US Airways

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Blanket and Pillow? That'll Be $7 on US Airways

Airline to charge for blankets & pillows

(Newser) - A warm snooze on a US Airways flight will cost passengers an extra $7, reports AP. US Airways will begin charging for a "Power-Nap Sack"—a blanket, pillow and other nap extras—later this month. Jet Blue announced a similar policy last summer as airlines began charging for...

FAA Releases Audio of Hudson Landing

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration today released remarkable audio recordings capturing pilot Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger’s decision to land US Airways flight 1549 in the Hudson River. Sullenberger can be heard discussing the Jan. 15 landing with air-traffic control, CNN reports. As controllers scramble to find a runway for...

Library Ditches Hero Pilot's Fine for Book Sunk in Hudson

Restocked ethics tome to be dedicated to Sully

(Newser) - Hero pilot Chesley Sullenberger's local library has told him not to worry about a borrowed book stuck in the hold of US Airways Flight 1549 that crashed in the Hudson River, AP reports. After he contacted the library to ask for an extension, the staff not only waived all overdue...

Flight 1549's Pilot a Dying Breed

'Sully' from age when pilots were trained to be mavericks

(Newser) - In an era when pilots are trained to minimize risk and stick to standard procedures, Chesley Sullenberger of Flight 1549 may be one of the last of his kind, New York magazine reports. He was trained in an earlier era, one in which pilots were treated as gods, and a...

Some Hudson Passengers Say $5K Not Enough

Airline paid up for lost belongings, but some eye trauma restitution

(Newser) - US Airways paid $5,000 to each passenger aboard Flight 1549 for the baggage that the NTSB needs to keep for its investigation into the crash—but not everyone is satisfied with that payout, reports USA Today. Some say their belongings were worth more than $5,000, while others want...

Pilot Gets Hero's Welcome
 Pilot Gets Hero's Welcome 

Pilot Gets Hero's Welcome

(Newser) - The small town of Danville, Calif., welcomed home its resident celebrity pilot, Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, the Los Angeles Times reports. Thousands filled the town green to cheer the man who landed Flight 1549 safely in the Hudson River. "I know I can speak for the entire crew when...

Hudson Survivors Relive Nightmare, Relish Survival

Passengers amazed to still be alive cope with crash's emotional aftermath

(Newser) - Passengers who cheated death in the Hudson River crash are seeing the world through a fresh set of eyes, they tell the AP. They are celebrating the simple joy of still being alive, but many are also haunted by recurring nightmares. Experts say such reactions are normal after such an...

Second Engine Recovered From Hudson River

Couric lands first interview with Flight 1549's hero captain

(Newser) - The left engine of Flight 1549 was pulled from the Hudson River this afternoon, days after it was located with sonar, NY1 reports. Divers had held off on the recovery because of cold weather; warmer temperatures today allowed them to reach the engine and hoist it out of the water...

Second Engine Found in Hudson
 Second Engine 
 Found in Hudson 

Second Engine Found in Hudson

FAA advisory warned that plane could stall

(Newser) - The missing left engine from US Airways Flight 1549 was found intact today, the New York Post reports. Sonar scans detected an object of matching dimensions at the bottom of the Hudson yesterday, but choppy currents prevented investigators from confirming their find until today. The engine is being subjected to...

Flight 1549 Passengers Get $5K to Offset Lost Luggage

Investigation means possessions aren't coming back soon ... if they're even salvageable

(Newser) - Saying that passengers of Flight 1549 will not get their belongings back for months, if ever, US Airways sent each $5,000, CNN reports; the airline also provided “an obvious reimbursement” of the ticket price. As part of the investigation, all luggage must be weighed in its “current...

Loud Noise Rocked Earlier Flight 1549

(Newser) - The same US Airways flight that landed in the Hudson River nearly made an emergency landing 2 days before when passengers heard loud banging noises, CNN reports. "It sounded like the wing was just snapping off," said one passenger. "Red lights started going on." Then the...

Hudson Survivors Nearly Charged Cancellation Fees

Passengers Spirit put on downed jet had uphill battle in getting out of return ticket

(Newser) - An airline that canceled its own flight and placed passengers on US Airways 1549 will not, after all, charge them for canceling their return trip, WTIC-TV reports. “I need your credit card number,” a passenger on the jet that ditched in the Hudson River recalls a representative of...

Obama Invites Hero Pilot to Inauguration

Sullenberger will reunite with family in Washington

(Newser) - The pilot of downed US Airways Flight 1549 has received a personal invitation to tomorrow’s inauguration from Barack Obama, the San Jose Mercury News reports. The event will also give Chesley Sullenberger, who gained national-hero status for guiding the damaged plane to safety, a chance to see his wife...

Search Still on for Engine; but It's 'Not Going Anywhere'

Plane heads to Jersey, black boxes to DC

(Newser) - The missing left engine from the US Airways jetliner that landed in the Hudson River still hasn’t been located, the New York Times reports. Still, there’s no hurry, a transportation authority says, because “it’s not going anywhere.” Police and army boats using sonar haven’t...

Plane Is Out; Crew's Story Begins to Emerge

(Newser) - Investigators hoisted the US Airways jet out of the Hudson last night as crew interviews and transcripts began to shed light on the fateful flight, the New York Times reports. Among the revelations: Pilot Chesley Sullenberger was not at the controls when the plane hit a flock of geese, but...

Second Engine Still Intact in Hudson Crash
 Second Engine 
 Still Intact in 
 Hudson Crash 
see video of landing

Second Engine Still Intact in Hudson Crash

(Newser) - The US Airways jet that survived a crash-landing in the Hudson River lay in a thickening flow of ice today as the bitter cold complicated efforts to retrieve a jet that now appears to be more intact than previously thought, the AP reports. Federal investigators said the aircraft's right engine,...

He's a Good Pilot; Let's Leave It at That
He's a Good Pilot; Let's Leave It at That

He's a Good Pilot; Let's Leave It at That

Sully shouldn't be exploited to fill our need for a superhero

(Newser) - Chesley Sullenberger's skillful landing on the Hudson has made him America's latest hero, but let's not catapult the man into celebritydom, pleads a Gawker essay. Press-ganging the pilot into endless TV appearances (or book deals, parades, whatever) smacks of exploitation and will slowly separate the man from the actual act...

Hudson Rescuers Reflect With Wonder

Rescuers recall amazing scenes from mission to save US Airways passengers

(Newser) - Rescuers who scrambled to save passengers from US Airways Flight 1549 look back in the day's events with disbelief, they tell CNN. Ferry captain Brittany Catanzaro, used to shuttling commuters back and forth, suddenly found herself piloting a challenging rescue mission. "I didn't have time to get nervous,"...

Both Engines Missing From US Airways Plane

Search continues in Hudson; investigators plan to fish jet out tomorrow

(Newser) - The US Airways plane that ditched in the Hudson River yesterday is missing both engines, crucial clues in the investigation, the New York Times reports. Police divers aided by sonar are searching for them even as officials prepare to hoist the plane out of the water tomorrow. Investigators needs them...

Crash Passengers Arrive Home
 Crash Passengers Arrive Home 

Crash Passengers Arrive Home

(Newser) - They experienced a bit of turbulence along the way, but the passengers of US Airways flight 1549 have begun reaching their final destination. About 10 passengers arrived in Charlotte shortly after midnight, the Charlotte Observer reports, reporting a “raucous atmosphere” of celebration aboard the flight. Weren’t they afraid...

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