Thai protesters

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Deadly Grenade Attacks Trigger New Thai Chaos

Troops warn protesters time is running out

(Newser) - The stand-off between anti-government Thai demonstrators and counter-demonstrators backed by troops in the heart of Bangkok turned bloody last night as grenade attacks killed 3 people and wounded at least 87. The grenades were launched from close to where Red Shirt anti-government protesters are entrenched, and struck an area where...

Thai Protest Leaders Dodge Dragnet

Red-shirt leaders flee hotel as police move in

(Newser) - The leaders of Thailand's anti-government protests made a dramatic getaway from a Bangkok hotel as riot police closed in today. One of the red-shirt protest chiefs slid down a rope from a balcony to escape, while others were rescued by a mob of protesters, Reuters reports. Government leaders have vowed...

Pressure Mounts on Thai PM as US Issues Travel Warning

Army boss backs early vote; panel slams Abhisit

(Newser) - Thailand's embattled prime minister's downfall may come not from street protests, but from shady dealings with a cement company. The country's election commission has decided that Abhisit Vejjajiva's ruling Democracy party should face prosecution over an undeclared donation from the company, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move means the...

15 Dead as Thai Troops, Red Shirts Clash
 15 Dead as Thai Troops, 
 Red Shirts Clash 

15 Dead as Thai Troops, Red Shirts Clash

Army honcho orders retreat, asks protesters to do same

(Newser) - Thai soldiers and police fought pitched battles with anti-government demonstrators in streets enveloped in tear gas , but troops later retreated and asked protesters to do the same. Fifteen people were killed, including a Japanese journalist, and more than 650 wounded, according to hospital officials. Beleaguered Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva went...

Thai Protesters Storm TV Compound

Closed TV station reopened, police and protesters left peacefully

(Newser) - Thai anti-government protesters today stormed a telecom company compound where authorities had shut down their vital TV channel, as soldiers and riot police failed to hold them back with tear gas and water cannons. The "Red Shirt" protesters then negotiated with police to return People Channel to the air,...

Thais Hurl Buckets of Blood at PM's House

Red-shirted protesters want fresh polls

(Newser) - A day after donating their blood, they hurled it: Anti-government Thai protesters tossed plastic buckets of blood at the residential compound of Thailand's prime minister today, leaving the walls, roof, and ground stained red. Though riot police initially blocked Abhisit Vejjajiva's walled compound, three dozen red-shirted demonstrators were allowed to...

Thais Collect Buckets of Blood—to Hurl in Protest

Red-shirts plan 'blood curse' after election refusal

(Newser) - The streets of Bangkok will run red with blood today if things go as planned for anti-government Thai protesters. Volunteers are lining up to help the movement reach its goal of collecting 1,000 liters of blood, which red-shirted protesters plan to hurl at government offices to curse the country's...

Thai Activist Gets 18 Years for Insulting Monarchy

Thaksin supporter vows to appeal

(Newser) - A supporter of Thailand's exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was sentenced to 18 years in prison for insulting the monarchy in what free speech campaigners describe as a severe attack on political dissent, Reuters reports. The 46-year-old woman was arrested last year after a fiery speech denouncing the 2006...

Thai Protesters Form New Political Party

'Yellow shirts' will contest next election, look to be major force

(Newser) - The yellow-shirted protest movement that brought down two Thai governments voted to become a formal political party yesterday, adding a new force to the country's already volatile political system. The People's Alliance for Democracy, which draws support from the country's middle class and is opposed to exiled PM Thaksin Shinawatra,...

Bangkok Lifts State of Emergency

Anti-government protesters vow to continue struggle

(Newser) - Thailand's prime minister has lifted a state of emergency imposed on Bangkok two weeks ago when violent protests rocked the capital, reports the BBC. Abhisit Vejjajiva said the move was to help reconcile the anti-government red-shirted protesters with their yellow-shirted pro-government rivals. Some protest leaders have been arrested, but others...

