US Senate

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2011 Senate 'Laziest' in Decades

2011 saw least-productive session since 1992

(Newser) - The 2011 Senate produced less legislation than any other since 1992, according to a report by the chamber's own secretary. Throughout its 170 days, the Senate was in session an average of just 6.5 hours per day; only 2008's Senate had a lower figure, with three members...

John McCain: It's Time to Bomb Syria

Senator makes plea on Capitol Hill as US, Europe approach Putin

(Newser) - A leading Republican senator today urged the US to launch airstrikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime to force him out of power—a call for dramatic military intervention against the growing violence that was not supported by the Obama administration or its European or Arab partners. The statement...

US Senate Bails Out Own Barbershop

Senators throw $230K at beloved shop

(Newser) - The US Senate bailed out its own barbershop after it ran nearly $300,000 in the red last year—despite $27 cut-and-blow-drys, $105 highlight jobs, and 27,000 annual customers, The Daily reports. “There’s no way to sugarcoat” the problem, says Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance Gainer. "...

Lawmakers Shuffled Millions to Relatives&#39; Causes
Lawmakers Shuffled Millions to Relatives' Causes

Lawmakers Shuffled Millions to Relatives' Causes

'Washington Post' finds 16 members of Congress engaging in practice

(Newser) - A Washington Post investigation finds that 16 members of Congress have sent tax dollars, sometimes in the millions, to companies or other organizations with links to their family trees. Through direct funding or earmarking, these lawmakers have boosted the budgets of Pentagon programs, environmental groups, schools, and other places where...

Senate Rejects $35B Jobs Bill
 Senate Rejects $35B Jobs Bill  

Senate Rejects $35B Jobs Bill

Portion of larger American Jobs Act won't move forward

(Newser) - President Obama’s first attempt to split his American Jobs Act into smaller bites did not go well: His $35 billion package, intended to protect the jobs of teachers and first responders, was blocked in the Senate last night. Democrats couldn’t get the 60 votes needed to move the...

Congress Isn't Ready for Massive Terrorist Hit: Critics

What would happen if majority of members killed, incapacitated?

(Newser) - The Washington Post points to an important question that failed to get asked after the FBI arrested Rezwan Ferdaus for allegedly planning an attack on the US Capitol: Is Congress prepared for a catastrophic terrorist strike? If more than half of the members of the House or the Senate were...

Deal With Coburn Prevents FAA Shutdown

He'll get to insert language in upcoming bill

(Newser) - The FAA won't be shutting down after all. Under heavy pressure from fellow Republicans, Tom Coburn relented last night, removing a hold preventing the Senate from passing a transportation bill that would keep the FAA's doors open. The bill passed with flying colors, with only Coburn and five...

Coburn: 'Good Thing I Can't Pack a Gun' in Senate

Otherwise, those 'cowards' would be in trouble

(Newser) - Today's exercise in whether a politician's joke goes too far, courtesy of Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn: "It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor," said the Republican, after describing his colleagues as "cowards" and a "bunch...

$2.4T Debt Deal Taking Shape?
 $2.4T Debt Deal Taking Shape? 

$2.4T Debt Deal Taking Shape?

Proposal would match debt ceiling relief to debt reduction

(Newser) - After weeks of posturing and pleading, with threat of a default just days away, news of a possible debt ceiling deal is dribbling out of Washington, first reported by ABC 's Jonathan Karl. The deal would raise the ceiling by $2.4 trillion in two phases, enough to last...

No Debt Compromise In Sight
 No Debt Compromise in Sight 

No Debt Compromise in Sight

One top Democrat says things getting 'very, very scary'

(Newser) - Exasperation is high on Capitol Hill, as the House and Senate barrel ahead with unrelated debt ceiling plans, neither of which resemble the “grand bargain” President Obama wanted. Today, John Boehner will hold a vote on his so-called “Cut, Cap, and Balance” bill, which calls for $5.8...

