9/11 attacks

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Stewart Will Keep Pushing Congress After Show Ends

Expect a visit to DC this fall for 9/11 responders' fund

(Newser) - It's not clear what Jon Stewart will be up to once his Daily Show ends next week, but Politico reports that he'll still be a political agitator in at least one area: money for 9/11 first responders and survivors. Stewart has not only championed the issue on his...

New Photos Show How Bush, Cheney Reacted on 9/11

National Archives releases the images following an FOIA request

(Newser) - There are many images from 9/11 that endure. The National Archives has just added 356 more photos to our visual archive of the day with yesterday's release of images taken by Dick Cheney's staff photographer. The description of the album, viewable on Flickr , specifies that it contains photos...

Scientist Who Studied 9/11 Dust Dies at 68

Paul Lioy helped identify health risks including 'World Trade Center' cough

(Newser) - Paul Lioy, one of the first scientists to gather dust samples from Lower Manhattan in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, has died at 68. He collapsed at Newark Liberty International Airport last week. His cause of death is unknown, reports the New York Times . A professor of environmental and...

Iran General: US Carried Out 9/11 With 'Goal of Ruling'

He adds Shiite Houthis could deal 'lethal blows to Saudi Arabia'

(Newser) - The commander of Iran's ground forces is lobbing a pretty big accusation: Brig. Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan says conflicts in Iraq and Syria can be traced back to when the United States planned and executed the 9/11 attacks, the Independent reports. "These wars and these threats stem from...

US Tracked Billions of Calls Long Before 9/11
US Tracked Billions of Calls Long Before 9/11

US Tracked Billions of Calls Long Before 9/11

USA Today: DEA, Justice Department collected data for 20 years

(Newser) - Edward Snowden's revelations about the NSA and its surveillance tactics may have riled people up, but the agency apparently took its cue from two other government departments: the DEA and the DoJ. For almost 10 years before 9/11 took place, the agencies secretly kept records of billions of international...

Your Memories of 9/11 Might Be Wrong

Researchers find discrepancies in personal 'flashbulb' recollections

(Newser) - Quick, where were you when you heard about the 9/11 attacks? Who were you with? If you're like most people, you've got answers at the ready. But as it turns out, there's a decent chance your answers are wrong, reports Time . That's the upshot of a...

9/11 '20th Hijacker': Saudi Royals Funded al-Qaeda

Zacarias Moussaoui says Saudi official spoke of shooting Air Force One

(Newser) - When the families of 9/11 victims decided to sue Saudi Arabia , Zacarias Moussaoui wanted to testify. In October, a team of lawyers interviewed the so-called "20th hijacker" from the Colorado supermax prison where he's serving a life sentence. What he had to say was shocking: He alleges that...

Politicians to Oppose 9/11 'Coverup'

Former Sen. Bob Graham leads charge to release 28 redacted pages

(Newser) - A group seeking to declassify data on 9/11 will speak out this week and highlight the possible involvement of Saudi officials in the terror attack, the New York Post reports. Leading the charge is Bob Graham, a former Democratic senator who co-chaired the panel that released the redacted congressional 9/11...

Cartoon Shows Netanyahu Flying Plane Into WTC

Israeli cartoonist says he didn't realize 'great sensitivity ... 9/11 holds for Americans'

(Newser) - Tell us how you really feel, Amos Biderman. The Israeli cartoonist is defending his cartoon circulated by Haaretz yesterday that shows Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu grinning as he pilots a plane straight toward a building that looks like one of the WTC towers—in essence comparing Bibi to the 9/11...

We Saw Terrorists Spying at Airport Way Before 9/11: Witnesses

Reports of al-Qaeda operatives surveying Logan were allegedly ignored

(Newser) - Three American Airlines employees reported spotting 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta and at least one other man snooping around and videotaping security checkpoints at Boston's Logan Airport in May 2001—but no one did anything about it, according to newly released court papers cited in the New York Post . The...

3 FDNY Firefighters Die of 9/11 Illnesses on Same Day

Retirees were only in their 50s

(Newser) - New York City's fire department got a rough reminder this week of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath—three retired firefighters in their 50s died on the same day from illnesses attributed to the toxic air at Ground Zero, reports CBS Local . Daniel Heglund, 58, Howard Bischoff, 58, and...

13 Years Later, 9/11 Victim IDed

Patrice Braut was only Belgian citizen to die in World Trade Center attacks

(Newser) - Of the 2,753 people who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center, 1,639 have now been identified. New York City's medical examiner's office yesterday announced that retesting of remains had led to another positive ID: that of Patrice Braut. The 31-year-old was the only...

9/11 Predated Facebook, and That Might Be a Good Thing

Gabrielle Birkner: Digital mourning doesn't always cut it

(Newser) - The 9/11 attacks took place years before the dawn of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the iPhone, which is why Gabrielle Birkner's memories of New York City in the aftermath are so "tactile" and "analog," she writes at Quartz . She remembers the posters of missing people posted...

Obama: After 9/11, We 'Tortured Some Folks'

President says it more explicitly than before

(Newser) - The US tortured al-Qaeda detainees captured after the 9/11 attacks, President Obama said today, in some of his most expansive comments to date about a controversial set of CIA practices that he banned after taking office. "We tortured some folks," Obama said at a televised news conference at...

On 9/10, Clinton Said He Could Have Killed bin Laden

He decided against strike that would have killed civilians

(Newser) - On the day before the 9/11 attacks, Bill Clinton spoke openly about having passed up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden, according to a tape unearthed by Sky News Australia . "I'm just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden—he's a very smart guy,...

In 9/11 Museum: a Life-Saving Squeegee

Men used it to escape World Trade Center elevator

(Newser) - On 9/11, six lives were saved by a squeegee handle. Six men, including a window washer, were trapped in an elevator at One World Trade Center during the attacks. When their car began falling downward, they were saved by the emergency stop button. But at that point, the men smelled...

What the 9/11 Museum Was Like for One Victim's Brother

Steve Kandell reflects on having your worst day turned into a tourist attraction

(Newser) - After Steve Kandell's sister was killed in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, his family objected to the media referring to her as a hero. Shari "was just a person who happened to have gotten to work a little early on a Tuesday morning, and that...

9/11 Museum Opening Honors Man in Red Bandana

President Obama helps dedicate museum

(Newser) - President Obama today helped dedicate the National September 11 Memorial Museum, and his comments opened with the recollection of a man who "emerged from the smoke, and over his nose and his mouth, he wore a red handkerchief." It was Welles Crowther, a 24-year-old working on the South...

FBI Documents Link 9/11 to Florida Businessman

Esam Ghazzawi and his family 'fled' just before the attacks

(Newser) - Looks like a wealthy Florida family had direct connections to the 9/11 hijackers and fled the US just days before the Twin Towers fell, the Miami Herald reports. According to highly redacted FBI documents released yesterday by the Justice Department, the family of "an allegedly wealthy international businessman" connected...

More Cops Dead From 9/11 Illness Than 9/11 Attacks

Those lost to 9/11-attributed illness now number 71

(Newser) - It's a dismal milestone: The number of police officers who have lost their lives to 9/11-related illnesses has passed the number who died in the attacks themselves. The AP reports that 71 officers have now died from the former, compared to 60 in the latter group. The news comes...

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