a sin in a moral and juridical sense," but a politician who is...

Pope Plans Christmas Album
 Pope Plans Christmas Album 

Pope Plans Christmas Album

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI has joined Guns n' Roses and Snoop Dogg on Geffen  records' roster of artists and plans to have an album out in time for Christmas, the Guardian reports. The pontiff won't be crooning holiday standards, however. The album will feature Benedict singing a prayer and reciting litanies...

Racy New Berlusconi Sex Tape Released

(Newser) - A newly released audio tape apparently captures Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in a graphic sexual conversation with a female escort, reports the Daily Telegraph. Two voices on the tape discuss orgasm and a just-ended satisfying sexual encounter, with the man recommending that the woman "touch" herself "often....

Pope 'Can't Pray' Thanks to Broken Wrist

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI's broken wrist kept him from joining his hands in prayer as he celebrated Mass today, AFP reports. "What pains him the most is to be no longer able to bless with his right hand and to be no longer able to clasp his hands together,"...

Pope Slips on Vacation, Breaks Wrist
Pope Slips
on Vacation, Breaks Wrist

Pope Slips on Vacation, Breaks Wrist

Injury is 'nothing serious,' says pontiff spokesman

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI broke his wrist today after slipping and falling in his room during a vacation in the Italian Alps,  reports the New York Times. "It's nothing serious," said a Vatican spokesman. Benedict, who even celebrated Mass before going to the hospital by car, is expected...

Vatican Charmed by Potter

(Newser) - Though rarely a fan of wizards and witches, the Vatican has declared the latest Harry Potter film a positive tale of “friendship, altruism, loyalty" that achieves the "correct balance" in depicting teen romance, reports the Guardian. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, opening today, makes clear that...

Pope Has Best Take on Financial Crisis
Pope Has
Best Take on Financial Crisis

Pope Has Best Take on Financial Crisis

Goldman exec touts Benedict's 6-point plan for global economy

(Newser) - All of Pope Benedict XVI's gaffes and controversies have obscured his principal appeal, writes Brian Griffiths in the Times of London: he's a scholar, with an uncommon command of theology and philosophy. For Griffiths, a vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs, the pope's recent encyclical on the economy is "without...

Obama Promises Pope He'll Work to Cut US Abortions

(Newser) - President Obama told Pope Benedict XVI yesterday that he would make every effort to reduce the number of abortions in the US, according to a Vatican spokesman. Bioethics and life issues were the focus of the men's 40-minute talk yesterday. The pontiff gave the president a booklet explaining the church's...

Obama Brings Pope Letter From Ailing Kennedy

President asks Benedict to pray for ill senator

(Newser) - President Obama delivered a letter from Ted Kennedy to Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican today, CNN reports. Obama met with the pontiff for about a half hour before leaving Rome for Ghana. The contents of Kennedy’s letter were personal, an Obama aide said, and “not known to...

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