Gunmen Attack Thai Protest Leader

Supporters say attack that wounded 'yellow shirt' leaders was politically motivated

(Newser) - The founder of Thailand's "yellow shirt" protest movement that shut down Bangkok airports last year was shot and wounded today in an attack that his supporters called politically motivated. Police say at least two men in a pickup truck ambushed Sondhi Limthongkul's car as he was being driven to...

Thai Protests Break Up
 Thai Protests Break Up 

Thai Protests Break Up

Thaksin supporters end standoff as troops move in

(Newser) - Anti-government protesters have begun to disperse in Bangkok following orders from their leaders, the BBC reports. Thousands of protesters have ended their 3-week siege of the country's seat of government and some protest leaders have surrendered to authorities. After two deaths yesterday, leaders say they urged their followers to leave...

Gunfight Causes First Deaths in Thai Riots

Marketplace fight led to shooting: minister

(Newser) - As political street-fighting rages on in Thailand, a gun battle in a residential area of Bangkok has led to the first two deaths, authorities tell the AP. A government spokesman said the encounter was between anti-government protesters and local residents, who were angry over the continuing demonstrations. More than 100...

Thai Army Battles Protesters

 Thai Army Battles Protesters 

Thai Army Battles Protesters

Dozens injured as troops move to quell Bangkok protests

(Newser) - Dozens of people were injured today as the Thai military moved to crush protests causing chaos in Bangkok. Soldiers opened fire at demonstrators who had taken control of a major junction and set fire to a bus they had commandeered. Most aimed over the protesters' heads but some fired live...

Thais Keep Protesting as Ousted PM Calls for Revolt

(Newser) - Anti-government protesters ignored Thailand’s state of emergency by the thousands today while former PM Thaksin Shinawatra called on them “to come out in revolution,” the New York Times reports. In defiance of a ban on gatherings of more than five people in Bangkok, demonstrators rallied outside the...

State of Emergency Declared in Bangkok

Gov't bans gatherings of more than 5 in capital

(Newser) - Thailand's embattled government, humiliated by demonstrators who shut down a 16-nation Asian summit, declared a state of emergency in the capital today and ordered armored vehicles into the streets to stem a tide of protest across the country. Bands of anti-government protesters roamed Bangkok as the decree was announced. They...

Economy Spurs Renewed Thai Protests

20,000 Thaksin supporters march on PM's office

(Newser) - More than 20,000 supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra surrounded the Thai prime minister's office today to demand the resignation of the government and new elections. The latest mass protest in Bangkok began shortly after the government of PM Abhisit Vejjajiva began doling out $55 checks to millions of Thais to...

Protests Return to Bangkok
 Protests Return to Bangkok 

Protests Return to Bangkok

'Red shirt' demonstrators surround PM's office, demand elections

(Newser) - Protests returned to the streets of Bangkok today, Bloomberg reports, as thousands of supporters of the exiled former PM Thaksin Shinawatra demanded fresh elections. The "red shirt" demonstrators assembled outside the new government's offices but vowed not to occupy it, as the yellow-wearing People's Alliance for Democracy did...

New Protesters Greet Thailand's New Gov't

Thaksin supporters force parliament to suspend proceedings

(Newser) - A different set of anti-government protesters converged on Bankok today, with thousands of red-shirted supporters of exiled PM Thaksin Shinawatra surrounding parliament and forcing lawmakers to postpone their session. The yellow-clad Thaksin opposition had been set to take power after months of demonstrations, reports the New York Times.

Thai Opposition Leader Takes Office as PM

Abhisit confirmed, but special elections may threaten his majority

(Newser) - Abhisit Vejjajiva, the opposition leader of Thailand who lost an election only a year ago, has been confirmed as the country's new prime minister, reports the BBC. The British-born 44-year-old takes power after days of horse-trading among Thailand's political parties, with supporters of the exiled Thaksin Shinawatra allegedly offered cabinet...

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