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Tracking the Strange 18-Month Journey of a Ghost Ship
It Was Bound for Haiti,
Turned Into a Ghost Ship

It Was Bound for Haiti, Turned Into a Ghost Ship

'Wired' takes a look at the MV Alta

(Newser) - The MV Alta washed up on an Irish shore in February after some 18 months adrift at sea. In a piece for Wired , Matt Burgess explains that the category of people to have seen the ghost ship over that time is a remarkably narrow one: "It was only spotted...

What the Egg Donor Brochures Don't Say
What the Egg Donor
Brochures Don't Say

What the Egg Donor Brochures Don't Say

It's lucrative for donors, but the side effects can be painful and downplayed by clinics

(Newser) - Stories about egg donations for couples who can't conceive typically focus on the couples. A story at Wired takes a look from the perspective of the donors—think healthy women in their 20s, often college students who are tight on cash. As it turns out, the pay can be...

She Got New Hands. But at What Cost?
She Got New Hands.
But at What Cost?

She Got New Hands. But at What Cost?

Writing for 'Wired,' David Dobbs dives into the world of hand transplants

(Newser) - After losing your hands, what would you be willing to do to tie your own shoes again, or brush a stray hair off your forehead? Would you risk kidney failure? It's one of the questions underpinning David Dobbs' lengthy piece in Wired on hand transplants, which are currently straddling...

Before It Was Mature Facebook, Infant Facebook Was 'Wild'

'Wired' takes a closer look at Zuckerberg and his team during the social media giant's early days

(Newser) - It's true that Mark Zuckerberg jump-started Facebook in the spring of 2004 while attending Harvard, but it was in the infant firm's new home in Silicon Valley just a few months later where endless hours of frenetic coding, partying, and a "brogrammer 'tude" started to transform...

Being Born Unable to Breathe Isn't a Death Sentence Anymore

Tracing the advances of neonatal medicine through the story of Owen

(Newser) - When baby Owen was born in November, "he couldn't breathe." It wasn't a fleeting problem. Delivered at about 24 weeks and weighing just 1.4 pounds, the preemie had a rash of additional issues: He was at risk of developing sepsis, had a heart valve that...

'I Am Ashamed,' Read the Email. Then Facebook's Problems Grew

An 11K-word 'Wired' piece delves into Facebook's 'tumultuous two years'

(Newser) - "I am disappointed. I am embarrassed. I am ashamed." So read an email Roger McNamee sent to Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg just days before the 2016 election. McNamee is the Zuckerberg mentor who convinced the Facebook CEO to hire Sandberg in the first place, and as an...

Blame Logan Paul—but Blame YouTube, Too
Blame Logan
Paul—but Blame
YouTube, Too

Blame Logan Paul—but Blame YouTube, Too

Its economic model rewards 'outlandish' behavior: 'Wired' essay

(Newser) - YouTube star Logan Paul has endured plenty of abuse for a horrifying video he uploaded Sunday, showing a dead body in Japan’s "Suicide Forest." But those calling him "garbage" might want to expand their periphery, says Louise Matsakis. "There's no excuse for what Paul...

Odd Professional Title: D&D 'Dungeon Master'
He Makes a Decent Living
as a D&D 'Dungeon Master'

He Makes a Decent Living as a D&D 'Dungeon Master'

'Wired' profiles New York City's Timm Woods

(Newser) - Like a lot of kids, Timm Woods developed an intense fascination with the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. Unlike a lot of those kids, the 30-year-old Woods is now making a living at it as an adult. Wired profiles the Brooklyn resident and his unusual profession: that of a "...

Your Tweets on Terror Attacks Could Make Things Worse
Slow Down on
the Tweets After
Terror Attacks

Slow Down on the Tweets After Terror Attacks

Social media gives terrorists the publicity they crave: Emily Dreyfuss for 'Wired'

(Newser) - After the suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert on Monday, thousands turned to social media to share information and offer their condolences. In doing so, they played right into the terrorists' hands, Emily Dreyfuss writes at Wired . At least one aim of attacks like the one in Manchester, England,...

Manhunt for the Creator of a Malware 'Masterpiece'

Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev is known as Russia's 'most notorious hacker'

(Newser) - Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev, once described by a cybersecurity expert as the "most prolific bank robber in the world," ended up on a different list altogether in December: as one of the individuals noted in then-President Obama's sanctions against Russia for trying to influence the election. As Garrett...

