personal information

8 Stories

For $10K, They Got Sensitive Data on 50K Service Members

Researchers highlight potential for blackmail through sale of data for cheap

(Newser) - Personal information about active-duty US service members, from their net worth to the names of their children, is easy to buy online for as little as 12 cents per member, according to a new study. As former CIA officer Jeff Asher tells NBC News , "information on people that you...

Google Plus Will Be No More Sooner Than Expected

Privacy concerns are behind the change

(Newser) - Google is still having trouble protecting the personal information on its Plus service, prodding the company to accelerate its plans to shut down a little-used social network created to compete against Facebook. A privacy flaw that inadvertently exposed the names, email addresses, ages and other personal information of 52.5...

Personal Info Stolen From 15M T-Mobile Customers

Hack apparently did not affect payment card or banking info

(Newser) - Hackers have stolen personal information belonging to about 15 million T-Mobile wireless customers, including Social Security numbers, home addresses, birthdates, and other personal information. The hackers got the information from credit reporting agency Experian, which T-Mobile uses to check the credit of its customers. Experian said T-Mobile customers who applied...

Why a Crazy Amount of Drugs Just Flooded Baltimore's Streets

Enough drugs out there to keep city 'intoxicated for a year': commissioner

(Newser) - The unrest in Baltimore that took place in late April after the death of Freddie Gray veered into violence and looting , and some of the effects of that are just now being made clear. The Baltimore Sun reports "an extraordinary amount" of drugs were taken from 27 of the...

How Much Money You Got? Sites Broach Taboo Topic

It's easier than ever to see how we stack up with others

(Newser) - You probably don't know Joey Kincer of San Juan Capistrano, California, but if you read the New York Times Magazine this weekend, you'll learn he makes $65,000 a year as a web developer and has a net worth of $201,000 (above the national median but about even with...

Privacy Groups Complain to FTC About Facebook

Online advocates want new policies rolled back

(Newser) - Facebook's new privacy settings are the subject of a complaint filed to the FTC. The social-networking site's latest revamp makes it harder to shield information and photos from the general Facebook public. That hasn't sat well with 10 privacy groups, who filed the complaint in order to compel the site...

FBI Database Tracks Hotel Reservations, Car Rentals

(Newser) - Big Brother alert: A data-mining system set up by the FBI ostensibly to catch terrorists is quickly growing into a database that tracks the comings and goings of ordinary citizens. The database has tens of thousands of records from private corporations, including some Wyndham hotel reservations, Avis car rentals, and...

Test Prep Firm Accidentally Publishes Student Data

Info for tens of thousands of Fla., Va. pupils available online for 7 weeks

(Newser) - An error in the Princeton Review’s website left personal information and standardized test scores for tens of thousands of students exposed on the internet for 7 weeks, the New York Times reports after a rival test-prep firm informed the newspaper. Data on 34,000 students from Sarasota, Fla., and...

8 Stories
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