Alzheimer's disease

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Bob Barker's Cause of Death Revealed

'Price Is Right' host died due to Alzheimer's, hypertension, and other conditions

(Newser) - Bob Barker, the longtime host of The Price Is Right, died last month as a result of Alzheimer's disease, according to his death certificate. The document indicates Barker had been living with the disease for "years" but does not go into specifics, People reports. It also cites hypertension...

FDA Makes a Big Move on Alzheimer's Treatment

Drug Leqembi, shown to slow progression, receives full approval

(Newser) - In a move with big implications for Alzheimer's treatment, the FDA on Thursday gave full approval to the first drug shown to slow the disease's progression, though modestly, reports the Washington Post . The drug, called Leqembi and marketed by Eisai and Biogen, received conditional approval back in January....

Jack Hanna&#39;s Wife: He Is &#39;Still in There Somewhere&#39;
Jack Hanna's Wife: He Is
'Still in There Somewhere'
in case you missed it

Jack Hanna's Wife: He Is 'Still in There Somewhere'

Family of renowned wildlife expert speaks about his full-blown Alzheimer's

(Newser) - The symptoms began surfacing around 2017—renowned wildlife expert Jack Hanna would occasionally forget what city he was in on one of his many public outings. He'd lose the thread of conservations, need things repeated, etc. "No way," Hanna said upon being diagnosed with Alzheimer's in...

Research Finds Clues to Spread of Huntington's, Alzheimer's

Finding also could help combat Parkinson's

(Newser) - A finding about the progression of Huntington's disease might inform efforts to prevent its spread through the brain—and help the fight against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, as well. Scientists know that neurodegenerative diseases occur when proteins in the brain fold into an abnormal shape and start to...

Alzheimer's Drug Receives Experts' Support for Approval

Leqembi, which already has conditional OK, costs about as much as Aduhelm

(Newser) - Health advisers on Friday unanimously backed the full approval of a closely watched Alzheimer's drug, a key step toward opening insurance coverage to US seniors with early stages of the brain-robbing disease. The drug, Leqembi, received conditional approval from the Food and Drug Administration in January based on early...

Man&#39;s Brain Mutation Suggests a Way to Treat Alzheimer&#39;s
Alzheimer's Study 'Made
the Hair on My Arms Stand Up'
in case you missed it

Alzheimer's Study 'Made the Hair on My Arms Stand Up'

Man's genetic mutation staved off onset for decades, suggesting a future treatment

(Newser) - In one sense, the study subject's case is grim: He began showing signs of cognitive impairment at 67, developed full-blown dementia at 72, and died two years later, per STAT News . In another sense, his case is remarkable: He should have developed Alzheimer's in his early 40s because...

Researchers Find Less Dementia Among Regular Internet Users

More study is needed, experts say

(Newser) - A new study suggests a mental health benefit of internet use for older people. The research, published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society , which followed 18,154 adults ages 50 to 65 over eight years, found that those who regularly spent time online were less likely to develop...

Patti Davis: Bruce Willis' Diagnosis 'Rips Your Soul Apart'

Ronald Reagan's daughter compares his reveal on Alzheimer's to Willis family's reveal on dementia

(Newser) - Bruce Willis' recently revealed diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, a blanket term for a rare group of disorders caused by progressive nerve cell loss in the brain's frontal lobes, shocked and saddened many. One of those now reacting to the news: Patti Davis, daughter of the late Ronald and Nancy...

This Could Be a &#39;Momentous, Historic&#39; Moment in Fight Against Alzheimer&#39;s
FDA Approves
Early Treatment
Alzheimer's Drug

FDA Approves Early Treatment Alzheimer's Drug

Drug to be sold as Lequembi has safety concerns, however

(Newser) - A drug found to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease received federal approval on Friday for patients dealing with mild impairment. Lecanemab was effective in clinical trials but raised safety concerns, and experts say the benefits are not overwhelming, NBC News reports. Nevertheless, the FDA fast-tracked its approval, not...

Scientists Report Success on Blood Test for Alzheimer's

Study suggests procedure could eliminate the need for brain imaging or painful spinal taps

(Newser) - A new blood test has the potential to make it easier, cheaper, and less painful to diagnose Alzheimer's. Researchers writing in the journal Brain say their test fared well in a study involving 600 patients in picking up a telltale marker of brain neurodegeneration, per a news release . A...

