House of Representatives

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Arizona Rep. Renzi Indicted Over Land Deal

Charged with 35 counts of conspiracy, extortion, money laundering

(Newser) - Rep. Rick Renzi has racked up a 35-count indictment, including federal charges of conspiracy, extortion, wire fraud, insurance fraud, and money laundering, CNN reports. The Arizona Republican and two ex-business partners worked to sell land that buyers could then trade for federally-owned property, the AP reports; the sale brought one...

House Holds 2 Bush Aides in Contempt

Dems vote against Bolten, Miers, while GOP walks out

(Newser) - The House voted today to hold two Bush insiders guilty of contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate in last year's US attorneys scandal, the AP reports. Angry  Republicans boycotted the vote and walked out in protest. Democrats censured chief of staff Josh Bolten and former Bush counsel Harriet Miers...

GOP, Bush Hammer Dems on Terror Bill

Republicans walk out in protest; Pelosi won't back off on recess

(Newser) - House Democrats are sticking to plans to begin a one-week recess starting tomorrow without renewing a terrorist surveillance bill set to expire when their vacation begins—to the dismay of President Bush and House Republicans, the Washington Post reports. Bush, set to leave for Africa, said the decision imperils national...

Congress Sends Stimulus Plan to Bush
Sends Stimulus Plan to Bush

Congress Sends Stimulus Plan to Bush

Most Americans will get rebates between $600 and $1,200

(Newser) - Congress approved an economic stimulus plan today that will give rebates of between $600 and $1,200 to most Americans. It now awaits President Bush's expected signature before checks can go in the mail. The House quickly approved the measure hours after the Senate finalized its version of the $168...

Senate Stimulus 'Too Complex' for Treasury

Paulson prefers House's 'simple' $146 billion plan

(Newser) - The $157 billion stimulus bill passed by the Senate Finance Committee is "too complex," Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said today. "Complexity is our enemy," Paulson said of the bill, which is "in danger of looking like a Christmas tree" once it goes to the full...

House's $89K in Carbon Offsets Do Virtually Nothing

Environmentalists call payments 'waste of taxpayer money'

(Newser) - Whatever the good intentions were, the $89,000 the House of Representatives spent on carbon offsets doesn’t seem to have done much, the Washington Post reports. Most of the money went to fund programs that were going on anyway or had already ended. “It demonstrated why offsets are...

Congress Approves War Funds
Congress Approves War Funds

Congress Approves War Funds

House passes budget that includes money for Iraq

(Newser) - The House today approved a $556 billion spending bill that grants President Bush his wish for $70 billion in additional funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Reuters reports. The measure, which also funds most of the federal government through next September, marks another setback for Democrats looking to...

Brother of Candidate Kucinich Dies
Brother of Candidate Kucinich Dies

Brother of Candidate Kucinich Dies

No sign of foul play in Cleveland home of Perry Kucinich, 52

(Newser) - Perry Kucinich, the 52-year-old youngest brother of Democratic presidential hopeful Dennis, was found dead today in his Cleveland home, the Plain Dealer reports. His body was found face-down this morning by another brother, Larry, the AP and CNN report. Authorities found no evidence of foul play.

Mammoth Spending Bill Passes House
Mammoth Spending Bill Passes House

Mammoth Spending Bill Passes House

Bush pleased with spending levels, could veto over Iraq

(Newser) - After months of wrangling over details, the House has passed a huge $515.7 billion domestic spending bill, the Washington Post reports. Lawmakers finally managed to hammer out a compromise that makes just about nobody happy. Conservatives and interest groups of all sides blasted the bill, and even Democrats could...

CIA Chief Sheds Little Light on Tapes

Hayden grilled by Senate panel, says videos predate him

(Newser) - Senators grilled CIA chief Michael Hayden for 90 minutes today, but his appearance behind closed doors shed little light on the agency's destruction of interrogation videotapes, the AP reports. Hayden's session was "useful and not yet complete," said Sen. Jay Rockefeller of the intelligence panel. Afterward, Hayden said...

