9/11 attacks

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Family: Bin Laden Son Married Hijacker's Daughter

Couple might be in Afghanistan, half brother says

(Newser) - If Osama bin Laden wasn't dead, he would probably have been happy to give his blessing to the marriage of his youngest son. Relatives tell the Guardian that Hamza bin Laden has married the daughter of Mohamed Atta, the eldest of the 9/11 hijackers. Atta, an Egyptian citizen, flew...

9/11 Victim Identified After Almost 17 Years

DNA advances helped investigators ID bone fragment

(Newser) - Advances in DNA testing have helped investigators identify the remains of one more victim of the 9/11 attacks—the 1,642nd to be identified, and the first in almost a year. A bone fragment that investigators had attempted to identify several times over the years has been confirmed as belonging...

Baseball Has a Bizarre 9/11 Controversy

Cleveland pitcher Trevor Bauer denies marking mound with conspiracy

(Newser) - It's the weirdest controversy of the young baseball season. Cleveland Indians pitcher Trevor Bauer is fending off accusations that he used his cleats to make a statement on the mound about the 9/11 attacks, reports Cleveland.com . "Checked Twitter to see a bunch of people making ridiculous accusations,...

US Judge: 9/11 Lawsuit Against Saudi Arabia Can Proceed

Says it meets requirements for court to assume jurisdiction

(Newser) - A judge on Wednesday rejected Saudi Arabia's motion to end a New York lawsuit seeking to hold it responsible in the Sept. 11 attacks, the AP reports. In dismissing the motion, US District Judge George Daniels said the plaintiffs' allegations met the requirements for the court to assume jurisdiction...

Man Who Evacuated Hundreds After 9/11 Is Dead at 45

Thomas Phelan was a ferry captain turned firefighter

(Newser) - Thomas Phelan's life followed a different trajectory to that of many other 9/11 heroes: He was a hero who became a firefighter. On the day of the attacks, Phelan, who has died of cancer at age 45, was working as a ferry captain for Circle Line-Statue of Liberty ferry...

Building Uniquely Destroyed on 9/11 Struggles to Come Back

St. Nicholas Shrine was only building not part of the trade center complex that was ruined

(Newser) - Construction on a Greek Orthodox church meant to replace one that was crushed in the Sept. 11 attacks has been temporarily suspended amid rising costs and questions over how donations have been managed. The St. Nicholas National Shrine next to the World Trade Center memorial plaza was to replace a...

Many 9/11 Victims&#39; Families Still Waiting for Remains
Could 9/11 'Architect'
Die Before Trial?
The Rundown

Could 9/11 'Architect' Die Before Trial?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is at Gitmo, awaiting his 25th pretrial hearing

(Newser) - People around the US on Monday paused to remember the victims of 9/11 on the 16th anniversary of the attacks. In Shanksville, Pa., for instance, Vice President Mike Pence gave a particularly personal tribute to those aboard Flight 93. Here's a sampling of some of the related coverage on...

Mike Pence: Flight 93 Heroes Saved My Life

VP recalls 'longest 12 minutes of my life' on 9/11 anniversary

(Newser) - VP Mike Pence paid homage to the "heroes of Flight 93 " Monday during a ceremony in Shanksville, Pa., but his speech had an unusually personal note: He thinks the passengers who brought down the plane on Sept. 11, 2001, saved his life. Pence recalled being a new member...

Bells Tolled at 8:46am at Ground Zero

Ceremonies remember 9/11 victims at 3 locations

(Newser) - Victims' relatives, survivors, and rescuers are observing the 16th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks at Ground Zero. Monday's commemoration began with a moment of silence and tolling bells at 8:46am, the moment a plane slammed into the World Trade Center's north tower, per the AP . Victims'...

