
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Man Who Used KKK Hood as Face Mask Is Off the Hook

Police say their hands are tied after supermarket incident in Santee, Calif.

(Newser) - A white man pictured wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood at a supermarket near San Diego will not face charges. An investigation into the May 2 incident at the Vons in Santee didn't uncover enough evidence for police to pursue charges, the San Diego County Sheriff's Department said...

Rand Paul Explains Why He's Free to Go Maskless

Senator says he doesn't need to wear a mask because he can't infect anyone

(Newser) - Here's another entry on the list of lawmakers who are choosing not to wear masks: Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday told reporters that since he has recovered from COVID-19 after testing positive in March , he doesn't need to wear a mask—and he went so far as to...

Pushback Against Masks Turns Deadly
Pushback Against
Masks Turns Deadly
the rundown

Pushback Against Masks Turns Deadly

'Mr. Munerlyn was simply doing his job'

(Newser) - The fatal shooting of a security guard at a Family Dollar in Michigan over a face mask argument is the most violent dispute yet related to the backlash over coronavirus safety restrictions. But police are investigating a spate of other incidents around the country as well. Coverage:
  • In Flint: Police

Cops: Woman's Mask May Have Caused Crash

NJ police department walks back initial remarks after noting N95 mask could've led to accident

(Newser) - Police pointed to an odd possible cause of a single-car crash in New Jersey last week, though an "overwhelming response" on social media now has them pulling that back. ABC News reports cops responded to the scene of an accident Thursday in Lincoln Park and found a red car...

Auto Workers: Forget the Risks, We're Doing This

Hundreds of workers from Ford, GM, and other companies are making medical gear

(Newser) - Cindy Parkhurst could have stayed home collecting most of her pay while the Ford plant where she normally works remains closed due to coronavirus fears. Instead, she along with hundreds of workers at Ford, General Motors, Toyota, and other companies has gone back to work to make face shields, surgical...

New York Says It Has a New Rule
New York
Says It Has
a New Rule

New York Says It Has a New Rule

And Mayor Bill de Blasio unveils a new food plan

(Newser) - Face coverings will be required in busy spaces while New York City officials said they would create an emergency food reserve and take other steps to safeguard residents' sustenance, the AP reports. Meanwhile, the mayor urged a cautious approach to reviving the economy. Here are the latest coronavirus developments in...

GM CEO: 20-Hour Days Sped Up Ventilator Process

First batch will be delivered by end of April

(Newser) - Late last month, President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to mandate that General Motors start cranking out ventilators in bulk to help in the fight against the coronavirus. Now GM and Ventec Life Systems, the medical tech firm it's working with, say they'll deliver their first batch...

'Disgusting' New Trend Can Sicken People, Wildlife

People are littering the landscape with gloves, masks, and wipes used to fight coronavirus

(Newser) - From California and Texas to New Hampshire and New York , there's a "new, disgusting trend" cropping up around the coronavirus, and it's a potentially dangerous one. The Washington Post and other outlets report on the "small pops of color" suddenly showing up in parking lots, by...

Germany Hurls Big Accusation at Trump Over N95 Masks

'Methods from the Wild West should not become prevalent,' a German official says

(Newser) - German officials are accusing the Trump administration of "modern piracy" after 200,000 high-quality masks were apparently seized before reaching Germany, the Wall Street Journal reports. Seems the N95 masks—sought after by medical professionals for protection against the coronavirus—were made by the US company 3M's factory...

What Dr. Fauci Says About the Mask Thing
Is China to Blame?
'Looks that Way'

Is China to Blame? 'Looks that Way'

Anthony Fauci weighs in on vital questions about the coronavirus

(Newser) - With the CDC now advising people to wear masks—and President Trump saying he won't do it—Anthony Fauci appeared on PBS Newshour to discuss the new guidance and other aspects of the coronavirus pandemic, including China's culpability and the effectiveness of a malaria drug on COVID-19. Fauci,...

