
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Obese Girl 6 Weeks Away From Life-Saving Surgery

Thanks to the kindness of strangers, and a Cincinnati hospital

(Newser) - It seems 2014 could be a very good year for Alexis Shapiro, the Texas 12-year-old whose plight got a wave of national attention over the weekend. Alexis suffers from hypothalamic obesity, a rare condition that causes her to constantly feel hungry; even with a strict diet, her 4-foot-7 frame carries...

Starving and Obese, Girl Fights for Needed Surgery

After insurer turns her down, Alexis Shapiro's family turns to the masses

(Newser) - Alexis Shapiro is 12 years old, 4-foot-7, and 198 pounds—a weight that is growing at a rate of at least two pounds a week. It's due to a very rare condition known as hypothalamic obesity, which itself was born from another medical issue. As NBC News reports, the...

Feeling Fat? Grizzly Bears May Be Able to Help

Scientist studies grizzlies to see how they eat so much

(Newser) - Ready to get jealous? Grizzly bears can put on 100 pounds or more by wolfing down food before hibernation, without clogging arteries or becoming diabetic. And they can ingest up to 58,000 calories a day and weigh 1,000 pounds without anyone saying anything. Which is exactly why one...

Today's Kids Can't Run as Fast as Parents Did

Children getting slower, fatter by the year

(Newser) - Today's children are the most sedentary generation in history and they would be easily trounced in a race with younger versions of their parents, a new study finds. Researchers—who looked at data involving millions of children in 20 countries over more than 40 years—found that today's...

New Guidelines Tell Doctors to Harangue Patients About Weight

It's time to get aggressive, say medical groups

(Newser) - Next time you go for a checkup, don't be surprised if your doctor gets on your case about your weight. The medical profession has issued new guidelines for fighting the nation's obesity epidemic, and they urge physicians to be a lot more aggressive about helping patients drop those...

Mexico Could Soon Tax Junk Food

5% tax on high-calorie food and drink passes lower house

(Newser) - Proposed soda taxes have been shot down in the US, but in Mexico, that bottle of Jarritos could soon cost more. Legislation that will tax high-calorie food and sugary drinks was approved by Mexico's Chamber of Deputies yesterday. Now it's headed to the Senate, where it's also...

Animals Are Having an Obesity Crisis, Too

Does that mean lifestyle isn't the only cause?

(Newser) - Americans aren't the only ones getting fatter—our animals are also growing overweight, reports Pro Publica . And it isn't just pets and lab animals piling on the pounds (though they are; the likelihood of chimps living with or near humans being obese increased tenfold between 1985 and 2005):...

US Teens Are Actually Getting Healthier

More veggies, more exercise, less TV—but still not enough

(Newser) - American teenagers may not be the junk food-scarfing, video game-addicted balls of lard the media likes to make them out to be—or at least, they may not be anymore. A new study has found teens in 2010 were eating more vegetables, getting more exercise, drinking less soda, and watching...

1 in 10 Kids Has a Liver Like an Alcoholic&#39;s
1 in 10 Kids Has a Liver
Like an Alcoholic's
in case you missed it

1 in 10 Kids Has a Liver Like an Alcoholic's

Rise in fatty liver disease alarms experts

(Newser) - Huge numbers of American children have a liver disease that used to be seen mainly among adult alcoholics—and most of them don't know it, researchers warn. Around 10% of children are now believed to have fatty liver disease, which can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure in some...

'Too Fat' Chef Can Stay in New Zealand —for Now

Albert Buitenhuis receives 23-month work visa

(Newser) - Good news for larger people with an affinity for the works of JRR Tolkien and Crowded House: Albert Buitenhuis, the South African chef facing deportation from New Zealand due to concerns that he was too overweight , has been given a visa. After a very public battle to stay in the...

New Anti-Obesity Weapon: Skinny People's Poo?

Study finds gut bacteria help determine weight

(Newser) - The size of many people's bellies may be determined by some of the billions of bacteria living in their guts, according to new research. Scientists took pairs of human twins—one twin obese, the other thin—and transplanted some of their gut bacteria into young mice that had been...

New Culprit in Teen Diabetes? Food Packaging
New Culprit in Teen
Diabetes? Food Packaging

New Culprit in Teen Diabetes? Food Packaging

But findings on BPA and DEHP not conclusive

(Newser) - It might not just be the foods teens are eating that lead to obesity and type 2 diabetes, but the wrappers and cans they come in, two studies published recently in Pediatrics suggest. In one, researchers found that higher levels of DEHP, a phthalate found in processed foods, their packaging,...

Doctors Worry About All These Big Babies

Along with obesity, birthweight is on the rise

(Newser) - Like people, babies are getting bigger around the world—and experts say those cute, chubby newborns pose health risks to themselves and their moms, NBC News reports. Not only can they get stuck during birth, but they can face higher risks of cancer, obesity, and (if born from an overweight...

Got an Obese Mom? You May Die Earlier

 Got an Obese Mom? 
 You May Die Earlier 
study says

Got an Obese Mom? You May Die Earlier

Study finds those born to obese mothers more likely to die young

(Newser) - Bad news if your mother was obese or overweight while she was pregnant with you: You're more likely to die young, according to a new study. Researchers looked at health records for more than 37,000 people born in Scotland who are now between the ages of 34 and...

New Zealand to Chef: You're Too Fat to Live Here

Nation familiar with obesity might deport heavy South African

(Newser) - It's like bureaucratic fat-shaming: New Zealand has informed a chef who moved there from South Africa that he is too heavy to stay in the country, reports the BBC . Albert Buitenhuis weighs about 285 pounds, and the government deems the 50-year-old too much of a health risk. (It should...

Dubai Offers Flabby Citizens Gold to Lose Weight

Skeptics think the stunt won't have much of an effect

(Newser) - Dubai is, generally speaking, a fat nation. It also happens to be a very rich nation, and those two factors have combined to create an unusual weight-loss offer from the government: It will give people gold based on how many pounds they drop, reports Emirates 24/7 . The month-long initiative got...

Overweight Might Truly Be Able to Blame Genes

Study finds that mutation in one can bring on obesity in mice

(Newser) - Saying it's "in the genes" might be a well-worn excuse among those looking to shed weight, but scientists have just put some serious evidence behind the notion. They found that a rare gene mutation can cause obesity in mice, reports the New York Times . The intriguing part is...

Big Problem for Air Ambulances: Huge Patients

Providers have to upgrade helicopters or reject patients

(Newser) - Emergency medical providers across America are being forced to get bigger, stronger helicopters to deal with rising numbers of patients too heavy to be carried in the current helicopters—or too big to fit in the aircraft, NBC reports. Around 1% of patients who need medical air flights, or about...

US Isn't World's Fattest Country— But It's Close

Almost a third of Mexicans obese

(Newser) - Amid near-constant news of the obesity epidemic, you'd be forgiven for thinking the US led the developed world when it comes to weight—but by at least one measure, you'd be wrong. Mexico actually has a higher percentage of obese adults, with 32.8% of its grown-up population...

Are Americans Giving Up on Diet Pills?

First prescription obesity drug in more than a decade struggles to sell

(Newser) - Just a few years ago, a drug company CEO predicted anti-obesity pills could rival the sales of drugs like Lipitor. Instead, the first prescription diet pill to arrive in 13 years is barely selling, the New York Times reports. Qsymia maker Vivus spent $45 million to promote the drug in...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>