Colorado River

16 Stories

Search for Grand Canyon Raft Rider Has Tragic End

Thomas Robison disappeared on journey with dog on a homemade raft

(Newser) - The search for a man believed to have tried to navigate the Grand Canyon with his dog in a homemade raft has come to a tragic end. In a news release, the National Park Service said a body believed to be that of 58-year-old New Mexico man Thomas Lee Robison...

States Reach Historic Deal to Save Colorado River

California, Arizona, and Nevada will cut back on water to keep it from running dry

(Newser) - States along the Colorado River have finally struck a deal to keep the vital waterway from running dry in the West, reports the New York Times . The shorthand version of the complicated arrangement is that California, Arizona, and Nevada will reduce by 13% the amount of water they pull from...

US Outlines Options to Reduce Use of Colorado River

States, tribes have until May 30 to comment

(Newser) - The Biden administration released an environmental analysis Tuesday that outlined two ways that seven Western states and tribes reliant on the overtapped Colorado River could cut their use, but declined to publicly take a side on the best option, the AP reports. One option would be more beneficial to California...

6 States Agree on Colorado River Cuts

California is the only holdout

(Newser) - Six Western states that rely on water from the Colorado River have agreed on a model to dramatically cut water use in the basin, months after the federal government called for action and an initial deadline passed. California—with the largest allocation of water from the river—is the lone...

Colorado River Crisis Spurs Move to 'Tier 2'

A Tier 1 shortage was declared last year

(Newser) - After 22 straight years of drought, the Colorado River's flow is in increasingly bad shape—and two of the seven states that rely on its water are going to have to make more cuts. Last year, a Tier 1 shortage was declared on the river for the first time,...

A Teen Was Dozing on His Camping Trip. Enter the Bear

Sleeping 13-year-old bitten on face during attack by small bear

(Newser) - A camping trip near Moab turned into a frightening experience for a young teen Friday when a bear went after him while he was sleeping and bit his face. CNN reports the attack took place at the Dewey Bridge Campground, located on the banks of the Colorado River, around dawn....

On Crowded Colo. River, 4 Missing After Boats Collide

Search resumes Monday morning

(Newser) - Four people are missing after two boats crashed on the Colorado River, reports the AP , ejecting more than a dozen people who were on board. The Mohave County Sheriff's Office said Sunday that a boat carrying 10 people and another vessel with six people on board collided head-on after...

Guy Steals Skeletons to 'Get Back' at Sheriff's Deputy

Martin Sholl wanted some recognition for his find

(Newser) - A diver who felt he didn't get his fair share of the credit for discovering two fake skeletons sitting in lawn chairs at the bottom of the Colorado River has removed them from their watery grave. Martin Sholl says he spotted the skeletons, adorned in sunglasses, flip-flops, a bikini...

Islands Appearing in the Southwest—Ominously
Islands Appearing in the Southwest—Ominously
in case you missed it

Islands Appearing in the Southwest—Ominously

Lake Powell and Lake Mead are in rough shape

(Newser) - New islands are being born along the border of Arizona and Utah. That's an ominous thing, reports the Guardian in a look at Lake Powell, the country's second-biggest reservoir. Due to dwindling snow falls in the Rockies—which has spurred a crisis for the Colorado River, which feeds...

Couple Admits Planting Goofy Skeletons in River

Sheriff's office is laughing about it, so no charges will follow

(Newser) - A Phoenix couple has claimed responsibility for putting two fake skeletons sitting in lawn chairs in the Colorado River in far west Arizona. Today's News-Herald reports the husband and wife approached the La Paz County Sheriff's Office earlier this week a little apprehensively and brought a photo as...

Skeleton 'Tea Party' Found in Colorado River

Thankfully the skeletons are plastic

(Newser) - A man snorkeling in the Colorado River received quite the fright on Monday when he spotted what he thought were human remains about 40 feet below the surface near the Arizona-California border. With a little investigating, however, a diver with the Buckskin Fire Department uncovered a scene much more comical...

Colorado River Reunites With Sea
 Colorado River  
 Reunites With Sea 
in case you missed it

Colorado River Reunites With Sea

Experiment restores natural path for first time in years

(Newser) - The Colorado River has been reunited with an old friend—the sea. Thanks to an agreement between the US and Mexico, water from the river has reached the Sea of Cortez in northwestern Mexico for the first time since either 1998 (according to National Geographic ) or 1993 (according to...

70M Years Old? No, Grand Canyon Mostly Just a Kid

Much of it is just 5M years old, geologists find

(Newser) - The Grand Canyon is nowhere near the grand old age of 70 million years that earlier studies claimed, according to new research. "The Colorado River found a path and carved the entire canyon 5 (million) to 6 million years ago," says a geologist who used data measuring the...

You Can Go Kayaking... on Your Las Vegas Trip
You Can Go Kayaking...
on Your Las Vegas Trip

You Can Go Kayaking... on Your Las Vegas Trip

Or, if you'd rather, experience arts and culture downtown

(Newser) - If your weekend in Las Vegas left you a bit hungover and in need of healthier pursuits, good news: You can get picked up at your hotel and whisked 30 miles away to kayak the Colorado River on an overnight Black Canyon "float trip" near the Hoover Dam, the...

World's Rivers Running Low: Study

(Newser) - The world’s rivers are drying up as climate change worsens and the demand for water increases, the BBC reports. Researchers studying 925 major waterways—from the Ganges to the Colorado—found significantly less fresh water flowing into oceans in 2004 than 50 years earlier. If the trend continues, the...

Hundreds Plucked From Grand Canyon Flood

Campers caught as dam breaks

(Newser) - Hundreds of tourists, along with members of the Havasupai Native American tribe, were rescued from the Grand Canyon today after a dam broke causing serious flooding. About 300 people were rescued by helicopter over a 10-hour period after the Redlands Dam, south of the village of Supai, and 220 miles...

16 Stories
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