Chris Hemsworth Learns of Health Risk While Making Show

Actor has an increased risk for Alzheimer's, he discovers on 'Limitless'

(Newser) - Chris Hemsworth got an unwanted surprise when participating in the National Geographic series Limitless on Disney+. Blood tests revealed that the then-37-year-old Thor star has roughly 10 times the average risk of developing Alzheimer's because both his parents have a gene known as APOE4. "It was initially pretty...

Dementia Clues Appear Almost a Decade Before Diagnosis
Dementia Clues Appear
Almost a Decade
Before Diagnosis
in case you missed it

Dementia Clues Appear Almost a Decade Before Diagnosis

Individuals showing signs of cognitive impairment could be key in treatment trials

(Newser) - Memory loss and cognitive impairment may be detectable up to nine years before an official dementia diagnosis, according to research offering some hope for early intervention. Alzheimer's and dementia are hard to treat, as diagnosis usually comes after symptoms appear, at which point it may be too late to...

After Aduhelm Debacle, New Alzheimer's Drug Emerges

Biogen, partner Eisai: Clinical trial for lecanemab shows promising 27% slowing of cognitive decline

(Newser) - Last year, the FDA approved aducanumab , marketed as Aduhelm , a controversial drug made by Biogen and its Japanese partner Eisai to treat Alzheimer's. Things didn't go well, though, with expert opposition to the costly medication and a final death blow to its place in the market after Medicare...

Suggestions of Fraud Rattle Alzheimer's Research Field

Investigation casts doubt on fundamental work from 2006

(Newser) - In the world of Alzheimer's research, it's a bombshell. A new investigation has raised allegations that landmark research conducted in 2006 was fabricated, reports NBC News . The journal Science is out with a report that casts serious doubt on the work of Sylvain Lesne of the University of...

Young Spinal Fluid Improves Memory in Older Mice
Fight Against Aging
Enters a 'Whole New Era'

Fight Against Aging Enters a 'Whole New Era'

Young spinal fluid is seen to improve memory in older mice, per new research

(Newser) - Researchers are heralding "a whole new era" in the search for Alzheimer's treatments, with a new study suggesting those treatments don't necessarily need to address damage in the brain. Tony Wyss-Coray of Stanford University previously showed infusions of blood from younger animals could reverse the effects of...

&#39;Vicious Cycle&#39; Involves Napping, Cognitive Decline
'Vicious Cycle' Involves
Napping, Alzheimer's

'Vicious Cycle' Involves Napping, Alzheimer's

Study suggests excessive daytime napping is associated with greater risk for the disease among older adults

(Newser) - Older adults who suddenly find themselves napping longer and more frequently during the day might want to have their brains checked. That's according to researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital who explored a link between excessive daytime napping and Alzheimer's disease. They analyzed the duration and frequency...

Medicare Makes Big Decision on New Alzheimer's Drug

For now, it will limit Aduhelm coverage to those involved in a clinical trial

(Newser) - Medicare said Tuesday it will limit coverage of a $28,000-a-year Alzheimer’s drug whose benefits have been widely questioned , a major development in the nation’s tug-of-war over the fair value of new medicines that offer tantalizing possibilities but come with prohibitive prices. The initial determination from the Centers...

Maker Cuts Price of Alzheimer's Drug in Half

The medication wasn't catching on at more than $50K per year, Biogen says

(Newser) - Biogen is slashing the price of its Alzheimer's treatment in half, months after it debuted to widespread criticism over an initial cost that could reach $56,000 annually. The drugmaker said Monday that it will cut the wholesale acquisition cost of the drug by about 50% next month. That...

Death Raises New Concern Over Alzheimer's Drug

Critics say Aduhelm approval was rushed

(Newser) - Aduhelm, the Alzheimer’s drug approved this summer in a process that led some FDA advisers to quit , is the subject of new controversy. A 75-year-old woman in Canada participating in a clinical trial died in September after going to the hospital for a seizure, the New York Times reports....

Alzheimer's Vaccine Delivered via the Nose to Be Tested

The vaccine is intended to both prevent Alzheimer's and slow its progress

(Newser) - Dr. Howard Weiner has spent 20 years on research leading up to this moment: the "landmark first human trial" of an Alzheimer's disease nasal vaccine. Sixteen people ranging in age from 60 to 85 will get two doses over the course of two weeks at the Ann Romney...

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