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BBC Announcer: 'I Smothered Dying Lover'

Ray Gosling confesses to mercy killing of lover with AIDS

(Newser) - British police plan to investigate a BBC presenter's confession that he smothered a lover who was dying of AIDS. "In a hospital one hot afternoon, the doctor said, ’There’s nothing we can do’. He was in terrible, terrible pain," Ray Gosling revealed in a program on...

Aussies Bicker Over How to Murder Toads

State would prefer folks bludgeon, not suffocate invasive species

(Newser) - Residents of Western Australia, Oz’s largest state, are incensed by a government mandate that might seem odd to those in, say, Kansas: When engaged in the mass killing of cane toads, use the cricket bat instead of the bag of carbon dioxide. Aussies have long made a sport of...

Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels'
 Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels' 

Lie of the Year: 'Death Panels'

Palin's claim spread like wildfire through health debate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's claim that health care reform would institute "death panels" to decide whether the elderly and disabled are worthy of treatment has been deemed the biggest lie of 2009 by the editors of PolitiFact . Palin appears to have coined the term in a July Facebook posting, and it...

Swiss Crack Down on 'Suicide Tourism'

Assisted suicides to be restricted to the terminally ill

(Newser) - Swiss authorities are trying to cut back on the numbers of people swarming its borders with the intention of dying. The government plans to cut back or even ban assisted suicide amid concerns that too many people—some of them not suffering terminal illnesses—are traveling to Switzerland for assisted...

Calif. Budget Cuts Means Ax Falls Sooner for Strays

Holding period halved from 6 days to 3; may doom lost pets before owners can find them

(Newser) - California's budget deal could mean lost family pets meet the Grim Reaper sooner rather than later, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The deal cuts the time shelters are required to hold animals from six days to three, and officials fear the move could mean animals in shelters lacking resources will...

Rights Group Films Workers Grinding Chicks Alive

Animal rights group uncovers disgusting practices at Iowa egg hatchery

(Newser) - An undercover video shot by an animal rights group at an Iowa egg hatchery shows workers discarding unwanted male chicks by tossing them live into a grinder, and other chicks falling through a sorting machine to die on the factory floor. Chicago-based Mercy for Animals said it shot the video...

Obama Wouldn't Cover Kennedy: Huckabee

Says under Dem plan he'd be told to 'take pain pills and die'

(Newser) - Passing health care reform in Ted Kennedy’s honor “not only defies good taste, it defies logic,” Mike Huckabee declared yesterday. Adding his own take on Sarah Palin's death panel meme, he said that under Democratic health care proposals, Kennedy would have been told to “go home...

The Memorial Killings: What Katrina Doctors Did
The Memorial Killings:
What Katrina Doctors Did

The Memorial Killings: What Katrina Doctors Did

Report details how staff responded to agonizing situation

(Newser) - In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the staff at one New Orleans hospital faced a torturous dilemma: For critically ill patients who would have to be carried down as many as 8 flights of stairs and back up to the roof of a garage, evacuation seemed impossible. With rumors of...

Palin Steps Up Attacks on Zeke Emanuel

Health adviser blasts 'misreading' as 'an absolute outrage'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's supporters wanted her to make some noise, and now it appears there's no stopping her. She used her Facebook page to criticize health care legislation again today, this time time going beyond death panels and singling out Rahm Emanuel's brother Zeke—a top White House health adviser—for...

Righty Pundits Cooked Up 'Death Panels'

False rumor tracks back months, to same old conservative voices

(Newser) - The stubborn false rumor that President Obama is planning to encourage euthanasia, or ration health care through “death panels,” may sound like the stuff of anonymous e-mail campaigns, but it actually came from comparatively mainstream conservative media outlets, the New York Times reports. The first whispers came way...

Guess What, Sarah? Those 'Death Panels' Already Exist ...

... they're being run by insurance companies

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks health care reform will bring with it “death panels,” collections of bureaucrats who will ration care, deciding whose life is and isn’t worth saving. The flaw in that logic? “That’s not the future of health care—it’s the present,” writes...

Ezekiel Emanuel No 'Doctor Death'
 Ezekiel Emanuel 
 No 'Doctor Death' 

Ezekiel Emanuel No 'Doctor Death'

Reform opponents grossly distort bioethicist's record

(Newser) - To hear conservative bloggers tell it, Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, is a bean-counting euthanasia enthusiast who wants to deny care for the disabled. The New York Post dubbed him a “deadly doctor,” and Sarah Palin warned supporters to fear his “Orwellian thinking.” It’s pretty...

Stewart Convenes Panel on 'Death Panels'

(Newser) - Now that notable unemployed person Sarah Palin has revealed Barack Obama’s plans for bureaucrat-run “death panels,” Americans are full of questions. Will the death panels cover everyone? What will our premiums be? Should they be public, or should we try a free-market death panel exchange? Well, Jon...

5 Lies Right Wing Uses to Kill Health Care Reform

(Newser) - Conservatives are pulling no punches as they attack health care reform, but their scare tactics rely “on a notably elastic approach to the truth,” writes Mike Madden of Salon. Here are the top myths circulating:
  • Obama wants to kill your grandma: The tiny kernel of truth here is

Seniors Spooked by 'Kill Granny' Health Bill Campaign

(Newser) - Conservative radio hosts are scaring America's seniors with a campaign against an end-of-life counseling proposal in the health care reform bill, the Washington Post reports. Under the proposal doctors would be reimbursed for consulting with elderly patients about what medical interventions they would prefer as the end nears, but opponents...

British MS Victim Wins Key Right-to-Die Ruling

Court orders that current law be clarified

(Newser) - A British woman has won her legal battle to force the government to clarify its law on assisted suicide, the Guardian reports. Multiple sclerosis sufferer Debbie Purdy, whose health is deteriorating, wants to travel to a Swiss euthanasia clinic to die when her condition becomes unbearable. Britain's highest court agreed...

Couple's Pact Worries Anti-Suicide Groups

(Newser) - Anti-suicide campaigners fear that the death of a British conductor and his wife in a Swiss suicide clinic this week will cause a rise in "together forever" suicides among the elderly, the Times of London reports. Edmund Downes, 85, chose to die alongside his terminally ill wife. Church groups...

Woman First to Use Washington Suicide Law

Cancer patient, 66, takes lethal dose under Death with Dignity Act

(Newser) - A 66-year-old woman became the first to opt for physician-assisted suicide under Washington state’s new death-with-dignity law, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. Suffering from stage 4 pancreatic cancer, Linda Fleming took a lethal dose of medication last night, surrounded by her family, doctor and dog.

Clinic Wants to Help Healthy Woman Kill Self

Swiss founder argues option shouldn't be only for terminally ill

(Newser) - The founder of a Swiss assisted-suicide center thinks the Brits are too narrow-minded about the service he offers—it should be available to everyone, not just the terminally ill. The center has sparked an uproar in Britain over plans to help a healthy woman kill herself, the Times of London...

No Room at the Zoo: Baby Hippo May Meet His Maker

Zookeepers deny little Farasi will be put down

(Newser) - Farasi, the hippopotamus calf that has dazzled Switzerland since his birth last November, needs a new home, fast. Otherwise, he could become animal chow for the Basel Zoo's carnivores, the Wall Street Journal reports. The 220-pound hippo, who beat out Roger Federer to be named 2008’s “Swiss of...

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