online videos

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Feds Suspect Cable Firms of Stifling Online Videos

DoJ conducting antitrust probe, sources say

(Newser) - Federal authorities suspect cable companies worried about competition from online video have acted improperly to quash their emerging rivals, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The Department of Justice has opened a wide-ranging investigation, and officials have spoken to online video providers and cable companies, including Time Warner and Comcast,...

Hulu Moves to Zap Free TV
 Hulu Moves to Zap Free TV 

Hulu Moves to Zap Free TV

...Unless you're already paying for cable

(Newser) - Using Hulu to avoid paying for cable may not work for much longer: The TV site plans to implement a new "authentication" model, forcing viewers to prove they're pay TV customers by signing in with their cable or satellite account number, sources tell the New York Post , adding...

Quiet Startup Might Change Business of Online Video

Ooyala might figure out the riddle of monetization: Forbes

(Newser) - There's a startup company you've probably never heard of, but chances are you've seen its work, writes Michael Humphrey in Forbes . It's called Ooyala, and it powers an enormous number of videos across the web. ESPN highlights, Miramax movies, videos that appear on the sites of...

Iraq's 'King of Clubs' Appears Online

Former deputy to Saddam Hussein rails against Shiites, Iran

(Newser) - He was the king of clubs. Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, the highest-ranking member of Saddam Hussein's government still at large, appears to have turned up in an online video posted yesterday, railing against Iraq's government, reports the AP . In the hour-long video, which appears on a website linked to...

Larry King Back With Internet Show

Carlos Slim taps former CNN anchor for

(Newser) - He's baaaack. Larry King will strap on his suspenders once more to host an online-only TV show on a new network financed by Carlos Slim Helu, the New York Times reports. The new network, which will be called, will be officially announced today. King says the show...

Netflix Was Supposed to Beat Cable, Not Join It

Atlantic blogger hopes service doesn't join the dark side

(Newser) - Netflix's rumored attempt to bring its content to cable on-demand boxes isn't sitting well with Rebecca Greenfield of the Atlantic , who reads the report thusly: "The streaming service 'of the future' would join forces with the established companies we'd hoped it would help us get...

Netflix Rebounds, Shares Surge

Revenues, subscribers, and share price all up at online video leader

(Newser) - After Netflix's miserable third quarter of 2011—which saw its share price plunge 75% , some 800,000 customers quit , and the Qwikster debacle —the video rental giant reversed much of those losses and posted stronger-than-expected results for the last quarter, reports Reuters . Netflix's revenue jumped 47% to...

Viral Video Says: Diss Iowa at Your Own Peril

Scott Siepker, Paul Benedict school us on Iowa

(Newser) - Thinking about dissing Iowa as a state with a bunch of hillbillies whose opinions don't really matter? Think again. A new, pleasantly aggressive video created by Iowans Scott Siepker and Paul Benedict reminds us that Iowa was among the first states to legalize gay marriage, boasted the first female...

Louis CK Makes a Cool Million off Web Video

And comedian is giving more than half of that to charities, employees

(Newser) - The wild success story of Louis CK and his self-produced comedy album gets even wilder : The album, available via his website for just $5, sold 200,000 copies as of Tuesday, grossing the comedian a cool million ... in just 12 days. A quarter of that money will go to the...

Louis CK Makes $200K in 4 Days on Web Video

Comic bypasses studio and sells concert from his website

(Newser) - Comedian Louis CK has scored nice profits by taping, producing, and distributing his stand-up special by himself and without the help of a network or studio. In what he calls an "experiment" to cut out the middlemen and keep prices low, CK hired a camera team to tape two...

Rick Perry Ad Inspires Wave of Parodies

Atheists, rabbis, National Lampoon ridicule 'Strong' spot

(Newser) - If all press is good press, then Rick Perry's in luck. His "Strong" campaign ad — now the most-"disliked" campaign video on YouTube—certainly has people talking. Its message about gays in the military, prayer in schools, and the "War on Christmas" has inspired a wealth...

Verizon Plans Netflix Rival

Could be available sometime next year

(Newser) - As if Netflix's year hasn't been tough enough. The streaming movie company may soon face a new rival in the form of a Verizon online video service, Reuters reports. The service would be available to 85 million households outside Verizon's current FIOS broadband and cable markets, and...

Netflix Won't Die, It Just Won't Rule the World

The streaming video service will be fine, it just won't rule the world

(Newser) - Yes, its stock has plunged 70% since July , and yes, it has shed 800,000 subscribers , but Netflix isn’t doomed, writes Holman Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal —it’s just not going to rule the world, either. The problem isn’t so much that people loved their...

Netflix Stock Tumbles 35%

 Netflix Stock Tumbles 35% 

Netflix Stock Tumbles 35%

Aggressive expansion, subscribers' departure add to woes

(Newser) - Amazon’s plunging profits may have Jeff Bezos worried, but he can take solace in the misery of a competitor: Netflix stock dropped a whopping 35% to $77.37 yesterday following some bleak announcements the day before. On Monday, the company said its US subscribers had plummeted and that...

Linda Hamilton: 'Please, Please' Invite Me to Marine Corps Ball (Video)

 Linda Hamilton: 
 'Please, Please' 
 Invite Me to Ball 

Linda Hamilton: 'Please, Please' Invite Me to Ball

In a completely random moment, Terminator star resorts to begging

(Newser) - Today's moment in Marines weirdness: Terminator star Linda Hamilton has turned the tables on the Marines and filmed her own YouTube appeal begging for an invitation to the ball. Hamilton says she cried "all night long" after hearing that Betty White turned down an invitation from Sgt. Ray...

Rebecca Black&#39;s New Vid: See Ya Lata, Haters
 Rebecca Black: 
 See Ya Later, 
new video

Rebecca Black: See Ya Later, Haters

She's back, in new video for 'This Is My Moment'

(Newser) - You can't keep a bad singer down. Rebecca Black, the brunette America has loved to hate since she released "Friday" , is taking out her revenge in a new video for "This Is My Moment." "Were you the one who said I'd be nuthin'?...

Awesome Lady Stomps Beer Thieves' Getaway Car

And her name is ... Monique Lawless

(Newser) - There are so many awesome things about the story of Monique Lawless, who gave chase to three beer thieves at a Houston Walmart on Sunday, that it's difficult to know where to begin. Her name is Lawless, for crying out loud. The first names of the three brothers who...

Circus Elephant Helps Clean Up Joplin

Animal drags ruined vehicles

(Newser) - In tornado-ravaged Joplin, Missouri, a brief moment of whimsy. The Atlantic Wire points to the video below, which shows an elephant helping with clean-up efforts. According to the YouTube user who uploaded the video, the animal is part of the Picadilly Circus, which was scheduled to perform but cancelled after...

Video Captures Joplin Tornado Terror

People scream, cry as they frantically scramble to shelter

(Newser) - NPR points to a terrifying first-person video of the tornado that slammed Joplin last night, killing at least 89 . Though you can’t see much in the recording, the chilling audio gives a good idea of what happened when the tornado hit a convenience store. Customers worry and comfort...

Security Footage Shows Harrowing Airport Tornado

Thanks to early warnings, no one was killed in St. Louis

(Newser) - Miraculously, no one was killed by the Friday night tornado that ripped through the St. Louis airport . But that doesn't make the experience, captured by security cameras and reported by KMOX , any less terrifying. (Hat tip to Gawker for the find.) How is it that—even though 2,...

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