
Read recent Syrian news stories and current events on

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Israel Bombs Site in Syria
 Israel Bombs Site in Syria 

Israel Bombs Site in Syria

It's the second time this year

(Newser) - Two ominous developments in Syria overnight:
  • Israel airstrike: Israel bombed a site within Syria for the second time this year, reports Reuters . Official details are scarce, but the Israeli strike reportedly hit a warehouse that contained high-tech missiles, though not chemical weapons. Israeli officials feared that Bashar al-Assad was sending

US Intervention Won&#39;t Fix Syria
US Intervention
Won't Fix Syria

US Intervention Won't Fix Syria

Fareed Zakaria: We risk getting stuck in another civil war

(Newser) - To hear White House critics like John McCain tell it, the US can't intervene in Syria fast enough. The atrocities, he says, "are on a scale that we have not seen in a long, long time." Has he forgotten about Iraq so quickly? wonders Fareed Zakaria at...

Insiders: Obama Ready to Arm Syrian Rebels

President planning more aggressive Syria policy, officials say

(Newser) - President Obama may not have sounded very threatening during yesterday's White House press conference , but senior administration officials say he is planning a much more aggressive line on Syria, the Washington Post reports. The president is planning to supply the Syrian opposition with lethal weaponry for the first time,...

Iran: Chemical Weapons in Syria a Red Line for Us, Too...

But Tehran thinks the rebels are to blame

(Newser) - Iran agrees with the US that the use of chemical weapons in Syria is a "red line" that cannot be crossed. But while the US thinks , but can't say for sure , that the government used chemicals on rebel fighters, Iran suggests precisely the opposite, reports Reuters . Its foreign...

Obama: We Don&#39;t Have All Facts in Syria

 Obama: We Don't 
 Have All Facts 
 in Syria 

Obama: We Don't Have All Facts in Syria

President addresses Syria, Boston, Guantanamo in press conference

(Newser) - The US is pretty sure someone has used chemical weapons in Syria—but it's not sure who, President Obama revealed at a White House press conference today, at which he invited reporters to ask him questions on whatever they pleased. "What we now have is evidence that chemical...

Syria PM Survives Assassination Attempt

He escapes blast in central Damascus

(Newser) - Syria's prime minister escaped an assassination attempt today when a bomb went off near his convoy in Damascus in the latest attack targeting a top regime offical, state media reported. Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi was unhurt in the bombing in the capital's western neighborhood of Mazzeh, according to...

Syria Videos Cite 'Toxic' Attack

Apparent doctor calls for medicine in clip

(Newser) - After Chuck Hagel cautiously acknowledged potential Syrian chemical attacks, a batch of new videos appears to support the claims. The YouTube videos, via an account linked to Syria rebels, show apparently injured men on IVs and oxygen masks alongside others described as doctors, the New York Times reports. The clips...

Hagel: Syria Likely Used Chemical Weapons

Defense secretary says sarin gas probably used on 'small scale'

(Newser) - Have we crossed the red line? US intelligence has concluded with "some degree of varying confidence" that Bashar al-Assad's regime has used chemical weapons, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters in Abu Dhabi today, per the AP . The determination apparently came within the past day, and the White...

Syria Fighting Destroys 12th-Century Minaret

Both sides trade blame over shelling of mosque in Aleppo

(Newser) - An ancient minaret at a mosque in Syria has been reduced to a pile of rubble, reports AP . Insurgents are blaming the government, and the government is blaming insurgents, but either way the minaret of the 12-century Umayyad Mosque is history. The mosque is located in Aleppo's Old City,...

Israel: Syria Has Been Using Chemical Weapons

Ally says use has been 'continuous,' puts pressure on US

(Newser) - An Israeli official has offered the country's firmest assertion yet that Syria is using chemical arms, calling the evidence "quite clear," the New York Times reports. "The regime has increasingly used chemical weapons," says Brig. Gen. Itai Brun, the military's leading intelligence official, adding...

