International Criminal Court

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Assad May Be Offered Clemency Deal

Syrian leader could get invite to Geneva peace talks

(Newser) - To end the conflict in Syria, American and British officials are considering offering Bashar al-Assad safe passage to peace talks in Geneva and a chance to avoid being prosecuted for his regime's crimes against civilians if he gives up power, according to the Guardian . "It is hard to...

Mladic's War Crimes Trial Halted

Prosecution failed to disclose evidence to defense

(Newser) - Justice for the accused Butcher of Bosnia is once again on hold: Ratko Mladic's war crimes trial was suspended today in only its second day, after it came to light that the prosecution had failed to disclose some evidence against Mladic to the defense as required. It's not...

Charles Taylor Guilty of War Crimes

International court rules against former Liberian president

(Newser) - In a historic ruling, an international court convicted former Liberian President Charles Taylor on Thursday of aiding and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity for supporting notoriously brutal rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone in return for blood diamonds. Taylor is the first head of state convicted by an international...

Lawyers: Gadhafi Son Beaten in Prison

Saif al-Islam in 'legal black hole,' they say

(Newser) - Lawyers for Moammar's Gadhafi's imprisoned son, Saif al-Islam, say he is being beaten in a Libyan prison, where he is held in near total isolation. Though Libyan prosecutors initially said he would only be tried for minor crimes involving a camel license and fish farming problems, he is...

Congo Warlord First to Be Convicted by World Court

Lubanga guilty of recruiting child soldiers

(Newser) - The world's first permanent war crimes tribunal has recorded its first verdict, finding Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga guilty of recruiting child soldiers as young as 11 and sending them into battle. The International Criminal Court will sentence Lubanga, who led a militia during an ethnic conflict in the Democratic...

Kenyan Leaders Ordered to Hague

Presidential hopefuls to be tried for 2007 crimes against humanity

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has ruled that four Kenyans, including two possible presidential candidates, must stand trial for crimes against humanity. Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta, ex-minister William Ruto, and two others will face the Hague court over violence following the 2007 election that left at least 1,220 dead, Reuters...

Gadhafi's Death May Have Been a War Crime

Head of International Criminal Court calls killing suspicious

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's death may amount to a war crime, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said yesterday, adding that he's sent a letter to Libya's National Transitional Council urging it to investigate. "I think the way in which Mr. Gadhafi was killed creates suspicions,...

ICC Takes Custody of Gbagbo

Former Ivory Coast president charged today

(Newser) - More than seven months after his arrest , Laurent Gbagbo has become the first former head of state to be taken into custody by the International Criminal Court. The former Ivory Coast president was today charged with murder, rape, persecution, and inhuman acts, the AP reports. "Mr. Gbagbo is brought...

War Crimes Court's Next Target: NATO?

ICC cites allegations of civilian deaths in Libya

(Newser) - Is the International Criminal Court's next target NATO? Some NATO officials fear an investigation is nigh, after the ICC's prosecutor said Libya war-crimes allegations would be reviewed "impartially and independently," NATO-affiliated diplomats tell the AP . But an examination of allegations won't necessarily lead to an...

Gadhafi Son Could Hide for Months in Sahara Desert

Mystery surrounds Saif al-Islam's whereabouts

(Newser) - Where in the world is Saif al-Islam Gadhafi? Quite possibly somewhere in the Sahara Desert, where he could manage to stay hidden for months, the AP reports. Gadhafi, who was last rumored to be near the Mali border on Oct. 28, could be fleeing to a safe country, negotiating a...

Gadhafi Son Claims Innocence
 Gadhafi Son Claims Innocence 

Gadhafi Son Claims Innocence

ICC says it has evidence Saif hired mercenaries to attack civilians

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's son and one-time heir apparent has told the International Criminal Court that he is innocent of the charges against him. The ICC, however, says it has evidence that Saif al-Islam Gadhafi—who has been using intermediaries to explore his options for surrender —is guilty of war...

Hague Holds 'Indirect' Talks With Gadhafi Son

'Informally' discussing Saif al-Islam's potential surrender

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has spoken indirectly with Moammar Gadhafi’s son regarding his possible surrender , chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells the AP . “Through intermediaries, we have informal contact” with Saif al-Islam, the ICC says in a statement. “The office of the prosecutor has made it clear that...

Moammar Gadhafi Burial Delayed
 Gadhafi Burial Delayed 
ICC wants DNA?

Gadhafi Burial Delayed

UN to probe death; ICC wants his DNA

(Newser) - Libya's transitional leadership has abandoned plans to follow Islamic tradition and bury Moammar Gadhafi today. Officials say they are going to delay the dictator's burial until they can investigate the circumstances of his death and decide on where to inter his body, the AP reports. For now, the...

Activists: Vatican Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity
Activists: Vatican Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Activists: Vatican Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Pope, 3 officials named as responsible for rampant sex abuse

(Newser) - In the most substantial effort yet to hold the Vatican's feet to the fire for clergy sexual abuse, human rights lawyers will file a complaint today asking the International Criminal Court to investigate and prosecute Pope Benedict XVI and three top Vatican officials for crimes against humanity. According to...

Interpol Puts Out Warrant on Gadhafi

'Red Notice' should make it harder for him to cross borders

(Newser) - Interpol sent out Red Notice arrest warrants for Moammar Gadhafi today, along with warrants issued for son Seif al-Islam and brother-in-law and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi, CNN reports. Police around the world are urged to nab the ex-Libyan leader and extradite him to the Hague to face crimes against humanity...

ICC Seeks to Tie Gadhafi to Libya Rapes

But so far no hard evidence, prosecutor says

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi could face rape charges—if the International Criminal Court can link him to any rapes. Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells CNN the court is still looking for evidence and cannot yet prove Gadhafi ordered the rapes that have taken place during the months of unrest in Libya. Even so,...

Court Issues Warrant for Gadhafi on War Crimes

Libya does not recognize Hague's ICC: spokesperson

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has accused Moammar Gadhafi of crimes against humanity and has issued arrest warrants for him and two of his top aides. The ICC presiding judge says there are "reasonable grounds to believe" that Gadhafi and son Saif al-Islam are "criminally responsible as indirect co-perpetrators"...

I Would Defend Gadhafi: French Ex-Minister

Roland Dumas calls NATO bombing of Libya 'brutal, brutal aggression'

(Newser) - A former French foreign minister says he will represent the Libyan victims of NATO bombings, and that he would defend Moammar Gadhafi in the International Criminal Court if asked. "If he asked me, yes, of course," says Roland Dumas. "(But) I don't think it is going...

World Court: Gadhafi Forces Using Viagra 'Like a Machete'

Libyan police accused of gang-raping rebel sympathizers

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's forces have been gang-raping women stopped at checkpoints, using Viagra "like a machete," the chief of the International Criminal Court charges. The court plans to investigate allegations of institutionalized rape of rebel supporters in Libya, Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells CNN . "There are rapes. The issue...

Hague to Issue Warrant for Gadhafi's Arrest

ICC charges leader with killing unarmed demonstrators

(Newser) - With thousands of lives reportedly lost in the Libyan conflict, the International Criminal Court in The Hague will call today for Moammar Gadhafi’s arrest. The ICC is set to issue warrants against Gadhafi, son Seif al-Islam, and spy chief Abdullah al-Senussi over the killing of unarmed demonstrators and the...

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