Rock, Paper, Scissors

5 Stories

The Most Famous Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

As Artnet recounts, it once decided which auction house would get $20M auction

(Newser) - Everyone knows the rules: Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, and scissors beats paper. But if millions of dollars were at stake, which would you choose? As Artnet recounts, that very scenario once played out in Tokyo in the art world—and it turns out that "scissors" was the...

$500K Game of Rock, Paper, Scissors Goes to Court

Edmund Mark Hooper must be breathing a sigh of relief

(Newser) - Who loses $517,000 in a game of rock, paper, scissors? Canadian man Edmund Mark Hooper does, but he must be happy today: The Quebec Court of Appeal has ruled that his devastating 2011 loss—which forced him to remortgage his home to pay up—is null and void, Sky...

Underage Teen Avoids Ticket via Rock, Paper, Scissors

Officer threw scissors, is now in hot water

(Newser) - Call it justice, Texas-style. An alleged underage drinker at a College Station music festival got herself out of trouble by beating an officer in a game of rock, paper, scissors. The encounter was captured in a Vine that opens with "you're free to go," suggesting that what...

Lab Creates Unbeatable Rock, Paper, Scissors Robot

(It cheats)

(Newser) - It's official, robots have crossed the final frontier. First it was chess, then Jeopardy , and now it's that most human of games: rock, paper, scissors. Scientists at the University of Tokyo have created a robot that literally cannot be beaten at the ancient art of roshambo, the Telegraph...

Rock, Paper, Scissors Champ Wins $50K in Vegas

He's off to China to try his luck there

(Newser) - A Massachusetts systems analyst covered, cut, and smashed his opponents to win the USA Rock, Paper, Scissors championship in Las Vegas. Sean Sears, 23, is now headed to China to play for the world title. He beat out 300 opponents to win the $50,000 championship purse.

5 Stories