
13 Stories

Runaway Zebras Captured Near Seattle
Runaway Zebra Sighted
in National Forest

Runaway Zebra Sighted in National Forest

It escaped near Seattle-area highway exit on Sunday

(Newser) - Three runaway zebras were quickly recaptured near Seattle on Sunday with the help of a rodeo clown who happened to be passing, but a fourth is still roaming the area. KUOW reports that North Bend residents have nicknamed the zebra Z and they've been searching high and low for...

Zebras, Camels Rescued From Burning Rig

Circus animals graze along interstate in Indiana after rescue

(Newser) - A truck hauling zebras and camels for a series of weekend circus performances caught fire early Saturday on a northeastern Indiana highway, prompting a police rescue of the animals, which roamed along the freeway, some munching on grass. The tractor-trailer caught fire about 2am along Interstate 69 in Grant County,...

Ohio 911 Call: 'His Arm Had Been Bitten Off by a Zebra'

Ronald Clifton, 72, likely won't lose his right arm after all

(Newser) - The 911 call was worse than the reality, but the reality wasn't great: A Pickaway County Sheriff’s Office report quotes the Sunday call as requesting help for an Ohio man who had "his arm ... bitten off by a zebra." Deputies who arrived at the Circleville home...

Farm Owner Hit With Animal Cruelty Charges Over Md. Zebras
Found in

Runaway Zebras Found in Maryland

They're back with their herd

(Newser) - Update: The two zebras that had been on the loose in Maryland since August have been located and reunited with their herd, WJLA reports. Authorities say they returned to the herd last week after having been corralled in an undisclosed location. A third zebra that originally escaped with them died...

It's a Sad End for One of Maryland's Runaway Zebras

Authorities now say only 3 escaped, and one was found dead in trap

(Newser) - A revised number and a grim update in the story of the escaped zebras who are roaming around in suburban Maryland at the moment: Despite reports that five zebras escaped from a farm on Aug. 31, and were still wandering as of early this month, a rep for the Prince...

No One Can Catch Those Zebras on the Loose in Maryland

Group of 5 escaped from farm in Prince George's County in late August

(Newser) - Update: Five fugitive zebras that made headlines after escaping from a Maryland farm in late August are "still out there, roaming free." That's the latest from the Washington Post , which notes multiple sightings over the past few weeks in Prince George's County. The Baltimore Sun reports...

2 Zebras Escaped the Circus, With 2 Different Fates

One animal was captured; the other was shot dead on a German highway

(Newser) - Two zebras busted out of a German circus Tuesday night, but only one of them was brought back alive. Rostock police say the runaway that didn't make it back ended up on a local highway Wednesday, wreaking havoc in traffic, damaging vehicles, and even spurring a car accident when...

Stripes Appear to Trigger Migraines, Seizures
Our Brains Haven't Evolved
to Handle Stripes

Our Brains Haven't Evolved to Handle Stripes

This is the first research to find that even still images can lead to seizures

(Newser) - If you have an unreasonable fear of escalators, there may be something to it—but the problem involves looking at one, not stepping on it. Researchers report in the journal Current Biology that just looking at the rigid, geometric pattern of stripes—even still images of them—affects our brain...

Math Model Helps Answer Riddle of Tiger's Stripes

Researchers can better explain why they're vertical or horizontal

(Newser) - Since the 1950s mathematicians have been trying to sort out exactly why some animals, like tigers and zebras, have stripes that are oriented perpendicularly to their spines, while others, like the zebrafish, have stripes that are parallel. Now Harvard researchers are proposing a mathematical model in the journal Cell Systems...

Zebra Stripe Mystery Solved, Researchers Say

Stripes help deter biting flies, not lions

(Newser) - The centuries-old puzzle of why zebras have stripes has been solved, and they're not there to confuse lions or for decoration, researchers say. A new study backs up the theory that stripes evolved as a way to deter biting flies , Real Clear Science reports. Researchers gathered stripe pattern data...

Why Zebras Have Stripes: Flies
 Why Zebras Have Stripes: Flies 
study says

Why Zebras Have Stripes: Flies

New theory says horseflies hate them

(Newser) - A new theory offers a simple explanation on why zebras have stripes: Horseflies hate them. Researchers discovered that the flies will go after an all-black animal or an all-white animal more than a striped one, reports LiveScience . What's more, the zebra's narrow, vertical stripes seem tailor-made to ward...

Ranchers Shoot Heart Castle Zebras
Ranchers Shoot
Hearst Castle Zebras

Ranchers Shoot Hearst Castle Zebras

One rancher's turning them into rugs

(Newser) - Hasty California ranchers shot dead three Hearst Castle zebras who strayed onto their property, and neighbors are aghast. The zebras—a buck, a mare and yearling—were part of a herd that roams castle grounds, the remnants of what was at one time the largest private zoo in the world,...

Camels Walk a Mile for Escape-Artist Giraffe

Circus chain gang cuts loose in Amsterdam

(Newser) - Fifteen camels, two zebras, lamas and potbellied swine went on the lam from a Dutch circus—with a giraffe masterminding their flight to freedom. The gang wandered around an Amsterdam neighborhood when the escape artist kicked a hole in the animals' cage, reports AP. They were all rounded up after...

13 Stories
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