Father and Son, Both 9/11 Responders, Have Died

FDNY's Raymond and Robert Alexander passed away within a year of each other

(Newser) - They were healthy, with no history of cancer in the family, but within a year of each other, a father and son have died—the 76-year-old dad last year after fighting seven different cancers over 13 years. The common link: Both Raymond Alexander and his son, Robert, who died Monday...

After 16 Years, Another 9/11 Victim Identified

New York City says it has identified 1,641st victim

(Newser) - Almost 16 years after the 9/11 attacks, another family has been given the news that the remains of their loved one have been identified. New York City's medical examiner said Monday that the man has been identified as the 1,641st person killed at the World Trade Center on...

Her Dad Was Killed on 9/11. Now She's on NYPD, Too

Brittney Roy joins the police force, like her father before her

(Newser) - The daughter of a New York Police Department officer killed in the 9/11 attacks is now a member of the force herself. Brittney Roy of Massapequa Park on Long Island was sworn in Thursday along with 473 other recruits, reports the AP . Her father, Sgt. Timothy Roy, had been assigned...

9/11 Lawsuit Filed Against 'Duplicitous' Saudis

Complaint represents families, estates of 800 or so victims

(Newser) - A lawsuit representing the families and estates of about 800 victims of 9/11 has been filed in Manhattan federal court, with the Saudi Arabian government in its sights, WPIX and NBC News report. Of the 19 plane hijackers that day, 15 were Saudi nationals, and three of those reportedly had...

Here's What Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Wrote to Obama

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed says the US had 9/11 coming

(Newser) - The man who allegedly spearheaded 9/11 blames America for the terrorist attack in a letter written to Barack Obama and delivered in the final days of his presidency . A copy of the letter, which was finished in 2015 but held up by officials at Guantanamo, was obtained from Khalid Sheik...

Obama Receives Letter From Alleged 9/11 Mastermind

Guantanamo prison had been holding onto it for two years

(Newser) - One of the final letters Barack Obama will receive during his time as president comes from the man who allegedly planned the Sept. 11 attacks, the Miami Herald reports. According to CBS News , Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in 2003 in Pakistan, tortured by the CIA, then moved to Guantanamo...

Giuliani: Sorry About False Clinton 9/11 Claim

Clinton never actually claimed to be in New York on 9/11

(Newser) - While campaigning for Donald Trump on Wednesday, Rudy Giuliani let loose on something he thought he heard Hillary Clinton say during the last presidential debate. "Don't tell me, if you said that, that you remember Sept. 11, 2001," he said. "I remember Sept. 11, 2001. Yes,...

9/11 Widow Sues Saudi Arabia
9/11 Widow Sues Saudi Arabia

9/11 Widow Sues Saudi Arabia

The first after Congress opened way for such suits, more to follow

(Newser) - When Navy Cmdr. Patrick Dunn died in the attack at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, he left behind a wife who would give birth to their daughter seven months later. Now, 15 years after his death, CNN reports that Dunn's widow, Stephanie DeSimone, is suing the kingdom of...

Mystery Man Who Returned 9/11 Flag Steps Forward

Brian Browne says he had iconic flag in his home for 8 years without knowing it was the one

(Newser) - A man named Brian showed up at a Washington state firehouse two years ago, dropped off a reputed piece of history, and left, creating a mystery that Everett detectives and others have been trying to solve—until now. The item he dropped off is believed to be the American flag...

Obama Just Suffered First Override of His Presidency

Families of 9/11 victims can sue Saudi Arabia

(Newser) - Congress has rejected a veto by President Obama for the first time in his presidency. The House voted 348-77 Wednesday to override his veto and to allow the families of Sept. 11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for the kingdom's alleged backing of the attackers, reports AP . The Senate...

Obama Vetoes Bill That Would Let 9/11 Victims Sue Saudi Arabia

Possible override by Congress looms

(Newser) - President Obama has vetoed a bill that would have allowed the families of 9/11 victims to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, the AP reports. The move sets Obama up for a possible first veto override by Congress. Both chambers passed the bill by voice vote. The House sent Obama...

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