House of Representatives

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Rep. Barton Threatened to Call Police on Former Lover

He says he may be victim of 'revenge porn'

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Barton threatened to call the police on a former lover who contacted other women he was in relationships with and sent them explicit materials he had shared with her, according to a recording provided to the Washington Post . In the 2015 phone call, the Texas Republican tells the...

Rep. Conyers: I&#39;m Looking at Allegations in &#39;Amazement&#39;
Rep. Conyers: Yes, I Settled,
but I'm Innocent

Rep. Conyers: Yes, I Settled, but I'm Innocent

Congressman confirms payment to woman who accused him of sexual misconduct

(Newser) - Michigan Rep. John Conyers confirms that he did indeed pay a settlement to a woman who accused him of sexual misconduct, though he continues to deny the allegations. "My office resolved the allegations—with an express denial of liability—in order to save all involved from the rigors of...

Report: Rep Paid $27K to Keep Sex Misconduct Claim Quiet

Woman says she was fired for rejecting John Conyers' advances

(Newser) - The latest allegation of sleazy behavior on Capitol Hill involves Rep. John Conyers, the longest-serving member of the House. According to BuzzFeed , the Michigan Democrat's office paid $27,000 in 2015 to settle a sexual misconduct complaint from a woman who said she was fired for rejecting his advances....

Amid 2017 Election Wave, Big Implications for 2018

Two House Republicans announced retirement Tuesday, as Dems eye grabbing power in House

(Newser) - Axios calls it "a big story that could get lost in the blizzard" of Tuesday's elections : Two longtime GOP lawmakers announced their retirements Tuesday from the House of Representatives, adding to the growing list of Republicans electing to leave Capitol Hill under the Trump administration rather than...

New Allegations of Sex Misconduct, This Time in Congress

Current and former female lawmakers, including Mary Bono, reveal past instances of harassment

(Newser) - For years, GOP Rep. Mary Bono endured increasingly suggestive comments from a fellow House lawmaker. But when the congressman approached her on the House floor and told her he'd been thinking about her in the shower, she confronted the man, who she said still serves in Congress, telling him...

Do You Win or Lose? 8 Things in GOP Tax Plan

Your 401(k) is safe

(Newser) - The name "Cut, Cut, Cut Act" has been, well, cut, and that's not all. GOP House leaders are releasing what the Washington Post reports will be called the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act," and details are emerging on precisely what's in it. Here are 8...

Close House Vote May Not Bode Well for Tax Overhaul

Budget measure passes, but lawmakers from 'high-tax' states nearly derail it

(Newser) - The House has narrowly passed a $4 trillion budget that clears a key hurdle toward President Trump's goal of cutting taxes, per the AP . The 216-212 vote allows Republicans to begin work on a $1.5 trillion tax cut and move it through Congress without fear of blocking tactics...

Trump Sides With Democrats on Harvey Relief, Debt Ceiling

President overrules lawmakers from the GOP

(Newser) - President Trump overruled congressional Republicans and his own treasury secretary Wednesday and cut a deal with Democrats to fund the government and raise the federal borrowing limit for three months, all part of an agreement to speed money to Harvey relief. In the course of a relatively brief negotiating session...

After Uproar, House Will 'Modernize' Dress Code

Critics say it's only selectively enforced

(Newser) - After some uproar about how the House of Representatives enforces its dress code, Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday he and the House sergeant-at-arms will work to update it. The dress code calls for professional attire in the House chamber and the Speaker's lobby, and some female journalists have recently...

Democrat Files Trump Impeachment Articles
Democrat Launches
Trump Impeachment Bid

Democrat Launches Trump Impeachment Bid

Rep. Brad Sherman cites Comey firing

(Newser) - And so it begins? Rep. Brad Sherman formally launched a bid to impeach President Trump on Wednesday—but the move has next to no support among his fellow Democrats, let alone the House Republicans whose votes would be needed for impeachment. The measure's only co-sponsor was Rep. Al Green...

