Eric Holder

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Holder to Explain Legality of US Killing Its Own Citizens

The case of Anwar al-Awlaki figures heavily in AG's speech

(Newser) - In a major national security speech today, Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to finally offer a more detailed rationale for the legality of killing of US citizens abroad, the Washington Post reports. Though Holder may not address Anwar al-Awlaki by name, the alleged al-Qaeda operative killed in an airstrike...

Holder: We Didn't Lie About 'Fast and Furious'

He says charges are forthcoming against those who screwed up

(Newser) - Eric Holder angrily denied that the Justice Department was trying to hide anything about the botched "Operation Fast and Furious" program in his testimony before Congress today—and insisted that he'd had no knowledge of the gun-tracking operation. "There's no attempt at any kind of coverup,...

Police Line-of-Duty Deaths Up 13%

173 federal, state, local officers killed this year

(Newser) - Law enforcement deaths in the line of duty rose 13% this year to 173—the second sharp rise since 2009's 50-year-low, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. Gunfire claimed the lives of 68 officers, making this the first year since 1997 in which more law enforcement...

Slain Agent's Parents Blast Holder

After attorney general apologizes for son's death in gun-walking operation

(Newser) - It's been a rough week for Eric Holder over the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking operation . Last night, the parents of the Border Patrol agent killed by guns linked to the program lashed out at the attorney general. "If they never let the guns walk, maybe Brian would...

Iran Terror Plot: US Says Tehran Will Be Held Accountable
 US Vows Iran 
 Will Be Held 

US Vows Iran Will Be Held Accountable

Clinton: 'Very strong message' to be sent to Tehran

(Newser) - The plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US had the support of elements of the Iranian government and Iran is going to pay, US officials vow. "The United States is committed to holding Iran accountable," Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters after the plot was exposed....

Accessory to Murder? Holder Cries Foul on GOP Charge

Rhetoric on Fast and Furious program is out of hand, he tells Congress

(Newser) - When a congressman suggested that White House officials could be charged with accessory to murder over the botched Fast and Furious gun-tracking program , he apparently touched a nerve. Attorney General Eric Holder fired off an unusually aggressive five-page letter to Congress complaining about the "base" level of public discourse,...

Holder: No 'Credible Threats' for 9/11

Attorney general says government will remain watchful

(Newser) - For years each Sept. 11 brought warnings of heightened terrorist threats on the grim anniversary. But, thankfully, not this year. US Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday that there have been no credible threats of terrorism against the US for next week, reports Reuters . "We don't have any...

Feds Bust Huge Child Porn Ring

Seventy-two arrested in crackdown

(Newser) - Authorities have charged 72 people in connection with an international online pornography club, Eric Holder announced today, touting it as the biggest bust of its kind. The group was called “Dreamboard,” and according to Holder its members “allegedly traded graphic images and videos of adults molesting young...

Feds Sue Alabama Over Immigration Law

Says law oversteps its bounds, interferes with federal policy

(Newser) - In a move that will shock exactly no one, the Department of Justice is treating Alabama’s extraordinarily harsh illegal immigration law the same way it treated Arizona’s: It’s suing. The DOJ is asking for an injunction stopping the law from going into effect on Sept. 1, arguing...

Eric Holder to Talk Phone Hacking With 9/11 Families

US investigation gets serious

(Newser) - The FBI's investigation into allegations that News of the World reporters hacked the phones of 9/11 victims must be heating up, because Attorney General Eric Holder himself will meet with families of the dead next month to discuss the probe's progress, the Guardian reports. A lawyer for 20...

US to Investigate Deaths of Two Detainees

Holder orders pair of inquiries but drops nearly 100 others

(Newser) - The is-it-torture debate is probably going to rev up again: The Justice Department says it will launch criminal inquiries into the deaths of two detainees in US custody in 2002 and 2003, reports the Washington Post . Eric Holder gave the green light on the recommendation of federal prosecutor John Durham,...

Holder Backs Release of 5,500 Crack Offenders

Proposal would correct vast crack/cocaine sentencing gap

(Newser) - Eric Holder today told the US Sentencing Commission that he supports a proposal to release thousands of federal prisoners convicted on crack-related offenses. Until Congress changed them last year, federal sentencing guidelines gave crack users—who are predominantly poor and black—much harsher sentences than powder cocaine users. Now, Holder...

AG to The Wire: Make More Episodes

Or at least a movie, pleads Eric Holder

(Newser) - The nation's top lawyer has it out for David Simon. AG Eric Holder yesterday ordered the creator of The Wire to start working on another season of the HBO crime drama—and jokingly reminded him that "I have a lot of power." Holder issued his plea to...

NYT Reporter Subpoenaed in CIA Leak Case

James Risen hasn't cooperated in case against his alleged source

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors have issued a subpoena demanding testimony from New York Times reporter James Risen in the case against ex-CIA employee Jeffrey Sterling, who allegedly leaked info about a failed CIA disinformation campaign to him for a 2006 book. A judge has already quashed one subpoena issued to Risen, but...

CIA Interrogators Deserve Thanks, Not Punishment

Waterboarding helped lead us to bin Laden: Linda Chavez

(Newser) - Waterboarding played a role in leading us to Osama bin Laden, writes Linda Chavez. So why is the Obama administration still pursuing its investigation of CIA interrogators, she wonders at the Washington Examiner . These agents deserve thanks, not punishment. The Obama administration must know it doesn't make sense: "...

Holder Bars Deportation of Gay Man in Civil Union

With DOMA in question, Eric Holder wants case reviewed

(Newser) - The attorney general made the surprising move of suspending the deportation of a gay man in a civil union with a US citizen yesterday. The AP reports that Holder has asked the Board of Immigration Appeals to reconsider its decision. The board had called for the deportation of Paul Wilson...

Obama: No 'Silver Bullet' on Gas Prices

He announces task force to investigate fraud by speculators

(Newser) - As President Obama continues his short trek on the West Coast, one issue continues to gain traction, reports Politico —those ever-rising gas prices. Today in Reno, the president announced that a new Justice Department task force will investigate whether speculators are manipulating gas and oil prices, notes the Christian ...

Conservatives Pummel Holder as Soft on Porn

But Justice Department says obscenity better tackled at other levels

(Newser) - The Justice Department is shutting down the Bush-era Obscenity Protection Task Force, reports Politico , and critics are bashing AG Eric Holder for not being tougher on porn and smut. "As the toxic waste of obscenity continues to spread and harm everyone it touches, it appears the Obama administration is...

Cowardice Wins In Khalid Sheikh Mohammad Trial

Spineless Obama, pandering congress to blame

(Newser) - Eric Holder’s decision to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammad in a military tribunal is “a victory for Congressional pandering and an embarrassment for the Obama administration, which failed to stand up to it,” the New York Times declares in a scathing editorial today. The administration’s...

9/11 Mastermind Gets Gitmo Military Trial

Obama turns back on pledge to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammad in civilian court

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammad will be tried by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay, rather than the civilian court President Obama has long advocated, sources tell CBS News . Eric Holder will announce this new plan soon. Previously, Holder had put forward a plan to try the confessed 9/11 mastermind in New...

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