Senate Cancels July 4 Break; McConnell Challenges Obama
 Senate Cancels July 4 Recess 

Senate Cancels July 4 Recess

McConnell challenges president to meet with Republicans

(Newser) - The Senate abandoned plans for a July 4 break as time dwindled for lawmakers to strike a compromise on avoiding a government default. Harry Reid announced the scheduling change today, a day after President Obama prodded lawmakers to act swiftly to extend the government's ability to borrow money. "...

Mark Kelly&#39;s Next Career: Senator?
 Mark Kelly's 
 Next Career: 

Speculation Dept.

Mark Kelly's Next Career: Senator?

Gabrielle Giffords' husband might run for Jon Kyl's seat

(Newser) - Mark Kelly’s sudden retirement from NASA and the Navy has Washington a-tizzy with speculation that he’ll jump into the race for Jon Kyl’s Senate seat in Arizona. So far, Gabrielle Giffords is polling higher than any of the other potential Democratic candidates for the seat, but since...

Senators to View bin Laden Death Photos

Raid intel providing new leads hourly

(Newser) - The CIA has invited selected senators to view the photos of Osama bin Laden's death that the White House has decided not to release to the public. Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Senate Armed Services committee have been told that they can make an appointment with the...

Senate Passes Spending Bill, Avoids Shutdown

Temporary measure cuts $4 billion, will last 2 weeks

(Newser) - Congress is sending President Obama a Republican-drafted bill to trim $4 billion from the budget to keep the government running for two more weeks. The Senate cleared the measure by an overwhelming 91-9 vote that gives the GOP an early but modest victory in its drive to rein in government....

Dems Stonewall GOP's Attempts to Alter START

Amendments would have effectively killed treaty

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have turned back Republican efforts to change a new arms control treaty with Russia. By a vote of 64-33, the Senate rejected a measure that would have increased the number of weapons inspectors. If adopted, the amendment would have effectively killed the treaty, forcing US and Russian officials...

Senate Passes Tax-Cut Deal 81-19
Senate Passes
Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Senate Passes Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Heads for tougher fight in the House

(Newser) - President Obama's compromise tax deal with Republicans—a package of cuts that would add nearly a trillion dollars to the US debt—won approval in the Senate today in a 81-19 vote. The measure still faces stiff opposition in the House where Democrats see it as overgenerous to the wealthy....

Sen. Patty Murray Keeps Seat in Washington State

Democrat wins tight race over Dino Rossi

(Newser) - Democrats have managed to hang on to another Senate seat. Patty Murray has won the tight race in Washington state against GOP challenger Dino Rossi following a third day of vote counting. Challenged strongly by Rossi amid anti-incumbent sentiment nationwide, Murray featured a strong defense of her role in securing...

Michael Bennet Wins Colorado Senate Race

Democrat keeps GOP from gaining another seat

(Newser) - Turns out, incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet wasn't premature in declaring himself the winner of Colorado's Senate race. After today's counting, there's no way GOP challenger Ken Buck can catch him, reports the AP . With 97% of returns in, he's got a lead of more than 15,000 votes. Buck, however,...

Democrats Keep Senate; Harry Reid Beats Angle

Barbara Boxer, Rand Paul win; Christine O'Donnell, Linda McMahon lose

(Newser) - They may have lost the House, but Democrats will keep control of the Senate, barely. In big blue victories to help seal it, Harry Reid held off Sharron Angle in Nevada, while Joe Manchin won in West Virginia and Barbara Boxer in California. Earlier, Rand Paul (Kentucky), Marco Rubio (Florida),...

Christine O'Donnell: 'Our Voices Were Heard'

Says the GOP 'will never be the same'

(Newser) - Doesn't sound like Christine O'Donnell will be fading away: "Our voices were heard and we're not going to be quiet now," she said in her concession speech tonight. "This is just the beginning." Democrat Chris Coons defeated her handily in the Delaware Senate race—the margin...

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