
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

America's Obesity Problem Is Only Getting Bigger

2 in 5 women and 1 in 5 teens are now obese

(Newser) - Despite "hundreds of millions of dollars" spent fight obesity in America, the problem is only getting worse, specifically for women and teens, researchers say . The CDC published two new studies of obesity in adults and children Tuesday. The results were not encouraging. MSNBC reports 38% of US adults are...

These Genes Make Your Dog Look Fat
 These Genes Make 
 Your Dog Look Fat 
study says

These Genes Make Your Dog Look Fat

Your dog might have good reason to be chubby, at least for Labs

(Newser) - Labs are among the most popular dogs in the country, and they're also prone to packing on too many pounds. A new study suggests a scientific reason that helps explain both: a genetic mutation. Researchers at Cambridge found that about 25% of Labs have a gene variant that makes...

The Potential Issue With 'Good Cop, Bad Cop' Parenting

'Nicer' parent may not be able to compensate for the 'meaner' one

(Newser) - When a child has an overbearing parent, it's bound to be stressful, and it may even spur a "good cop, bad cop" dynamic between parents. But a new study published in Social Science and Medicine suggests that not only is such severe parenting linked to an increased risk...

Diabetes, Obesity Dramatically Increase Risk of Big Babies

Fetuses can be abnormally large by the sixth month of pregnancy

(Newser) - Diabetic or obese pregnant women may already be carrying abnormally large fetuses by the sixth month of pregnancy, US News & World Report reports. And that matters because, according to the BBC , abnormally large babies are at risk of injury during delivery and can have a higher chance of obesity...

Woman Loses Vision After Weight-Loss Surgery

Not to mention severe pain and lesions on her eyes

(Newser) - After a Texas woman had gastrointestinal surgery, she lost weight as expected—but she also lost her vision. According to a study published last week in JAMA Ophthalmology, the woman in her 40s started complaining of deteriorating vision, eye pain, and lesions on her eyes. Study author Kyle Kirkland tells...

World's Obese Now Outnumber the Underweight

A 5th of the world will be obese by 2025, researchers warn

(Newser) - It's a big world after all: Researchers say that over the last 40 years, the number of obese people worldwide has ballooned and the obese now outnumber the underweight, HealthDay reports. The proportion of obese people worldwide now stands at 11% among men and 15% among women, while 9%...

The 10 Fattest Cities in the US
 The 10 Fattest Cities in the US 

The 10 Fattest Cities in the US

Don't blame the South, its food is just too good

(Newser) - Obesity-related medical treatments cost Americans up to $315.8 billion every year, and that could increase by up to $66 billion per year if current health trends continue. With the increasing cost of the US' obesity epidemic in mind, WalletHub looked at the 100 largest American cities (by population, not...

Snacking on Peanuts May Help Obesity Epidemic

12-week study of Hispanic middle school kids finds peanuts help reduce BMI

(Newser) - Good news for those who like peanuts and aren't allergic: Snacking on them three to four times a week could help lower one's BMI, researchers report in the Journal of Applied Research on Children . Researchers from the University of Houston, Baylor College of Medicine, and Texas Woman's...

This New Seat Could Be the Solution for Obese Flyers

As well as for families and the elderly

(Newser) - More than one-third of US adults are considered obese, CBS News reports. Now a French airplane manufacturer thinks it has a solution to keep those Americans comfortable when they take to the skies. According to NBC News , Airbus filed a patent application for a bench seat on Feb. 11. The...

For the Obese, Objects Are Closer Than They Appear

The obese see distances as at least 10% greater than those of average weight

(Newser) - The very weight we carry can change our perception of the space around us, reports the Guardian , with obese people seeing distances as being at least 10% greater than those of average weight do, report researchers from Colorado State University Fort Collins. In the journal Acta Psychologica they report that...

