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Pennsylvania Rule Change by GOP May Doom Obama
Pennsylvania Rule Change
by GOP May Doom Obama
in case you missed it

Pennsylvania Rule Change by GOP May Doom Obama

State may switch from winner-take-all in Electoral College

(Newser) - Pennsylvania Republicans are proposing a radical change in how the state divvies up its electoral votes that could have a huge impact on the 2012 election. The plan, which is being championed by Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi and already has the governor’s support, would switch Pennsylvania from a...

Gerrymandering Fight Is Going to Get Ugly
Gerrymandering Fight Is Going
to Get Ugly

Gerrymandering Fight Is Going to Get Ugly

Democrats won't sit idle as Republicans redraw maps

(Newser) - Tuesday’s victories might allow Republicans to gerrymander their way to a decade of House dominance. Republicans now hold more state legislature seats than at any time since the Great Depression, giving them the power to redraw at least 195 districts next year, writes John Fund in the Wall Street ...

The New Segregation: This Time It's Political
The New Segregation:
This Time
It's Political 

The New Segregation: This Time It's Political

The US is dividing into like-minded enclaves

(Newser) - The good news? Apathy is on the decline. The bad news? The new political activism is tearing the country apart, writes Gregory Rodriguez in the Los Angeles Times, with political divides turning into geographic ones, too. The country is segregating itself according to politics, moving to areas full of like-minded...

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