
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Work Is Less of a Workout These Days

We burn fewer calories on the job than people in the 1960s

(Newser) - You'll want to sit down for this—wait, you probably already are. Fewer jobs requiring even moderate physical activity contributes to workers burning 120 to 140 fewer calories on the job than they did in the '60s, reports USA Today . During an average workday, men burn an average...

Study to Give Fetuses Anti-Obesity Drugs

A hundred obese, pregnant women sign up for trial

(Newser) - Is in utero too soon to start taking anti-obesity drugs? A group of scientists are putting that question to the test; they’re giving a hundred obese pregnant women the diabetes drug Metformin. It won't help the moms lose weight, but it should limit the amount of sugar they...

Liposuction Fat Reappears On Arms, Belly
After Liposuction, Fat
Returns ... Somewhere Else

After Liposuction, Fat Returns ... Somewhere Else

Study finds fat gets 'redistributed upstairs' within a year

(Newser) - People who undergo liposuction are playing Whac-A-Mole with body fat instead of achieving permanent reductions, new research suggests. Researchers found that after patients had fat deposits removed from one part of their body, the fat reappeared within a year in a different part of their body, the New York Times...

Malaysia to Grade Students on Their Weight

Move is designed to curb obesity

(Newser) - Soon, if you want to be an "A" student in Malaysia, you'll have to study and exercise hard. Schools across the country will add students' body mass index alongside their usual grades in a bid to curb childhood obesity, the country's health minister says. The move is...

Boston Bans Soda From City Property

To reduce obesity, sugary drinks banned from all city property

(Newser) - No more soda on Boston city property, or sports drinks or sweetened ice teas, for that matter. In an effort to reduce the city's rising obesity rates—and the soaring health costs associated with obesity— Slashfood reports that Mayor Thomas Menino has banned all sugary beverages from vending machines, cafeterias,...

Movie Popcorn Gets Pass: Calorie Count Stays Hidden

Calorie counts to appear on restaurant menus next year: FDA

(Newser) - If you don't want to see how many calories are in your meal, you may have to start dining in bowling alleys and movie theaters. The FDA has released its proposal for adding calorie counts to menus next year, and places that don't serve food as their primary business have...

Jan Brewer Wants to Charge Medicaid 'Fat Fee'

Arizona governor's plan would charge smokers, obese people $50

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has an idea for how to raise money for the state’s Medicaid program: charge obese people and smokers. Brewer’s proposal would require smokers or obese people who don’t follow a doctor’s weight loss program to pay a $50 fee if they are...

US Exports Its Fat-Is-Evil Perception Around the World

Anthropologists see stigma showing up in other nations for first time

(Newser) - Nice job, America. Your obsession with body weight is now making people in other countries feel bad. So say anthropologists who surveyed attitudes about weight around the world and found that a "fat stigma" is showing up for the first time in places such as American Samoa, Puerto Rico,...

Boy, 3, Tips Scales at 132 Pounds

Docs worried about obese toddler

(Newser) - Super spoiled or the victim of a hormonal abnormality? Doctors are worried about a 3-year-old Chinese boy who weighs in at a massive 132 pounds, more than four times heavier than most kids his age, notes the Sun . His doting parents say the boy throws temper tantrums if he's denied...

Churchgoers More Likely to Be Obese

 More Likely to 
 Be Obese 
study says

Churchgoers More Likely to Be Obese

Researchers suspect all those church functions are to blame

(Newser) - Achieving inner peace comes with a price, apparently. People who go to church regularly are more prone to pack on the pounds, reports Time . In one analysis, researchers at Northwestern University found that those who attended church or some kind of church function a minimum of once a week were...

Fat Americans Need More Space on Buses: Feds

...and feds think bus-testing regulations need to change to reflect this

(Newser) - As Americans get heftier, bus bosses are scrambling to support the extra weight. The Federal Transit Administration wants to tweak its bus-testing regulations so that they better reflect the people that will likely be riding those buses. It has proposed raising the average bus-passenger weight from 150 to 175 pounds,...

To Help Obese Lose Weight, a Stomach Pacemaker?

Device tricks brain into thinking stomach is full

(Newser) - An appetite-curbing stomach pacemaker that helps obese people lose weight is on sale in Europe after passing clinical trials and its makers hope to offer in the US within a few years. The surgically implanted device sends out electrical pulses designed to trick the brain into believing the body is...

5 Not-So-Obvious Reasons We're Fat

Looking beyond lack of willpower

(Newser) - The number of overweight Americans keeps, umm, ballooning, but why? LiveScience looks past self-control issues and too little exercise to some less-discussed factors. So many of us are fat because of:
  1. The government: 29 million Americans instantly became overweight in 1998 when the government lowered the overweight threshold from a

Heart Attack Grill Pitchman Dead at 29

575-pound Blair River felled by pneumonia

(Newser) - Chubby Blair River isn't laughing any more. The 575-pound jokester pitchman for the Heart Attack Grill restaurant has died at the age of 29. The affable River won fans on ads and YouTube as he plugged the tasty virtues of the cholesterol-laden burgers and fries of the cheeky Arizona restaurant...

Rush Limbaugh: Michelle Obama's a Big, Fat Hypocrite

First lady slammed for eating ribs for dinner

(Newser) - Michelle Obama needs to stick to lettuce salads, according to Rush Limbaugh. The radio host labeled the first lady a hypocrite yesterday for promoting healthy eating and then having short ribs for dinner while on vacation in Colorado, the New York Daily News reports. "The problem is—and dare...

Bachmann: First Lady Wants a 'Nanny State'

Minnesota rep slams breastfeeding campaign

(Newser) - Just a few days after Andrew Breitbart ran a cartoon basically calling her fat , Michelle Obama and her anti-obesity campaign came under attack again, this time from Michele Bachmann. The Minnesota congresswoman and Tea Party favorite ripped Obama's push to advocate breastfeeding as part of the fight against childhood obesity,...

Breitbart Website Calls Michelle Obama Fat

Political cartoon mocks anti-obesity campaign

(Newser) - Andrew Breitbart, fresh off the news of Shirley Sherrod's lawsuit against him, has gotten himself embroiled in another controversy. His Big Government website lashed out at Michelle Obama's anti-obesity campaign ... by basically calling her fat. A cartoon strip on the website shows an overweight Obama eating a huge pile of...

More Than 10% of Planet's Adults Obese

Study also find US has highest BMI among high-income countries

(Newser) - Almost half a billion adults—10% of the adult population worldwide—were obese as of 2008, a new study finds. That’s nearly twice the 1980 rate, reports Scientific American . On average, each decade has seen a body mass index inch up 0.4 to an average of 23.8...

Black Women Can Have Bigger Waists, Still Be Healthy

By two measures, black women could be bigger without raising health risk

(Newser) - Black women can have larger waistlines and be larger in general than white women and still be relatively healthy, according to new research.The study of 6,400 volunteers examined abdominal obesity and body-mass index and found that black women had higher thresholds than white women for both measures before...

Chris Christie: Too Fat to Be President?

Size could matter for leading GOP contender

(Newser) - Chris Christie is widely seen as a leading GOP contender for 2012 but some analysts see a hefty obstacle in the way: Chris Christie. America hasn't had an obese president since William Howard Taft a century ago and bias against the overweight could count against the New Jersey governor."...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>