Michael Bloomberg

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Against All Odds, Bloomberg Got Richer in 2008

New York mayor got wealthier as rest of rich list top 20 got poorer

(Newser) - How does he do it? Last year was so bad for the world's billionaires that a third of them were demoted to mere multi-millionaires but Michael Bloomberg bucked the trend big time by actually increasing his wealth, the New York Daily News reports. The New York mayor, with an estimated...

NYC to Kick Cars Off Broadway
 NYC to Kick Cars Off Broadway 

NYC to Kick Cars Off Broadway

Mayor unveils pedestrian-friendly midtown makeover

(Newser) - New York is turning the Great White Way into the Great Walk Way, the New York Times reports. Mayor Bloomberg announced plans yesterday to turn five blocks of Broadway around Times Square into a pedestrian zone complete with tables and landscaping starting this May. City officials say the plan will...

NYC Wants to Turn Laid-Off Bankers Into Entrepreneurs

Bloomberg unveils $45M program

(Newser) - With the Wall Street mess taking a heavy toll on New York City's economy, Mayor Bloomberg is launching a program to retrain laid-off investment bankers and make the city a mecca for entrepreneurs and foreign financial firms. The city plans to spend $45 million in federal and city money to...

Mayor: Global Warming Could Swamp NYC

Bloomberg calls for city to improve infrastructure ahead of climate disaster

(Newser) - Climate change will make New York City a hotter, wetter, and stormier place in coming decades and sea levels that could rise at least 4 feet may swamp the city, a panel of scientists convened by Mayor Michael Bloomberg warned yesterday. Bloomberg said the city must start preparing evacuation plans...

NY Maple Aroma Mystery Solved

NJ fragrance factory source of mysterious smell

(Newser) - The maple syrup-like smell that pervaded Manhattan at certain times in recent years, puzzling residents and government officials, came from a New Jersey factory, the New York Post reports. After a lengthy investigation, city officials today revealed that the aroma originated at the Frutarom fragrance factory, which produces ester, a...

Groundhog Bites Bloomberg
 Groundhog Bites Bloomberg 

Groundhog Bites Bloomberg

Groundhog bite Mayor Mike Bloomberg

(Newser) - Winter may only last another six weeks, but this is one Groundhog Day that New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg will likely remember for a lot longer. Staten Island's resident groundhog, Chuck, bit Bloomberg on his left index finger during the annual ceremony that predicts the start of spring, the...

Bloomberg Forced to Take Cover in Israel

Missile alert sends NYC mayor scrambling in search of shelter

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had to take a break from expressing solidarity with Israelis threatened by Hamas rockets today after a missile warning sent him and his party scurrying into a bomb shelter. The daylong trip to Israel that included visits to two towns targeted by the Islamic militant...

Caroline Ducked $$$ Disclosure in Schools Job

City exempt Kennedy, but isn't exactly sure why

(Newser) - Unlike other New York City employees—including billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg—Caroline Kennedy skirted the practice of disclosing her finances when working for the city, the New York Times reports. To reduce conflicts of interest, city regulations require high-level staff to file disclosures, and that would include Kennedy, who ran...

Caretaker Senator? Bill Clinton, Mario Possible

(Newser) - Sen. Bill Clinton? Sen. Mario Cuomo? Don't rule it out. The former president and the former New York governor are among several big names being considered as possible "caretakers" for New York's Senate seat—people who would serve until the 2010 elections but wouldn't run to keep the job....

Bloomberg: Um, Lay Off Caroline, You Know?

Hizzoner empathizes with Kennedy's speech issues

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy’s speech has been, um, you know, attacked mercilessly in recent days, but Michael Bloomberg says that’s because Kennedy is unfairly scrutinized more than other, you know, candidates. “Caroline Kennedy isn’t just your average person, so people may be a little more critical,” the...

All New York Will Feel Wall Street's Pain

Mayor rolls out plans to hike taxes, cut services and ax 20,000 city jobs

(Newser) - All American cities are facing budget shortfalls because of the recession, but Wall Street's meltdown has decimated New York City's tax base, Michael Bloomberg said yesterday in announcing plans to slash 20,000 city jobs, cut services and raise taxes.  The aim is to reduce an expected $4 billion...

Clintons to Lead NYC New Year's Countdown

Clintons will join Bloomberg for ceremonial ball drop

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will get a raucous sendoff from her adopted hometown New Year's Eve, when the New York senator is slated to join hubby Bill and Mayor Michael Bloomberg as they push the ceremonial button to signal the descent of Times Square's iconic ball, Reuters reports. That begins the 60-second...

Caroline: My Celebrity Will Work for NY

'Forceful but elusive' candidate says recession has hurt her

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy continued her media blitz today, asserting in a sit-down interview with the New York Times that she is the best candidate for the Senate and that she could use her celebrity to draw attention to state issues. She remained vague, however, on many specifics, including her personal finances....

Kennedy's Senate Push Irks NY Democrats

Gov. Paterson put off by inevitability talk, her Bloomberg ties

(Newser) - Many New York Democrats are getting increasingly annoyed with Caroline Kennedy’s push to be senator—most notably Gov. David Paterson, the man who’d have to give her the job, the New York Times reports. Paterson advisers say he’s frustrated Kennedy’s handlers are treating the appointment as...

Bloomberg Hires Clinton Flack
Bloomberg Hires Clinton Flack

Bloomberg Hires Clinton Flack

Wolfson to work on what's expected to be a tougher reelection bid than last time

(Newser) - Top Hillary Clinton campaign strategist Howard Wolfson is taking a job managing the media for New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s re-reelection effort, reports the New York Times. Bloomberg can probably expect a tougher fight than last time, thanks to his successful attempt to extend his term limits and the...

Bloomberg to NY Guv: Stop Stalling and Name Senator

Kennedy ally slams scrutiny, says process 'out of control'

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pushing Gov. David Paterson to speed up his Senate appointment, the Daily News reports. “The governor should make a decision reasonably quickly because this is just getting out of control,” said the ally of Caroline Kennedy. “Everybody’s focusing on the...

Bloomberg Aide's Push for Caroline Sparks Ire

Fix is in for political nobility, grumble Dems

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's right-hand man is twisting arms in support of Caroline Kennedy's Senate bid, and some Democrats are miffed about it, the New York Times reports. Bloomberg has stressed that strategist Michael Sheekey is acting as a private citizen but annoyed lawmakers see the mayor's fingerprints all...

Errors Apparent: 2008's Worst Predictions

magazine recalls year's worst punditry

(Newser) - Presidential candidate Bloomberg? Nope. Russia invading the Ukraine? Hardly. Foreign Policy takes a look back at the worst predictions of the year:
  • A stabilized banking system: Shortly after Henry Paulson forecast stability on Wall Street, Citigroup’s stock price dropped 75% and closed below $5 for the first time since

Irate Bloomberg: Throw the Book at Plax

Mayor, NYPD upset by cover-up after accidental shooting of Giants receiver

(Newser) - Mayor Michael Bloomberg is furious at the Plaxico Burress cover-up, the New York Post reports. Bloomberg demanded the Giants receiver get no special treatment for allegedly carrying an illegal handgun, and said anything less than the 3½-year minimum sentence would be “a sham, a mockery.” He recommended...

Hospital Failed to Report Plaxico Gunshot to Cops

Probe widens in aftermath of self-inflicted wound

(Newser) - The New York City hospital where Giants star Plaxico Burress was treated after accidentally shooting himself in the leg failed to notify authorities about the gunshot wound, reports the New York Times. State law requires officials to report gunshot wounds to the police. An employee at the hospital, New York-Presbyterian/Weill...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>