Naked Cowboy

5 Stories

Naked Cowboy to Run for President

Robert Burck plans to run on Tea Party platform

(Newser) - Times Square's Naked Cowboy, Robert Burck, announced today that he plans to run for the US presidency. His platform includes closing borders, requiring drug tests for welfare recipients, abolishing unions for government workers, cutting capital gains and income taxes and reversing Obamacare health legislation. No word on whether the Naked...

Naked Cowboy Sues Naked Cowgirl
 Naked Cowboy Sues 
 Naked Cowgirl  
Shootout in times square

Naked Cowboy Sues Naked Cowgirl

She stole his schtick, plus she's sullying 'wholesome' icon

(Newser) - It may be nothing but tightie-whities (accessorized with a cowboy hat and a guitar), but Robert Burck, aka the Naked Cowboy, says his signature attire, while performing more or less daily for tourists in Times Square, constitutes his trademark, and he's suing his female counterpart, the Naked Cowgirl, for violating...

NYC's Naked Cowboy to Run for Mayor

(Newser) - Robert Burck, the “Naked Cowboy” who strolls New York’s Times Square, is planning a run for mayor there, WABC-TV reports. The guitar slinger in underpants will challenge Mayor Michael Bloomberg by “bringing transparency to a whole new level.” Burck says he’ll also run on his...

M&M's Maker Countersues Naked Cowboy

NYC tourist fave can't own topless look, company says

(Newser) - The maker of M&M's isn’t sitting still while the Naked Cowboy tries to serenade his way into its corporate pocketbook, the New York Post reports. Yesterday Mars Inc. fired a copyright-infringement suit at the musical cowpoke, a fixture at Times Square who had sued Mars, saying the company...

Naked Cowboy to M&Ms: See You in Court

Street performer says Times Sq. billboard is trademark infringement

(Newser) - The New York street performer known as the Naked Cowboy can sue Mars Inc. for trademark infringement, a judge ruled today, over a singing blue M&M wearing his signature costume on a Times Square billboard, Reuters reports. In seeking $6 million in damages, Robert Burck "plausibly alleges that...

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