brain tumor

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Father Credits Facebook for Helping Discover Brain Tumor

He insisted on brain scan after reading posts describing similar symptoms

(Newser) - Welsh father of two Tom Walker considers himself "extremely lucky" that he happened to stumble upon two stories of Facebook friends with symptoms strikingly similar to his own. His doctor had chalked up his spotty vision and dizziness to vertigo, but it turns out he had a more than...

Woman Dies of Cancer Day Before Her Wedding

Anna Swabey was given three years to live, then she met the one

(Newser) - A 25-year-old woman diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor in January 2015 died Friday, one day before her wedding, People reports. A month after being given three years to live, Swabey joined Tinder, where she met Andy Bell. She told Marie Claire she disclosed she was going to die to...

Study Sees Link Between Cellphones, Cancer, but 'Far From Definitive'

Whether it's a harbinger or hype remains to be seen

(Newser) - The concern that cellphones may lead to cancer has been bounced around for years—and partial results from a $25 million government study purport to have found such a link, though with major caveats, the Wall Street Journal reports. Per the so-far results of the multiyear National Toxicology Program study...

'Starving Obese' Girl Battles Yet Another Foe

But Alex Shapiro, 13, finds new radiation treatment

(Newser) - A Texas girl who's been fighting uncontrollable hunger linked to brain-tumor surgery recently got bad news: Her tumor is back. A routine MRI spotted the regrowth in Alexis Shapiro, 13, in October, People reports. "She pulled her shirt up over her mouth, eyes watering, and said, 'I...

Scientists Might've Just Revolutionized Brain Medicine

Canadian scientists breach blood-brain barrier for first time

(Newser) - Inside your head, there's something called the blood-brain barrier—a natural defense system that keeps germs in your bloodstream from entering your brain. While it's great when it comes to preventing bacterial infections, the barrier makes treating some brain diseases impossible, since it prevents drugs from reaching the...

Girl Almost Drowns, Then Docs Discover Tumor

Emily Thomas was having increasingly violent seizures

(Newser) - In June 2014, Emily Thomas dipped under the water one more time as her family finished swimming, when she had a seizure. Seeing her body float to the surface, her parents performed CPR and, two minutes later, got her heart beating again. But when doctors performed an MRI scan at...

Some Brain Cancers Grow When Patients Think
Some Brain Cancers Grow When Patients Think
new study

Some Brain Cancers Grow When Patients Think

Active neurons actually promote the growth of high-grade gliomas

(Newser) - Thoughts can be deadly. So posits new research published this week in the journal Cell investigating the link between brain activity and tumor growth. Specifically, researchers at Stanford found that activity in the cerebral cortex promoted the growth of high-grade gliomas; they account for four out of every five malignant...

Brain Surgery Uncovers Woman's 'Evil Twin'

'Tumor' turned out to have hair, bone, and teeth

(Newser) - A PhD student who was having a lot of trouble concentrating discovered she had something strange on her mind—an embryonic twin complete with hair, bone, and teeth. A surgeon made the disturbing find when he reached into the brain of 26-year-old Yamini Karanam to extract what was thought to...

The Inspirational Lauren Hill Dies After Cancer Battle

19-year-old who played for Mount St. Joseph died today

(Newser) - Lauren Hill, the terminally ill Mount St. Joseph basketball player for whom the NCAA moved up her school's season opener , died today at the age of 19, the AP reports. Brooke Desserich, the co-founder of Hill's The Cure Starts Now nonprofit, tells the news agency Hill died in...

NCAA Moves Up Season Opener for Dying Player

Mount St. Joseph's Lauren Hill has brain tumor

(Newser) - The NCAA normally doesn't let its teams open their seasons in early November, but Cincinnati's Mount St. Joseph will do so against Hiram College on Nov. 2, reports the AP . The reason for the exception? No. 22. That would be the Mount's 19-year-old Lauren Hill, who has...

Romneys Opening Center to Fight Brain Disease

Will focus on Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and other ailments with no cure

(Newser) - Their legacy already established in politics, Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, are working to leave a lasting mark on neuroscience. Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital today will announce the launch of the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, a venture funded by the Romneys and their expansive...

10-Year-Old Goldfish Undergoes Brain Surgery

'Fiddly' procedure gives fish new lease on life

(Newser) - In the hands of a less skilled surgeon, the patient could have ended up being flushed: After a 45-minute operation that a veterinarian in Melbourne, Australia, describes as "fiddly," a life-threatening brain tumor was removed from a goldfish named George last week, the BBC reports. On its Facebook...

Cops: Parents Took Ailing Boy From Hospital

Britain's Ashya King has brain tumor, was last seen in France

(Newser) - Police are searching for a 5-year-old British boy with a severe brain tumor whose parents took him out of a British hospital and were last seen in France. The press office for Jehovah's Witnesses said today that Ashya King's parents were followers, but that there was no indication...

How 'Devil-Possessed' Girl Was Cured of Laughing Fits

6-year-old was having gelastic seizures caused by tumor

(Newser) - After being called "spoiled, crazy—even devil-possessed," doctors have figured out the cause of a 6-year-old girl's uncontrollable laughing fits. Though the Bolivian girl's often inappropriate bouts of laughter were presented as a behavioral problem, doctors eventually ordered a brain scan and discovered a small, benign...

Going Missing in Wilderness Saved This Man&#39;s Life
Going Missing in Wilderness Saved This Man's Life
in case you missed it

Going Missing in Wilderness Saved This Man's Life

Says his daughter, who says Dick Sturm wouldn't have seen a doctor otherwise

(Newser) - You would think that the "saved" part would come into play just once in the story of a Longview, Wash., man who survived for five days in below-zero temps in his truck after getting lost on a logging road and sliding into an embankment. Dick Sturm managed to do...

A Child's Bittersweet Birth— 4 Months After Mom's Death

Daniel P. Finney shares the story of Caralyn Yoho

(Newser) - Des Moines Register reporter Daniel P. Finney first brought readers the story of Nate and Laura Yoho in July —a few days after Laura died of brain cancer. This week, he returns to the story of the Yohos, and his piece takes the format of a letter to...

Cell Phone Gave Man a Brain Tumor: Court

Italy's Supreme Court stuns with 'landmark' ruling: newspaper

(Newser) - Italian businessman Innocente Marcolini developed a brain tumor after using his cell phone heavily for 12 years—and Italy's Supreme Court says that his phone is to blame, the Sun reports. Evidence from a respected oncologist and a neurosurgeon convinced the court that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones—and...

Banker Chooses Life Despite Winning Right to Die

Grace Sung Eun Lee won ruling over her devout parents

(Newser) - She won the right to die, but now she apparently wants to live. Grace Sun Eun Lee, a Manhattan banker with an inoperable brain tumor, won a court ruling to die despite the wishes of her highly devout parents—who believe she will go to hell if she chooses death,...

Woman Wins Ruling Over Parents for Right to Die

Grace Sung Eun Lee has begged doctors to turn off life support

(Newser) - A New York state appeals court ruled today that Grace Sung Eun Lee has the right to die, the Daily News reports. The incurably ill Manhattan banker has begged doctors to pull the plug, but her religious parents did their best to stop the request. They even released a video...

UC Davis Docs Punished for Human Experiments

Doctors applied bacteria to open wounds of brain cancer patients

(Newser) - UC Davis has punished an eminent neurosurgeon for experimenting on dying cancer patients without permission from the university—and possibly hastening the deaths of two of them, reports the Sacramento Bee . J. Paul Muizelaar, 65, and his colleague, Rudolph Schrot, 44, say they had permission for their work last fall,...

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