'Puzzle From Hell': Giant Gem Some Think Is Cursed
'Cursed' Gem
Could Be Worth
$925M—or $100
in case you missed it

'Cursed' Gem Could Be Worth $925M—or $100

Bahia Emerald has caused folks more trouble than it may be worth: 'Wired'

(Newser) - A 752-pound gemstone that's sat for years in a Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office vault has been called "a puzzle from hell" by one of the detectives who brought it in as evidence in a 2008 case. Now Elizabeth Weil takes a crack at the head-scratcher for...

No Easy Fix for Russian Hack That Scams Casinos
No Easy Fix for
Russian Hack
That Scams Casinos

No Easy Fix for Russian Hack That Scams Casinos

'Wired' dives into how St. Petersburg group figured out slot machine patterns

(Newser) - An iPhone and a few well-timed button pushes by a mysterious patron was all that was needed to make a Missouri casino's slot machine pay out lots of cash. But this wasn't just a random scammer who'd figured out how to play the machine: It was part...

Obama's Top 8 Sci-Fi Movies and TV Shows

The president laid them out while serving as guest editor for Wired

(Newser) - Perhaps lining up a post-White House gig, President Obama stepped in as guest editor for Wired this week, the AV Club reports. In addition to writing about why "now is the greatest time to be alive," he took the opportunity to list his favorite science fiction movies and...

Passwords Protect Jack Squat

 'Age of the Password' Is Over 

'Age of the Password' Is Over

They don't work, and it's time for a better system: Mat Honan

(Newser) - "You have a secret that can ruin your life," Mat Honan writes in Wired , namely your password. Honan should know: A hacker recently broke into several of his accounts and wiped clean his iPhone, iPad, and Macbook, deleting all his messages, documents, and every photo of his 18-month-old...

Jonah Lehrer's Moral Compass 'Badly Broken'

Probe uncovers more plagiarism and fabrication

(Newser) - Seems Jonah Lehrer's penchant for cooking up quotes and committing plagiarism dates back further than we knew. Probing Lehrer's old blogs for Wired, science reporter Charles Seife uncovered many instances of Lehrer recycling material, copying press releases, messing with quotes, and even messing with the facts. "Unlike...

Who is the 'Bird Man' of YouTube?
 So Who Is the 'Bird Man'?

So Who Is the 'Bird Man'?

Apparent scamster has fake resume

(Newser) - Oh-oh. The credentials of the supposedly flying "Bird Man" of Holland have flown the coop. "Jarno Smeets," who posted a wildly popular YouTube video apparently showing him flapping giant wings to take flight , posted credentials on Facebook and LinkedIn that don't check out. Film experts at...

Wired Goes German
 Wired Goes German 

Wired Goes German

New publication brings geek-chic to Germany

(Newser) - Germany is the latest country to join the march of the geeks, with the launch of a German-language edition of Wired, reports Der Spiegel . Although Spiegel says the magazine is overly reliant on older articles from the US edition, it hails the German version's "playful, even chaotic" graphics...

College Students Probed in Wikileaks Investigation

MIT, BU linked to suspect Bradley Manning

(Newser) - Students at MIT and Boston University are being investigated as possible accomplices in the massive leak of military documents posted on the Wikileaks site, according to officials. The FBI was apparently sicced on the schools in part by blogger Adrian Lamo. He did not reveal the students' names because he...

iPhone Finder Named, 'Regrets His Mistake'

Especially if it turns out to be a crime

(Newser) - The guy who found (or, depending on your interpretation of California law, stole) a prototype for the next generation of iPhone is 21-year-old occasional college student Brian Hogan, Wired reports, and he's very sorry. “He regrets his mistake in not doing more to return the phone,” his lawyer...

Credit Card Hacker Gets 20 Years in Prison

Albert Gonzalez stole 90 million credit, debit numbers

(Newser) - Albert Gonzalez, the man who stole more than 90 million credit and debit card numbers from American retail giant TJX, was sentenced to 20 years in prison yesterday. It is the longest-ever sentence for a computer crime in America. Prosecutors hope the sentence will serve as a deterrent. “What...

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