Michael Bloomberg

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Obama Eyes Bloomberg as Treasury Secretary

Prez wooing New York City mayor, say sources

(Newser) - President Obama might be looking to replace oft-criticized Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner…with Mayor Michael Bloomberg. (This particular political rumor courtesy of the New York Post ’s Page Six, so take it with a grain or two of salt.) “Obama's looking to do something bold and credible...

34 US Billionaires Pledge Half Their Money to Charity

Michael Bloomberg, Barry Diller, Larry Ellison among them

(Newser) - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have convinced 34 more billionaires to sign onto their “Giving Pledge” initiative , promising to give away at least half their money to charity. The list includes the likes of Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, Barry Diller, Larry Ellison, and T. Boone Pickens, Reuters reports. “...

Bloomberg Blasts Palin's Mosque Tweets

Or should we say he 'refudiates' them?

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was drawn into a war of words with Sarah Palin today, after one of his aides responded harshly to Sarah Palin’s bumbling tweets about the mosque being built near Ground Zero. In response to Palin’s last tweet—“Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is...

Bloomberg Enters Fight on Immigration

Be tough on illegals, but help legal immigrants get here

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg is jumping into the immigration debate, arguing for a policy that makes it easier for legal immigrants to enter the country and the workforce, but harder for illegal ones to do so. Hizzoner will announce a coalition of mayors and business leaders backing his push today, the Wall ...

Bloomberg Defends BP CEO

Hayward 'didn't exactly blow up the well,' NYC mayor says

(Newser) - BP CEO Tony Hayward is one of the least popular men in America right now, but he has at least one supporter: Mike Bloomberg, the New York Daily News reports. HIzzoner says critics should remember that "the guy that runs BP didn't exactly go down there and blow up...

Cops Find Owner of Explosives-Laden SUV

But he's not considered a suspect in the bombing

(Newser) - Police have found the owner of the black Nissan SUV that was found filled with explosives in Time Square on Saturday, but after speaking with him, they have ruled him out as a suspect. Still, the discovery is considered a significant breakthrough, and authorities remain optimistic, the New York Times...

Car Bomb Scares Times Square, Fails to Explode

Smoking vehicle with crude bomb doesn't detonate

(Newser) - Police found an "amateurish" but potentially powerful bomb that began to detonate last night but failed to explode in a smoking sport utility vehicle in Times Square. Thousands of tourists were cleared from the streets for 10 hours while the bomb was dismantled. "We avoided what could have...

Bloomberg Hires Rattner to Manage Money

Pariah/ex-car czar is under investigation in pay-to-play case

(Newser) - Steven Rattner doesn't have a ton of friends these days, but Michael Bloomberg is apparently one of them. New York's mayor has hired Rattner to manage his fortune and his philanthropic foundation, sources tell the New York Times , despite the kickback accusations swirling around him. Rattner, who briefly served as...

Bloomberg's Galpal Eyes Gillibrand's Seat

Diana Taylor well-qualified, has the clout

(Newser) - It appears pretty much everyone in New York thinks Kirsten Gillibrand's Senate seat is there for the taking—the latest in the long line of would-be contenders is Mayor Mike Bloomberg's longtime girlfriend, former state banking superintendent Diana Taylor. "She was asked to consider it," a Republican insider...

America's Top Philanthropists

Annual list tracks most generous of 2009; Bill and Melinda Gates are 3rd

(Newser) - The recession took a bite out of charitable giving last year, but some very wealthy, very generous people kept their checkbooks open. Slate delivers its annual list of the 60 biggest donors in the country, who together came up with $4.2 billion in new commitments to charity last year....

White House Wants Justice to Consider Moving Terror Trials

Change follows further criticism from NY pols in 9/11 case

(Newser) - In an about-face a day after New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined those opposed to trying 9/11 terror suspects in a lower Manhattan court, the White House yesterday asked the Justice Department to consider alternate venues, the New York Times reports. President Obama is said to continue to support Attorney...

Bloomberg Wants Terror Trial Moved

Mayor cites cost, disruption to downtown life

(Newser) - Count Mayor Bloomberg among those who don't want the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to take place in Manhattan. “It would be great if the federal government could find a site that didn’t cost a billion dollars, which using downtown will,” he said, in what the New ...

Ford Defies Obama, Confirms Senate Run
 Ford Defies Obama, Confirms 
 Senate Run 

Ford Defies Obama, Confirms Senate Run

But White House is backing Kirsten Gillibrand

(Newser) - Harold Ford Jr. is running for Senate in New York, he sort of announced today—but it's without support from the White House. In a column in today’s New York Post titled “Ford: I’m Gearing up for Senate Race,” Ford says he’s “strongly considering,...

On His Way Out, Manhattan DA Zings Bloomberg

Robert Morgenthau, 90, leaves office this week

(Newser) - In 35 years as Manhattan DA, Robert Morgenthau has gotten along with every mayor of New York—except the current one. Mike Bloomberg, says Morgenthau, "doesn't want anybody around who doesn't kiss his ring, or other parts of his body." In a wide-ranging interview with the Wall Street ...

Bloomberg Spent $102M to Win 3rd Term

NYC mayor shatters record for spending own cash on campaign

(Newser) - New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg spent a whopping $102 million—$174 per vote—to narrowly win a third term in office this month, according to figures released last night. The billionaire broke his own record for the most expensive self-financed campaign in American history, the New York Times reports.

Votes Weren't About Obama

Votes Weren't About Obama

Prez shouldn't lose sleep over defeated lackluster Dems

(Newser) - if the votes in New Jersey and Virginia were a referendum on President Obama, then Ohio's vote for casinos must have been a referendum on health care reform and Cincinatti's public transit vote a rejection of cash-for-clunkers, smirks Gail Collins. Nearly all of Tuesday's results are being portrayed as blows...

Bloomberg Squeaker Embarrasses Obama, Dems

Many bemoan tepid support of Thompson

(Newser) - No one thought Bill Thompson had a prayer against Michael Bloomberg—no one, that is, except voters. Bloomberg did indeed win yesterday, but it was a moral defeat for the mayor, who spent $90 million and won by just 5%. And it’s an even bigger embarrassment for Democrats, who...

Blame Weak Candidates, Not Obama
 Blame Weak 
 Not Obama 
Nate Silver

Blame Weak Candidates, Not Obama

Polling guru gives a post-mortem on last night's elections

(Newser) - The numbers are in, now it's time to make sense of them. Nate Silver breaks down last night's election results:
  • Don’t blame Obama; Creigh Deeds and Jon Corzine were probably just weak candidates. In New Jersey, 57% of voters approved of Obama, but 27% of those supporters voted Republican

Bloomberg Wins 3rd NYC Term
 Bloomberg Wins 3rd NYC Term 

Bloomberg Wins 3rd NYC Term

$100 million of own money keeps independent on top

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg has won a third term tonight as New York’ mayor, outdistancing Democrat William Thompson in a race that saw the incumbent spend an estimated $100 million of his personal fortune—the largest sum in US history. Bloomberg won by nearly 20% in 2005, but early returns showed his...

Bloomberg Campaign Spending 'Off the Charts'
 'Off the Charts' 
it's good to be the king

Bloomberg Campaign Spending 'Off the Charts'

Mayor has doled out a record $85M, could hit $140M

(Newser) - Billionaire Michael Bloomberg has spent a record $85 million of his own money on his re-election campaign in New York, and the figure could reach $140 million before it's over. His nearest opponent has managed $6 million. The New York Times figures Bloomberg's total for his three mayoral campaigns will...

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