
Stories 41 - 46 | << Prev 

Japan's Seniors Turn to Crime
 Japan's Seniors Turn to Crime 

Japan's Seniors Turn to Crime

Violence surges among over-65s

(Newser) - It's not the kids who are causing hand-wringing in Japan these days, but the elderly, who are responsible for a crime wave, the Daily Telegraph reports. With some 49,000 people over the age of 65 convicted of crimes ranging from petty theft to murder last year—more than triple...

'Sweetie' Talk Saps Seniors' Health

Condescending treatment builds poor self-image: study

(Newser) - Many believe they’re bridging a divide with the elderly by calling them “sweetie” or “dear”—what experts call “elderspeak.” But studies show that such language may actually be hurtful to older people, causing “negative images of aging” that can trigger a “downward...

Oldsters Not Diggin' Whippersnapper Obama
 Oldsters Not Diggin'
 Whippersnapper Obama

Oldsters Not Diggin' Whippersnapper Obama

Seniors see their worldview in McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama is facing an unusually pronounced generation gap among voters: though normally apathetic young people are supporting him in droves, those over 65 are leaning heavily toward John McCain—a fact that’s keeping the race tight, the Washington Post reports. And seniors have a loud voice on Election...

'Young Old People' Defend McCain From Age Attacks

'What was the question?' quips one

(Newser) - A group of fit Florida seniors have stepped up to the plate to defend candidate John MCain from criticism that he's too old to competently govern the country. "I think he could do the job in his 90s," said a supporter, one of several men born within days...

Seniors Wield Canes in Martial- Arts Training

Exercise and self- defense meet in 'Cane Fu' classes

(Newser) - Call it cane fighting, combat cane or cane fu: in classes across the country, seniors are turning to a different kind of self-defense, the Wall Street Journal reports. While the practice serves as a healthy way to get exercise, it also provides comfort to elderly people interested in protecting themselves...

Sex Revolution for Granny & Gramps

Over 70s enjoying more nookie than ever

(Newser) - Men and women in their 70s are having more sex than ever, according to a series of surveys. Over a 30-year period the number of married men still enjoying sex in their 70s increased from 58% to 62%, while that  figure jumped 38% to 58% for married women, the Independent ...

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