Gunmen Seize 2 Syrian Bishops
 Gunmen Seize 2 Syria Bishops 

Gunmen Seize 2 Syria Bishops

Prominent Christian clerics abducted in rebel-held region

(Newser) - Unknown gunmen abducted two prominent Syrian bishops as they traveled through rebel-held territory from the Turkish border, according to both state media and the opposition leadership. Christians make up around 10% of Syria's population and the kidnapped pair—the Syriac Orthodox and Greek Orthodox archbishops of Aleppo, Yohanna Ibrahim...

Britain, France: Syria Used Chemical Weapons

They want UN to launch broad investigation

(Newser) - Syria's Bashar al-Assad has indeed defied repeated US warnings not to use chemical weapons, say France and Britain. The two nations told the UN they have evidence that Syrian troops used nerve agents more than once in Aleppo, Homs, and maybe even Damascus, reports the Washington Post . Investigators drew...

200 US Troops Headed to Jordan—and It's a Big Deal

LAT explains it's the first acknowledged step toward military involvement in Syria

(Newser) - Some 200 US troops are headed to Jordan, where some US troops are already stationed. So why is this deployment notable? How it's being played:
  • The Los Angeles Times pulls no punches in its explanation: "The move marks the first deployment that Pentagon officials explicitly described as a

'Syrian Electronic Army' Hacks NPR

Group said to back Assad

(Newser) - Several NPR sites and Twitter feeds were hacked last night; visitors saw a message saying "Syrian Electronic Army Was Here," the Two-Way blog reports. "We will not say why we attacked @NPR ... They know the reason and that enough #SEA #Syria," read a tweet from the...

US, EU Ready to Step Up Aid to Syrian Rebels

But President Obama insists on keeping aid 'non-lethal' for now

(Newser) - The United States and several leading EU states appear poised to increase non-lethal aid to Syrian opposition groups, adding equipment such as body armor and night-vision goggles, reports the Wall Street Journal . Arms, however, remain off the table, as President Obama fears they could fall into the hands of al-Qaeda-affiliated...

Syrian Jihadis Pledge Allegiance to al-Qaeda

But powerful al-Nusra denies reports of official merger

(Newser) - The head of Jabhat al-Nusra, a jihadist group at the forefront of Syria's civil war, has pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda honcho Ayman al-Zawahiri. What that means isn't exactly crystal clear at this point. While Al-Qaeda in Iraq says the groups have merged under the snappy title of the...

Maliki: Don&#39;t Worry America, Iraq Is Grateful
Maliki: Don't Worry America, Iraq Is Grateful

Maliki: Don't Worry America, Iraq Is Grateful

Iraqi prime minister writes op-ed in Washington Post

(Newser) - It's been 10 years since Saddam Hussein's fall, and Nouri al-Maliki is using the occasion to set the record straight on US-Iraqi relations. In an op-ed in today's Washington Post , the Iraqi prime minister assures Americans that Iraq is a "sovereign partner" for the US, and...

UN Adopts Landmark Arms Treaty

Most nations back, but Russia, China abstain

(Newser) - The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly approved the first UN treaty regulating the multibillion-dollar international arms trade today, a goal sought for more than a decade to try to keep illicit weapons out of the hands of terrorists, insurgent fighters, and organized crime. The resolution adopting the landmark treaty was approved...

6K Dead Make March Syria's Bloodiest Month

Death rate hits 200 per day as conflict grinds on

(Newser) - The death rate in Syria's civil war is accelerating, with more than 6,000 deaths making March the deadliest month of the conflict that began more than two years ago. The deaths include hundreds of women and children as well as a large number of rebel fighters and government...

Iran, N. Korea, Syria Block UN Arms Trade Treaty

Other countries to keep pushing for pact

(Newser) - Iran, North Korea, and Syria blocked adoption of a UN treaty that would regulate the multibillion-dollar international arms trade for the first time, saying it fails to ban sales to terrorists, but other countries refused to let the treaty die. The treaty's adoption required agreement by all 193 UN...

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