concealed weapons

14 Stories

Next on NYPD's Radar: Trump's Gun License

Felons in New York, Florida can't possess firearms; NYPD reportedly seeking to revoke Trump's license

(Newser) - As a convicted felon, Donald Trump is no longer legally allowed to own a firearm, under both federal law and state law in New York and Florida. Now, the NYPD is reportedly looking to lock that down. A senior police official tells CNN that the police department is getting ready...

Girl, 11, Brings AR-15 to Gun Law Hearing

'She's been shooting since she was 5 years old,' grandfather tells committee

(Newser) - An 11-year-old girl toting a loaded AR-15 assault weapon appeared Monday at a legislative hearing with her grandfather, who is supporting a proposal that would allow visitors to Idaho who can legally possess firearms to carry a concealed handgun within city limits. Charles Nielsen addressed the committee that voted to...

Florida Failed on Background Checks for an Entire Year

All concealed weapon permits were approved for over 12 months

(Newser) - Florida failed to perform national background checks on thousands of applications for concealed-weapon permits for over a year, the Tampa Bay Times reports. According to a year-old state investigation , in February 2016 the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services stopped using a national database to approve such applications. The...

Hack Exposes Florida Owners of Concealed Guns

About 16K of those with permits may have been compromised

(Newser) - Thousands of people who carry concealed weapons in Florida just got some bad news: Hackers broke into the state registry and may have gotten information about them, reports WBBH . The news is worst for 469 of those affected: They received notices that their Social Security numbers may now be vulnerable....

Jerry Falwell, Jr: Armed Students Can 'End Those Muslims'

Liberty University president has advice at school convocation

(Newser) - "Is it illegal to pull it out?" said Jerry Falwell Jr with a chuckle. "I don’t know." The president of Liberty University was speaking at a school convocation Friday about the apparent gun in his back pocket and the idea that students carry concealed weapons on...

NRA Is Training National Guard on Use of Firearms

Indiana enlists group for concealed-weapons class after attacks in Tennessee

(Newser) - The NRA has been instructing Indiana's National Guard members on how to use concealed weapons after the governor directed the state's military bases and training centers to beef up security in response to attacks in Tennessee . According to a survey by the Associated Press, Indiana is the only...

Fired for Carrying Gun, Wells Fargo Manager Sues

Ivette Ros says she needed it to protect her employees

(Newser) - Don't get between Ivette Ros and her 9mm, or she'll slap you with a lawsuit. That's what Wells Fargo Bank learned when it fired Ros from her position as manager in the rural city of Oldsmar, Fla., the Tampa Tribune reports. Ros said she liked carrying her...

NC Lawmakers OK Guns on Playgrounds, in Bars

Concealed handgun permit holders poised to get expanded rights

(Newser) - So long as Gov. Pat McCrory puts his pen to it, a bill allowing North Carolina residents to carry concealed handguns into bars and on playgrounds will soon be law, reports the AP . The Republican-backed bill was approved by both the House and Senate yesterday, and would give concealed-carry permit...

Concealed Weapons Now Legal in All 50 States

Appeals court strikes down Illinois' ban on concealed carry

(Newser) - Gun-rights groups scored a major victory today: Illinois had been the last state where carrying concealed weapons was completely illegal, but a federal appeals court struck down that ban today. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has given state lawmakers 180 days to write a law legalizing concealed carry, reports...

Colbert: Gun Fashion Means Fear Everyone

'Concealed-carry clothing' means you should be scared of anyone wearing clothes

(Newser) - Now that 37 states allow concealed-carry permits, many gun owners face a serious dilemma: How to carry their weapons without sacrificing their fashion sense? Fortunately, clothing makers have blessed us with " concealed-carry clothing ," which a very excited Stephen Colbert discussed last night . "Finally: The handgun meets the...

California Lawmakers Want Right to Pack Heat Now

Measure would let elected officials carry concealed weapons

(Newser) - California state legislators are demanding that laws be eased to allow them to carry concealed weapons because they say their lives are in danger. Under state law, anyone who wants to carry a concealed handgun must apply for a permit and make an argument that they need it for protection....

Praise the Lord and Pass the Pistols
 Praise the Lord 
 and Pass the Pistols 

Praise the Lord and Pass the Pistols

But pastor must tell others about 'security force'

(Newser) - Now you can go to church packing heat—as long as you do in Louisiana. GOP Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed into law the controversial "Gun-in-Church" bill that authorizes people after 8 hours of safety training to carry concealed weapons into any house of worship (including mosques) as part...

Obama Presidency a Surprise Boon to Gun Owners

States loosen laws as expected gun control push fails to arrive

(Newser) - New laws allowing weapons in bars, national parks and Amtrak trains were probably the last thing gun-rights advocates would have expected from the Obama administration. But that's exactly what's happened, as the president stays largely silent on the gun issue while states bracing for a pro-gun-control agenda from Washington rush...

Texas Teachers Allowed to Carry Guns

(Newser) - A tiny school district in Texas will allow its teachers to bring guns to class this fall in what may be the first such move in the nation, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports. The district says the move will deter school shootings or help teachers defend students if one occurs....

14 Stories