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Barbie Will Get Bald Friend
 Barbie Will Get 
 Bald Friend 

Barbie Will Get Bald Friend

Mattel will produce hairless doll for sick children

(Newser) - Barbie-maker Mattel is creating a special doll for children who have lost their hair to illness. The new doll will be bald and a friend of Barbie, and she'll come with fashion accessories including hats, scarves, and wigs. Earlier this year, a Facebook campaign that garnered 150,000 "...

Another Steve Jobs Doll Is Out

The iCEO is going for $60

(Newser) - Cuddle up with your favorite CEO: A 15-inch plush stuffed doll of the late Steve Jobs is now for sale. The "iCEO," released by pillow company Throwboy , will set you back $60. It features removable glasses, a black turtle neck, and real denim jeans, reports Mashable . The toy...

D'oh! Iran Bans Homer Simpson Doll

Like Barbie, Homer's on the outs in Tehran

(Newser) - Maybe the Supreme Leader doesn't giggle at lines like "Homer no function beer well without" and "I felt a surge of power … like God must feel when he’s holding a gun." But whatever the reason, Iranian officials have placed the Homer Simpson doll alongside...

Russian Cops Pitch Tantrum Over 'Toy Protest'

Rubber animals, South Park figures take up cause in Russia

(Newser) - Don't toy with us, furious Russian officials are warning activists. But that's just what they're doing. Government critics have staged a miniature protest in the Siberian town of Barnaul using tiny Lego men, South Park figurines, and rubber animals holding little placards emblazoned with messages like "...

Iran Bans Barbie, Offers US a Toy Model of Downed Spy Drone
Sorry, Kids: Iran Bans Barbie 

Sorry, Kids: Iran Bans Barbie

But luckily, a replica of the downed US stealth drone will be on sale soon!

(Newser) - As the US tries to crack down on Iran , Iran is doing some cracking down of its own—on that oh-so-American symbol, the Barbie doll. The country's morality police have begun enforcing a Barbie ban issued in 1996. (Authorities blasted the doll's "destructive cultural and social consequences"...

Mind-Reading Remote, Other CES Gizmos You Missed

There was more to electronics show than TVs

(Newser) - This year's Consumer Electronics Show had the predictable high-tech TVs and other conventional items—but the 3,100 exhibitors also showed off some rather bizarre devices. A few highlights:
  • Solowheel. An electric unicycle with no seat and footboards that allow riders to stand and lean in the direction they

Cops Ticket Kid in Toy Motorcycle Accident

6-year-old drives into SUV, mini motorbike impounded

(Newser) - He's only six years old, but he's already tangoed with police for reckless driving. After Gael Noriega plowed into an SUV, police in Mexico ticketed him for the offense, as well as driving without a license and failure to register his vehicle: a miniature motorbike. The small, gas-powered...

Burger King Gets Around 'Happy Meal Ban,' Too

Will charge extra for toys, like McDonald's

(Newser) - Burger King is taking a page from the McDonald's handbook : In order to "comply" with San Francisco's so-called "Happy Meal ban," the fast food chain will stop giving away toys in its kids' meals … but it will offer them for purchase for just 10...

McDonald's Sidesteps SF Happy Meal Ban

Toys to be sold as an extra

(Newser) - San Francisco's Happy Meal ban kicks in tomorrow, but McDonald's has found a very simple way to dodge it. The law bans restaurants from including a toy with a meal if that meal doesn't comply with the city's nutritional guidelines. So McDonald's is selling Happy...

Mattel Out $310M After Losing Bratz Spat

MGA awarded damages, legal fees

(Newser) - The final bell has been rung in the long-running Mattel-MGA Entertainment court battle over Bratz—and Barbie's makers have taken a hell of a beating. A federal judge has ordered Mattel to pay MGA, the makers of Bratz dolls, a total of $310 million in punitive damages and lawyers...

Controversial Breastfeeding Doll Hitting Toy Stores

Is it natural or disgusting?

