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UK Leader Roasted After Leaving D-Day Events Early

Election opponents jump on Rishi Sunak's decision to sit for TV interview instead

(Newser) - President Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made time to attend the ceremony marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday, but the UK's prime minister had an election season TV interview scheduled. So Rishi Sunak left France for home, and the UK was represented...

Biden: D-Day Heroes 'Are Summoning Us'

'They're asking us to stay true to what America stands for,' he says at Pointe du Hoc

(Newser) - President Biden invoked the Army Rangers who scaled the cliffs on Pointe du Hoc on D-Day as he delivered a speech at the Normandy site on Friday, saying they're "asking us to do our job, to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy." He described how...

Biden Apologizes to Zelensky
Biden Apologizes to Zelensky

Biden Apologizes to Zelensky

He says 'very conservative members' held up package of military aid to Ukraine

(Newser) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked President Biden for America's support in his country's fight against Russia—and Biden apologized for the six-month delay to the latest military aid package. "I apologize for the weeks of not knowing what's going to pass in terms of funding because...

You Are Not to Touch the Royal Hand, Brigitte Macron

France's first lady tried to hold the queen's hand Thursday before taking a hint

(Newser) - It's always awkward when you reach for someone's hand and they refuse to give it. But it's far worse when that person is the Queen. French First Lady Brigitte Macron reached for Queen Camilla's hand during a D-Day memorial service in France on Thursday and was...

An Overlooked D-Day Hero Finally Gets His Due

WWII medic Waverly Woodson Jr. posthumously awarded Distinguished Service Cross

(Newser) - For 30 hours, as mortar shells rained around him on Omaha Beach, Army medic Cpl. Waverly Woodson Jr. treated wounded Allied soldiers, even while wounded himself. For that brave act, Woodson has been posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, "the second-highest military decoration that can be awarded to a...

American WWII Vet Dies En Route to D-Day Event

Robert Persichitti, 102, was on a ship headed to Normandy for the 80th anniversary

(Newser) - An American veteran of World War II died after traveling to Europe to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion by Allied troops, reports the New York Times . Robert Persichitti, 102, suffered a medical emergency on Friday while aboard a ship headed for Normandy, France, and died later at...

At D-Day Ceremony, Biden Draws Parallel to Ukraine

'To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators, is simply unthinkable'

(Newser) - President Biden marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday by saying "we will not walk away" from the defense of Ukraine and allow Russia to threaten more of Europe. "To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators, is simply unthinkable," he said during a ceremony...

D-Day: 'No Words to Describe the Immensity of the Debt We Owe You'

World leaders, veterans mark 80th anniversary of D-Day landing

(Newser) - Eighty years ago Thursday, Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to launch the liberation of Western Europe from the Nazis. More than 150,000 men attacked five beaches in the D-Day landings, and more than 4,400 of them were killed. Around 200 veterans who returned to France, all...

Her D-Day Forecast 'Saved God Knows How Many Lives'

Ireland's Maureen Sweeney warned of impending storm, so 1944 Normandy invasion was postponed

(Newser) - We're used to commemorating June 6, 1944, as D-Day, the day when Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in France, helping to shift the path of World War II and defeat the Nazis. That fateful day actually came close to happening on June 5, but thanks to Maureen...

French Commando Helped Liberate His Country on D-Day
D-Day Hero Warned the Young

D-Day Hero Warned the Young

'War is misery,' said Leon Gautier, who landed with commandos on D-Day to liberate France

(Newser) - Leon Gautier, the last surviving member of an elite French unit that joined US and other Allied forces in the D-Day invasion to wrest Normandy from Nazi control, has died. He was 100. The death was announced Monday by Romain Bail, the mayor of Ouistreham, an English Channel coastal community...

Joy, Sadness as WWII Vets Return for D-Day Ceremony

Events were scaled down for 2 years during the pandemic

(Newser) - Joy and sadness in acute doses poured out Monday on the beaches of Normandy. As several dozen D-Day veterans—now all in their 90s—set foot on the sands that claimed so many colleagues, they are thankful for the gratitude and friendliness of the French toward those who landed here...

Fewer Attend D-Day Events, but France 'Does Not Forget'

Coronavirus restrictions limit attendance as Britain opens new memorial

(Newser) - When the sun rises over Omaha Beach, revealing vast stretches of sand extending toward distant cliffs, one starts to grasp the immensity of the task faced by Allied troops on June 6, 1944, landing on the Nazi-occupied Normandy shore. Several ceremonies were being held Sunday to commemorate the 77th anniversary...

Classic War Dispatch Turns Up in Basement

Bruce Campbell says 'it made my hair stand up'

(Newser) - Most people find spiders and old boxes—but a Florida researcher stumbled on a classic D-Day radio broadcast in his basement, the Smithsonian reports. Bruce Campbell, 63, discovered what's likely the original recording of US war correspondent George Hicks coming under fire from Nazi planes on the USS Ancon...

Unsung D-Day Hero: a Scottish Weatherman

James Stagg convinced Eisenhower to change date, and an RAF weather squadron helped

(Newser) - As the world salutes the soldiers of D-Day on the 75th anniversary of the invasion, Accuweather pays homage to a Scottish meteorologist who played no small role in the mission's success. Royal Air Force Capt. James Stagg convinced Gen. Dwight Eisenhower at the last minute to push back the...

Trump Salutes 'Greatest Americans Who Will Ever Live'

Leaders mark 75 years since Normandy landings

(Newser) - D-Day veterans are "among the very greatest Americans who will ever live," President Trump said Thursday at a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of the day thousands of American, British, and Canadian troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to begin the invasion of Nazi-occupied France. "Their mission...

Why a 90-Year-Old Is Beating Taylor Swift on the Charts

Jim Radford's D-Day memorial song has been re-released

(Newser) - A 90-year-old is currently beating Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and Ed Sheeran on Amazon UK's singles chart—but not just any 90-year-old, a D-Day veteran who's out with a tribute to that fateful day in 1944. Jim Radford was just 15 during World War II's D-Day landings—...

UK Honors D-Day With Very Flawed Stamp

Image shows troops wading ashore in Asia, 8K miles from Normandy

(Newser) - Britain's Royal Mail decided to roll out a commemorative stamp in honor of the 75th anniversary of D-Day next year, which is completely fitting. What wasn't so fitting, however: The image used on the stamp, which was captioned "D-Day: Allied soldiers and medics wade ashore." That...

Unknown X-9352 Will Finally Rest Beside His Twin

Brothers reunited 74 years after WWII deaths at Normandy

(Newser) - For decades, he was known only as Unknown X-9352 at a World War II American cemetery in Belgium where he was interred. On Tuesday, the now-identified soldier will be reunited with his twin brother at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in France, 74 years after their deaths on June...

WWII Sweethearts to Reunite on Valentine's Day

Norwood Thomas hopes to give his wartime girlfriend a 'squeeze'

(Newser) - Norwood Thomas' reunion with his wartime girlfriend was incredible, but it came with one major drawback: "I can't take you in my arms and give you a squeeze," the 93-year-old World War II vet told Joyce Morris, 88, during a Skype call in November. "Well, we'...

Normandy Invaded Again in Final D-Day Salute

1K paratroopers dropped on beach as 70th anniversary winds down

(Newser) - Nearly 1,000 paratroopers dropped out of the sky in Normandy today—but this time they did so in peace, instead of to wrest western France from the Nazis as they did during World War II. Drawing huge crowds who braved hot weather and lined the historic landing area at...

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