CDC: Yes, You Should Wear a Cloth Mask

Trump says the guidance is voluntary, and he probably won't do so

(Newser) - The CDC is shifting course and recommending that everybody wear simple cloth masks while out in public. President Trump made the announcement at his Friday coronavirus briefing, reports the New York Times . Trump stressed that high-grade N95 masks should be reserved for health care workers. He also said the guidance...

She Wanted to Help Make Masks. But Not Just Any Masks

College student Ashley Lawrence's virus masks have plastic strip to aid deaf, hard of hearing

(Newser) - Ashley Lawrence is a senior studying education for the deaf and hard of hearing at Eastern Kentucky University, so when the coronavirus pandemic began taking hold and Lawrence saw people start to volunteer to make masks, the 21-year-old got an idea: Why not make masks for the deaf community near...

Trump: 3M Will Have 'Big Price to Pay' Over Masks

President used the Defense Production Act to order company to produce them

(Newser) - President Trump caused some confusion Thursday evening when he tweeted that 3M would "have a big price to pay" for its handling of its N95 masks. At a briefing earlier in the day, Trump said he was using the Defense Production Act to order 3M to produce the life-saving...

Flying Into Boston, a 'Remarkable Delivery'

Robert Kraft sent New England Patriots plane to China to pick up 1.2M N95 masks

(Newser) - Massachusetts just saw its largest one-day spike in coronavirus cases yet: more than 1,000 reports on Wednesday, bringing the state's total to over 7,700, with more than 120 dead, per Politico . With an expected surge of cases expected in the state in mid-April, Gov. Charlie Baker has...

CDC May Change Advice on Face Coverings
CDC May Change
Advice on Face Coverings
the rundown

CDC May Change Advice on Face Coverings

DIY masks are becoming more popular

(Newser) - Last month, the surgeon general issued an all-caps plea to Americans: "STOP BUYING MASKS!" But as the coronavirus outbreak worsens, a more nuanced debate is unfolding about whether Americans should be wearing masks, or some type of face covering, in public. Nobody is suggesting that people wear surgical...

Cop Pulled Doctor Over, Made Her Cry With Gesture

'This complete stranger ... shared his precious masks with me'

(Newser) - A doctor prepared to receive a speeding ticket as she was pulled over by a Minnesota state trooper. Instead, she received a warning and a gesture of goodwill that has her feeling that "we are going to be OK." Dr. Sarosh Ashraf Janjua, a cardiologist at a coronavirus...

Union Turning Over 'Every Rock' Just Found 39M N95 Masks

It just took some 'elbow grease,' a spokesman says

(Newser) - A union repping 2 million health care workers has made quite a find: 39 million N95 masks, which it will distribute to hospitals and state and local governments. "We are continuing to turn over every rock to see if we can find more personal protective equipment to make sure...

Amid Virus Mask Shortage, Americans Step Up

Volunteers across nation are setting up sewing machines to get masks to health care workers

(Newser) - An interior decorator. A guy who waterproofs basements. A fashion designer. These are just a few of the Good Samaritans around the country who are sitting behind their sewing machines to churn out face masks for health care workers amid the coronavirus pandemic. As more and more patients are diagnosed...

This Guy Bought 18K Bottles of Hand Saniziter

And now Matt Colvin is in the media spotlight

(Newser) - Matt Colvin isn't exactly feeling the love. In early March—with the coronavirus spreading across America—he bought out hand-sanitizer bottles and antibacterial-wipes in small stores across Tennessee and part of Kentucky, then resold them for a hefty profit on Amazon. "It was crazy money," he tells...

Trump Mask Maker Flooded With Orders

Japanese factory trying to produce 350 a day

(Newser) - While much of the world anxiously awaits what happens under President-elect Donald Trump, one factory manager in Japan is all smiles. Ogawa Studio, the only manufacturer of rubber masks in Japan, is working feverishly to catch up with a flood of orders for Trump masks since his election victory last...

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