
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Trump Will Treat You to the Benghazi Movie Tonight

If you live in Iowa and are somehow able to RSVP

(Newser) - Moviegoers in Urbandale, Iowa, can take in the movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi for free Friday night … courtesy of Donald Trump. He's rented out space at the Carmike Cobblestone 9 Theatre and anyone who RSVPs can attend the 6pm showing free. That's an $8...

Bernie Sanders Now Beating Clinton in Iowa

New poll shows him at 49% to her 44%

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders was already leading in New Hampshire polls —but now, a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday shows him beating Hillary Clinton in Iowa, ABC News reports. The poll finds that Sanders has 49% support from likely Democratic Caucus participants, compared to Clinton's 44% and Martin O'Malley'...

Trump's Sleep Preference Sets Him Apart on Campaign Trail

He almost always flies home to sleep in his own NYC bed

(Newser) - While other candidates have made Iowa their home away from home, spending the night in hotels and motels before America's first caucus, Donald Trump has taken a different approach. Trump flies home to Manhattan in one of his private planes or copters so he can snooze in his own...

Meet Kenneth, the Only Guy to Show Up to O'Malley Event

Constituent was only one to brave the elements and show up to Iowa campaign stop

(Newser) - Early winter storms are sweeping across the Midwest , but that didn't stop Martin O'Malley from making a scheduled campaign stop in Tama, Iowa, on Monday, UPI reports. It also didn't deter a bearded constituent IDed simply as Kenneth from donning his cap and braving the elements to...

Business Owner Shames Panhandlers With Own Sign

The photo is going viral

(Newser) - Two panhandlers at a busy intersection in Muscatine, Iowa, had a sign claiming they were "broke and hungry." But when a nearby business owner offered them a job to make some cash, they declined ... so he wrote a sign of his own. "Offered these guys a job....

Cruz Trounces Trump in New Iowa Poll

Texas senator can likely thank Dr. Ben Carson for his new 5-point lead

(Newser) - Ben Carson's loss may be Ted Cruz's gain—and responsible for the new thorn in Donald Trump's side, at least in Iowa. The Texas senator zipped ahead of Trump in a new Monmouth University poll released Monday, the New York Times reports. Cruz, who garnered support...

Find the Drunkest City in Your State

Dubuque, Iowa, is drunkest with 30.8% heavy or binge drinkers

(Newser) - This could be a helpful tool for those looking to party: Wall St. 24/7 has determined the drunkest city in each state, based on the percentage of adult residents who binge drink (consume four to five drinks per sitting) or are heavy drinkers (consume at least eight drinks per week...

Trump to Iowa: 2nd Place &#39;Is Terrible&#39;
 Trump Asks Iowa for a 'Favor' 

Trump Asks Iowa for a 'Favor'

He admits he needs 'to work a little bit harder in Iowa'

(Newser) - Donald Trump is used to spending the first 15 minutes of his campaign speeches boasting about his impressive poll numbers. In Iowa on Tuesday, the GOP candidate had to try a different strategy: "Iowa, will you get your numbers up, please?" Trump asked a crowd of 2,400, per...

Gloves Off, Sanders Goes for Clinton's Jugular

No more Mr. Nice Bernie at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton got an idea of what Bernie Sanders' supporters mean when they chant "Feel the Bern" last night at the Iowa Democrats' Jefferson-Jackson shindig, with supporters descending into shouting at times and Sanders himself taking aim squarely at Clinton and her record—without, as ABC News notes, so...

Trump Sorry for Iowa Insult
 Trump Sorry 
 for Iowa Insult 

Trump Sorry for Iowa Insult

Although he blames an intern

(Newser) - Donald Trump did not have a good day in regard to Iowa Thursday. First, a new Quinnipiac poll found that Ben Carson had overtaken him in the state for the first time, and by a decent margin to boot—28% to 20%. Hours later, Trump's Twitter account retweeted this...

Why Two Friends Hugged for 31 Hours
Why Two Friends
Hugged for 31 Hours

Why Two Friends Hugged for 31 Hours

They embraced outside a library at Iowa State University to set a record

(Newser) - Two friends attending Iowa State University got bored this summer and figured they'd try to break a Guinness World Record. But which one? "We saw the world's longest hug and said 'Oh, we can do this one,'" Amanda Nerem, 19, tells ABC News . So...

Clinton and Trump's Hot New Rival: Deez Nuts

Independent 'candidate' is 15-year-old from Iowa doing surprisingly well in polls

(Newser) - Before this week, Deez Nuts was nothing more than an Internet meme . Now Deez Nuts has turned into a different kind of sensation : a top-polling independent presidential candidate against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In a Public Policy Polling survey in North Carolina released yesterday, 40% of voters would pull...

Slumping Walker Will Try to Out-Trump Trump

Wisconsin governor promising more passion to supporters

(Newser) - After falling to third place in the Iowa polls, Scott Walker has decided it's time to steal from Donald Trump's playbook. Stories in the Washington Post , CNN , and NBC News report on how Walker is testing out a much more aggressive strategy this week. He's not only...

Clinton Loosens Up in Iowa, Even Jokes About Email

Politico thinks she's learned a lesson from past campaign appearances

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton paid the obligatory visit to the Iowa State Fair today, and Politico sounds impressed that she could be seen "embracing the masses that engulfed her." It's a contrast to campaign events in the past, including her team's now-infamous use of a moving rope line...

Iowa Paper to Trump: Get Out, 'Feckless Blowhard'

'Des Moines Register' says real estate mogul has 'polluted' our political process

(Newser) - The Des Moines Register, the publication Politico calls "Iowa's most influential newspaper" doesn't think Donald Trump should be in the race, period, and that he should "pull the plug on his bloviating side show." An editorial published last night says Trump's concentration on his...

City Scraps Weird Raffle Involving a Taser

Sorry, entrants, no human target

(Newser) - Plenty of people in Van Meter, Iowa, apparently wanted to deliver a jolt to a city official, but they'll no longer get the chance. The city has scrapped a strange raffle that offered people the opportunity to fire a Taser at the city administrator or at a councilman, reports...

This Is the Most 'American' State

New slogan: 'It's as American as Iowa'?

(Newser) - America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, but Iowans are a little freer and braver than the rest of us, apparently. In what the Des Moines Register calls a "totally unscientific study," Estately ranks the 50 states on "Americaness." It...

This Guy Staged 'Ingenious' Escape From Iowa Prison

Even the governor was impressed

(Newser) - A convicted armed robber escaped from one of Iowa's most secure prison cells by sneaking through piping onto the roof and guiding himself to the ground with a makeshift rope, authorities said. Justin Kestner, 25, escaped early Sunday from an A-Pod unit cell at Fort Madison's Iowa State...

Iowa Town Dreams Up Really Odd $5 Raffle

The winner gets to wield a stun gun

(Newser) - If you've ever felt like tasing a city official, well, Van Meter, Iowa, is the place for you. The town is giving one member of the public the chance to do just that by way of a $5 raffle. The winner will get to use a Taser on City...

Court Reaffirms Right to Get Drunk on Your Porch

If you live in Iowa, anyway

(Newser) - The perfect court decision heading into the weekend: Iowa's Supreme Court endorsed the right to be drunk on the front porch of a private home, ruling that a woman can't be convicted of public intoxication while standing on her front steps. Patience Paye, 29, of Waterloo based the...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>