House Boosts Fuel Economy Standards

Measure in energy bill calls for 35 mpg average by 2020

(Newser) - The House today approved a wide-ranging energy bill that calls for better fuel economy in US vehicles, the first such measure in more than 30 years. The bill, which has the grudging support of automakers, mandates a 40% improvement for most vehicles to an average of 35 mpg by 2020....

FCC Chief Gets Grilled on Hill
FCC Chief Gets Grilled on Hill

FCC Chief Gets Grilled on Hill

House members want cross-ownership vote delayed; Dems plead for oversight

(Newser) - FCC Chairman Kevin Martin faced angry questioning from both sides of the aisle at a House oversight meeting yesterday, as many urged the commissioner to delay December 18's vote on a controversial change to media cross-ownership rules. Martin said the plan, which would allow companies to own both a newspaper...

House Votes to Tighten Controls on Lenders

But Senate deadlock could keep bill tied up for months

(Newser) - The House has passed a bill intended to protect mortgage borrowers by imposing stricter regulations on lenders. But it's unlikely it will become law before the new year, given the Senate's problem passing a less controversial bill that also aims to mitigate the subprime lending crisis. The House measure bars...

Yahoo Settles With Chinese Journalists

After turning over data, it will pay 2 men jailed by Beijing

(Newser) - One week after being labeled moral “pygmies” in a House hearing, Yahoo settled a lawsuit  brought by two Chinese journalists jailed when the Internet giant turned over their personal data to Beijing. The two men, now serving 10-year sentences on charges of leaking state secrets, sued Yahoo for providing...

House: No More College File Sharing!
House: No More College File Sharing!

House: No More College File Sharing!

Schools that don't do enough to enforce copyright would get federal aid yanked

(Newser) - House Dems have introduced a bill that would force universities to do more to crack down on illegal file sharing, on pain of yanking their federal aid. Schools would have to provide alternatives to illegally downloading music and movies, such as pay file-sharing sites. A letter signed by several top...

House Passes Alternative Minimum Tax Bill

But bill is unlikely to make it through the Senate unchanged

(Newser) - The House passed a sweeping tax-reform bill yesterday—shifting some $78 billion in taxes from middle-class families to the super-rich—that is expected to get little traction in the Senate and has already drawn the promise of a presidential veto. The bill would exempt middle-income families from the Alternative Minimum...

Congress Defies Bush on Funds
Congress Defies Bush on Funds

Congress Defies Bush on Funds

House votes $10 billion for domestic programs White house seeks to ax

(Newser) - The Democratic-controlled Congress has approved an extra $10 billion for education and health care, daring the White House to veto the extra funding for popular domestic programs that President Bush seeks to cut. The vote came as the Senate dealt the White House its first veto override on a water...

House Bans Bias Against Gays at Work

Major civil rights measure now moves to Senate

(Newser) - It took more than 30 years, but House Democrats today passed a bill banning workplace discrimination against homosexuals, the New York Times reports. Thirty-five Republicans joined 200 Democrats to pass the legislation, which would amend the Civil Rights Act and safeguard workers against discrimination because of their “actual or...

House Overrides Bush's Veto of Water Bill

Rejection is first of presidency; Senate likely to follow suit

(Newser) - The House overrode a presidential veto tonight for the first time in the Bush administration, with 138 Republicans crossing party lines to support a $23 billion water-resources bill. The 361-54 vote was far more than the two-thirds needed to override, reflecting the popularity on both sides of the aisle of...

California Rep Sorry for White House War Jibe

Stark apologizes for saying Bush 'amused' by 'heads blown off'

(Newser) - Democratic Rep. Pete Stark apologized on the floor of the House yesterday for accusing Republicans of sending soldiers to Iraq "to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement." The 75-year-old lawmaker issued his regrets in a somber statement "to my colleagues, the president, his family,...

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