Millions of Obese Americans Are Actually 'Quite Healthy'

'This should be a final nail in the coffin for BMI'

(Newser) - A new study finds that more than 50 million "quite healthy" Americans have been mislabeled as obese or overweight thanks to an over-reliance on BMI as a measurement of health, the Los Angeles Times reports. “This should be a final nail in the coffin for BMI,” says...

The Female Brain Isn&#39;t Wired for Modern Obesity Meds
Obesity Drugs May Not
Work So Great for Women

Obesity Drugs May Not Work So Great for Women

Male mice see much greater benefit in study

(Newser) - Bad news, ladies: Your brain may be wired in a way that doesn't help you lose weight—at least when compared with male brains. That's what scientists led by the University of Aberdeen conclude after observing how mice shed extra weight. In a Molecular Metabolism study, pointed out...

Cure for Obesity: Freeze-Dried Poop?

Clinical trial aims to find out

(Newser) - Atkins, paleo, juice cleanses … people will try most anything to shed some pounds. How about freeze-dried poop? A clinical trial set to start this year will involve 20 obese patients taking capsules filled with freeze-dried stool from healthy donors to test researchers' hunch that intestinal microbes can influence people'...

Your Father's Sperm Might Be Making You Fat

Dad's weight when he conceives children may affect them, study says

(Newser) - Having trouble maintaining your ideal weight? Blame your dad's sperm. That may sound odd, but a study published Thursday in Cell Metabolism found that a man's weight may change the information carried in his sperm and predispose his children to obesity, reports the New York Times . Researchers compared...

Healthy Foods Aren't Necessarily Healthy for Everyone

Researchers say it could change the way we think about dieting

(Newser) - Like many people, one middle-age woman in an Israeli study just couldn't seem to find a diet that worked. The problem: The seemingly healthy tomatoes she was eating multiple times per week were actually causing her blood sugar levels to spike. The New Zealand Herald reports the researchers from...

Women Have Overtaken Men in the Obese Category
Women Have Overtaken Men
in the Obese Category
new report

Women Have Overtaken Men in the Obese Category

38% of women obese, compared to 34% of men: CDC report

(Newser) - Obesity is still rising among American adults, despite more than a decade of public-awareness campaigns and other efforts to get people to watch their weight, and women have now overtaken men in the obese category, new government research shows. For the past several years, experts thought the nation's alarming,...

Study: Benefits of Teen Obesity Surgery Worth the Risks

Study finds health gains can last at least 3 years

(Newser) - The largest, longest study of teen obesity surgery shows huge weight loss and health gains can last at least three years, and many say it's worth the risks. "I feel awesome. It's like a new life," said Miranda Taylor, a Cincinnati nursing student in the study...

Prescription-Drug Use Just Hit a Crazy New Peak

Obesity, better diagnoses, overprescribing could explain the jump

(Newser) - Americans are taking more prescription drugs than ever before, according to a new study that finds almost three in five take at least one medication. Researchers surveyed 38,000 adults aged 20 and older, then estimated that 59% of Americans took prescription drugs as of 2012, compared to 51% in...

Reducing Sugar Boosts Kids&#39; Health Within Days
Reducing Sugar Boosts
Kids' Health Within Days

Reducing Sugar Boosts Kids' Health Within Days

Results push study author to call for a tax on 'toxic' sugar

(Newser) - Dr. Robert Lustig previously argued that sugar is as bad as tobacco or cocaine. Now, he's advocating for a sugar tax in the Guardian based on a new diet study of obese kids. Lustig and colleagues asked 43 black and Hispanic children, aged 8 to 18—each with symptoms...

800-Pound Man: Hospital Kicked Me Out Over Pizza

Steven Assanti says he was celebrating with a 'cheat meal'

(Newser) - A Rhode Island man's weight is a death sentence, and his father says he's now nearing that fate after the hospital that was treating the 33-year-old kicked him out. Steven Assanti says he spent nearly 3 months at Rhode Island Hospital, during which time he lost 20 pounds....

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>