Emma Watson

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11 Stars With Secret Skills
 11 Stars With Secret Skills 

11 Stars With Secret Skills

Including Willie Nelson, who just got his black belt

(Newser) - When you think of Willie Nelson, "country singer" and " r ampant pot smoker " are the two descriptions that first come to mind. But now you can add "black belt" to that list. It seems Nelson, who turns 81 this week, has a not-very-well-known love of martial...

JK Rowling: I Screwed Up Marriage in Potter Series

Author says Hermione should have married Harry, not Ron

(Newser) - Harry Potter fans, hope you're sitting down—and SPOILER ALERT to any who haven't read the seventh and final book. JK Rowling says that marrying Ron and Hermione was a mistake written as "a form of wish fulfillment." In an interview with Emma Watson, portrayer of...

Letterman, Fallon Shows Go on ... Minus Audiences

Storm halts Broadway, film productions

(Newser) - David Letterman and Jimmy Fallon didn't let superstorm Sandy stop them taping their shows yesterday, but there was nobody except crew members around to laugh, Entertainment Weekly reports. Letterman started his show sitting behind his desk in an empty Ed Sullivan Theater while Fallon started his show in the...

16 Celebs Who've Done Full-Frontal

Will Emma Watson join their ranks?

(Newser) - Little Hermione Granger—naked?! Yep, Emma Watson said in a recent magazine interview that she would consider doing a sex scene "if it's important to the story." If she does, she could join the ranks of these 16 stars rounded up by Celebuzz , all of whom have...

Riskiest Celeb to Google? Emma Watson
 Riskiest Celeb 
 to Google? 
 Emma Watson 

in case you missed it

Riskiest Celeb to Google? Emma Watson

Her name is a magnet for malicious sites

(Newser) - Harry Potter fans, beware: Emma Watson may pose a threat to your computer. One in eight sites that appear in a search for the actress are malicious, pushing malware or stealing personal data, according to McAfee. That makes her the "most dangerous" celeb on the Internet. Also watch out...

11 Celebs Attending College This Fall

Emma Watson, Hannah Dakota Fanning among the studious

(Newser) - Celebrities may like guns and have weird addictions , but they enjoy speaking in full sentences too. So let's salute those who are heading to college this fall (and not include James Franco, for once, if possible). From the Huffington Post :
  • Hannah Dakota Fanning: The actor seen in The Twilight

Harry Potter Zaps Box Office Record, Nabs $168.6M

Deathly Hallows Part 2 collects $475.6M globally in massive opening weekend

(Newser) - Harry Potter went out with a true bang: The final installment in the wizarding saga, the Deathly Hallows Part 2, notched almost half a billion dollars internationally, with an opening weekend take of $475.6 million. That shattered the previous record, Harry Potter and the Half -Blood Prince, which the...

Fans Gather for Final Harry Potter Premiere

Potter fans sit through London downpour to see actors on red carpet

(Newser) - Thousands of Harry Potter fans have camped out in rainy central London ahead of the premiere of the final film in the series. Braving weather that made it almost impossible to sleep, the fans sheltered under umbrellas today to mark their spot in Trafalgar Square—where the stars of the...

Harry Potter Crew Overcome on Final Day

Cast burbles on last day in latest Warner Bros. film

(Newser) - Now it can be shown: The last day of filming of the last Harry Potter movie was not so magical. It was rather heartbreaking. Cast mates applauded one another, and burbled, and recalled their amazing time together and expressed grief that it was over. "How do I put into...

Emma Watson Had 'Huge Crush' on Draco

Tom Felton, now a friend, 'totally knows' about it

(Newser) - Hermione and Draco sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G? Almost, Emma Watson revealed in a recent Seventeen interview. Tom Felton, who plays the Harry Potter villain Draco Malfoy, "was my first crush," Watson says. "He totally knows. We talked about it—we still laugh about it. We are...

Emma Watson: 'I Want to Live Like Patti Smith'

21-year-old actress talks about life after 'Harry Potter'

(Newser) - Emma Watson is preparing for the next chapter of her life. The Harry Potter actress acknowledges that she needs to find her way out of the bubble, which she describes in part as the safe world of life on the set of the successful film franchise, in the July issue...

Lonely Emma: Men Fear My Fame

Her advice: Be brave

(Newser) - Poor Emma Watson. She doesn't have a guy and she thinks it's because men are frightened by her fame. "I find it hard to believe I would be intimidating," she says. "It must be the fame wall, the circus that goes around me." Guys...

Emma Watson: I Wasn't Bullied at Brown

Actress posts note to fans: 'Don't try and speculate'

(Newser) - Contrary to what some have suggested , no one yelled “10 points for Gryffindor” when Emma Watson answered questions at Brown. Indeed, her decision to leave for the semester had “nothing to do with bullying,” she writes on her website in a note picked up by the Leaky...

Was Emma Watson Teased Out of Brown?

No more Harry Potter jokes, please!

(Newser) - Holy witchcraft! Did Emma Watson ditch Brown because she was sick of teasing by Ivy Leaguers smitten with their own relentlessly sophomoric Harry Potter humor? Chums say Watson left because she couldn't take one more "3 Points for Gryffindor" joke every time she answered a question correctly in...

Emma Watson Drops Out of Brown

She's quitting, for now, to focus on film

(Newser) - Every so often, a child star decides to take a break from acting and head to college—then reality sets in, and Emma Watson is the latest casualty. Though she loves Brown and also loves “studying pretty much more than anything,” she’s “decided to take a...

Deathly Hallows Is Darkest Potter Movie Yet

 Deathly Hallows 
 Is Darkest Potter 
 Movie Yet 
movie reviews

Deathly Hallows Is Darkest Potter Movie Yet

Quidditch gets swapped for bleak tone in penultimate film

(Newser) - The penultimate Harry Potter movie hits theaters today, and while reviews for Deathly Hallows: Part I range all the way from "best Potter movie ever" to "worst Potter movie ever," most critics are positive about it and are looking forward to next summer's grand finale. The movie...

New Harry Potter Film Debuts in London
 New Harry Potter Film 
 Debuts in London 
early reviews

New Harry Potter Film Debuts in London

It's the first part of the two-part finale

(Newser) - American audiences have to wait another week, but the second-last installment of the Harry Potter movies premiered in London tonight. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I sets up the grand finale, which isn't out until July 2011. Not that reviews will mean a whit to devoted fans, but...

Draco: Harry Potter Ate My Childhood

Selling kid soul to Voldemort a mixed blessing for Tom Felton

(Newser) - While other stars of Harry Potter sobbed as they recently wrapped up 10 years of filming the wizard epic, Draco Malfoy was "excited." For "the past decade we haven’t had much freedom to do other projects. I certainly haven’t had much freedom to keep my...

Hermione Chops Locks
 Emma Watson Chops Locks 

Emma Watson Chops Locks

'Most liberating ever, gushes Hermione

(Newser) - Yeeks! Emma Watson has chopped off her auburn locks. What's emerged is a sleekly sophisticated-looking actress apparently ready to make some big changes. "Dear all. Cut my hair off a few days ago," Watson, 20, wrote on her Facebook page. "Feels incredible. I love it. I've wanted...

Radcliffe 'Devastated' by Potter's End

Watson: 'I feel like someone is dying'

(Newser) - The Harry Potter epic is almost over and its stars are crushed. Daniel Radcliffe says he'll be "devastated" when filming ends in two weeks. "There is nothing I watch without it triggering a series of memories," he tells People . Everything about the films "is so linked...

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