(Newser) - A new baby doll that little girls "breast feed" is giving parents heart palpitations. The doll, created in Spain, is now heading to US toy stores. Creators of the " Breast Milk Baby " insist the $90 toy triggers a perfectly natural pretend-play process that teaches girls the very...

Dear Santa: I Want a Diarrhea to Write in, Happy Terrorists
Dear Santa: I Want Happy Terrorists, Dad to Come Home
kids' christmas wishes

Dear Santa: I Want Happy Terrorists, Dad to Come Home

Veteran Claus reveals kids' secret desires

(Newser) - A 28-year veteran of the Santa Claus role has finally revealed in a blog what we already knew: Kids can be hilarious and heartbreaking. But he's got some perfect tales to illustrate it. Beyond the expected requests for the latest Barbie and video game, kids have whispered into Santa Carl...

This Year's Hot Toy: Squinkies
 This Year's Hot Toy: Squinkies 

This Year's Hot Toy: Squinkies

If your kid absolutely needs one, you may be out of luck

(Newser) - Every year, there’s some toy that—often inexplicably—leaps off the shelves long before Christmas. This year, it’s the Squinkies. Toymaker Bill Nichols developed the tiny, squishy rubber characters (which come packaged vending-machine-style, in plastic bubbles) last year, figuring they would sell well in a struggling economy. And...

Psst, Santa, Kids Want Tech, Not Toys

iPhones, iPads trump traditional wishes

(Newser) - Forget Barbie and GI Joe—Christmas lists these days are much more likely to be topped by an iPhone or iPad, the Telegraph reports. The iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and iPad were the top three most desired toys, according to the latest Duracell Toy Report. The report, ironically enough, features...

1.2M Toys Recalled at Chuck E. Cheese

No injuries so far, but one kid put battery up nose

(Newser) - More than 1.2 million Chuck E. Cheese light-up rings and toy eyeglasses were recalled today over concerns that children might swallow the small battery inside the toys. The Consumer Product Safety Commission said the plastic on the toys can break, possibly exposing the button-type batteries inside. Ingestion could lead...

Happy 50th, Etch A Sketch!
 Happy 50th, Etch A Sketch! 

Happy 50th, Etch A Sketch!

(Newser) - Yesterday marked the 50th birthday of one of America's classic toys: the Etch A Sketch. Okay, so it was invented by a French guy—Andre Cassagnes, who named it L’Ecran Magique, or “the Magic Screen.” But the Americans at Ohio Art bought it, came up with the...

Calif. County Moves to Ban Happy Meal Toys

First-of-its-kind ban aimed at tackling child obesity

(Newser) - California's Santa Clara may soon be the first place in America to ban the little toys that come with McDonald's' Happy Meals and other fast-food promotions. County officials say the move—which would outlaw free toys with any meal that has over 485 calories or high levels of salt, sugar,...

Mattel Rolls Out Mad Men Barbie Dolls
 Mattel Rolls Out 
 Mad Men Barbie Dolls 
don, betty, and more

Mattel Rolls Out Mad Men Barbie Dolls

Mattel unveils dolls based on the TV characters

(Newser) - Have you ever wanted to dress up Don Draper? Well, now you can. Mattel is rolling out a line of Mad Men Barbie dolls. They’ll be the first offering in the Barbie Fashion Model Collection, a high-priced line of figures aimed at adult collectors based on TV properties. Only...

Meet Scott Brown, Action Figure

Firm makes doll in private, presidential flavors

(Newser) - Scott Brown hasn't been on the national stage for long, but the senator-elect already has three action figures to his name. Choose from "2012 Executive Scott Brown," "Scott Brown Everyman"—sans pickup truck—or the anatomically correct "Scott Brown Cosmo Doll." “He’s...

Cops Bust 'Pot-Bellied' Teddy at Calif. Store

Toy 'mule' packed with marijuana

(Newser) - A large Teddy bear arrived in the mail at a Toy Town store in southern California with a "hard crinkly" stomach and a big grin on his face. The suspicious store owner called cops, who found three, vacuum-sealed bags of maijuana inside Teddy's belly. The package had been mailed...

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