Shot Congressman's Condition Worsens

Steve Scalise is back in intensive care

(Newser) - Lawmakers from both parties were praying for Rep. Steve Scalise on Wednesday night after the congressman's condition worsened and he was readmitted to the intensive care unit at a hospital in Washington, DC. The MedStar Washington Center Hospital says the Republican, who was shot during practice for a congressional...

New US Rep Hasn't Shown Up for Work Weeks After Election

Jimmy Gomez has his reasons for dragging his feet on his swearing in

(Newser) - Jimmy Gomez won a special election to represent Los Angeles in the House of Representatives on June 6—becoming the only Democrat to win a special election under President Trump—but he has yet to show up to work, the Washington Post reports. On Tuesday, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy...

GOP Official: Scalise Shooting Will Win Ga. Election for Us

We find out Tuesday if it's Karen Handel or Jon Ossoff

(Newser) - It's a race that's both the most expensive one for a House seat in history and down to the wire: Voters in Georgia will decide on Tuesday whether Democrat Jon Ossoff or Republican Karen Handel will fill a congressional seat for suburban Atlanta. It's incredibly tight, and...

Montana Candidate Charged With Assaulting Reporter

Reporter says Gianforte body-slammed him

(Newser) - Republican candidate Greg Gianforte may have blown the race for Montana's only House seat on the eve of the election. Gianforte was charged with misdemeanor assault Wednesday evening after allegedly attacking Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs, Politico reports. In an account backed up by an audio recording and statements from...

House Eats at ObamaCare: Replacement Passes
House Eats at ObamaCare.
Here's What Comes Next

House Eats at ObamaCare. Here's What Comes Next

Get ready to learn more about 'reconciliation'

(Newser) - "Hopefully we're going to have a wonderful day, and a wonderful vote," said President Trump Thursday morning. His wish was granted: The House voted 217-213 to pass an updated version of the American Health Care Act, the GOP's ObamaCare replacement. The Wall Street Journal reports 216...

What It Means If a 30-Year-Old Democrat Wins in Georgia

Vote seen as measure of Trump's support

(Newser) - Is President Trump leaking support among GOP stalwarts? And do the Democrats have a chance of retaking the House next year? Analysts say answers to these questions might emerge in Georgia's special election Tuesday, where Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff, a 30-year-old former congressional staffer, has taken the lead among...

How Private Is Your Web History? Not Very, Decides Congress

Repeal of internet privacy rule now headed for Trump's desk

(Newser) - A measure to repeal online privacy rules brought in under former President Barack Obama before they take effect is on its way to President Trump's desk after the House passed it with a 215-205 vote. The measure—which passed the Senate 50-48 last week—blocks the FCC from enforcing...

GOP Tweaks Its ObamaCare Repeal, but Will It Be Enough?
Trump Delivers Warning
Ahead of Health-Care Vote
the rundown

Trump Delivers Warning Ahead of Health-Care Vote

After the GOP makes changes to the bill

(Newser) - The week got off to a rough start for President Trump, but the potential of a smoother finish does exist. The House is expected to vote Thursday on the GOP's ObamaCare replacement, and Trump met with party members Tuesday morning in an effort to bolster support. The meeting follows...

Rep. Amash Cries After Breaking Perfect Voting Record

He accidentally misses first vote since 2011

(Newser) - Rep. Justin Amash was proud of his voting record in the House and rightly so: The Michigan Republican didn't miss a vote for more than six years after taking office in 2011, but his perfect streak ended at 4,289 on Friday when he accidentally missed a vote while...

Pelosi Keeps Her Job
Pelosi Keeps Her Job

Pelosi Keeps Her Job

She fends off challenger Tim Ryan of Ohio, will remain minority leader

(Newser) - House Democrats re-elected Nancy Pelosi as their leader on Wednesday. The California lawmaker, who has led the party since 2002, turned back a challenge from Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, reports the AP . Her win came despite disenchantment among some in the Democratic caucus over the party's disappointing performance in...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>