
Stories 21 - 27 | << Prev 

Post-Apocalypse Pet Care Business Booming

May 21 doomsday prediction boosts orders at atheist firm

(Newser) - Sales are up at a company that promises to look after believers' pets after the Rapture, and the founder of "Eternal Earth-Bound Pets" says he has Family Radio to thank. The religious organization has declared that Judgment Day will be this Saturday, and if it occurs, Bart Centre's...

Colbert: Bring on the May 21 Rapture

He'll be in international waters while the rest of us suckers get judged

(Newser) - As you may have heard, Christian group Family Radio is going around warning the country that Christ is returning on May 21, 2011 . "Folks, this means there are only 11 shopping days until there are no shopping days," noted Stephen Colbert last night . Colbert likes this particular End...

Believers Spread the Word: World Ends Next Month

1,000 signs erected as May 21 approaches

(Newser) - Many already know not to plan anything for May 22; but for those who aren’t aware of the upcoming apocalypse, believers are spreading the news. Subscribers to Harold Camping’s school of thought have already erected some 1,000 billboards around the nation. “Seven billion people are facing...

How We 'Know' the World Will End on May 21

Pastor Harold Camping explains his totally logical theory

(Newser) - As you may have heard, the rapture is coming on May 21, 2011 . Self-taught radio and Internet preacher Harold Camping is sure of it, and he’s got iron-clad logic on his side. See, by examining carbon dating, tree rings, and other highly scientific data, he’s concluded that Noah...

Judgment Day Is May 21: Christian Group

Second coming almost here...

(Newser) - All right everybody, empty those pension funds, quit your jobs, and repent, because the end times are so nigh you can mark them on your calendar. Apparently, the second coming is scheduled for May 21, 2011, according to Harold Camping, the leader of independent Christian ministry Family Radio Worldwide. He’...

Company to Care for Pets After Rapture

For a fee, atheists will care for the righteous man's best friend

(Newser) - Millions of Americans believe that the righteous will be taken to heaven after the Rapture—unfortunately, their pets may be left behind. The solution: Eternal Earth-Bound Pets , a company that promises to rescue and care for those abandoned by their pious owners. More than 100 clients have committed to a...

Site Will Email Buddies After You Depart in Rapture

Youvebeenleftbehind.com costs $40 a year

(Newser) - A new website will email godless friends and family left behind after you’ve been taken to heaven in the Rapture. For $40 per year, Youvebeenleftbehind.com will store any emails and documents for you, ABC reports—then send them about six days after the Lord hath taken away. The...

Stories 21 - 27 | << Prev 
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