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Obama Agrees to Move on Russia's Syria Plan: Report

But Kerry says US 'won't wait long' for progress

(Newser) - President Obama has agreed to UN Security Council discussions on the Russian proposal that Syria hand over its chemical weapons, a White House official tells the AP . Obama talked about the idea, first accidentally floated by John Kerry, with David Cameron and Francois Hollande today, the official said. France will...

Syria: We Accept Russia&#39;s Plan
 Syria: We Accept Russia's Plan 

Syria: We Accept Russia's Plan

As France puts that plan to the test

(Newser) - Though plenty remain skeptical that Syria will in fact hand over its chemical weapons, today began with more forward movement: Syria's foreign minister says his government has "agreed to the Russian initiative" to hand over its chemical weapons for subsequent dismantling in order to "uproot US aggression....

Obama: Syria Chemical Weapon Surrender Could Be 'Breakthrough'

Would 'absolutely' pause military strike if it works

(Newser) - Obama has weighed in on the Russian proposal to get Syria to surrender its stockpile of chemical weapons, calling it both a "potentially positive development" and a possible "breakthrough"—but only if it's a genuine offer. The move comes after Hillary Clinton also made cautiously positive...

Clinton: Syria-Russia Plan Better Not Be an 'Excuse'

She says 'inhuman' chemical attack demands 'strong response'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton at last broke her silence on Syria today, offering a cautiously positive US response to Russia's proposal that Syria turn over its chemical weapons stockpiles, Talking Points Memo reports. Clinton, who said she'd just spoken with President Obama about the day's events, said that:
  • If

3 Ways Obama Can Get Our Syria Support
 3 Ways Obama Can 
 Get Our Syria Support 

3 Ways Obama Can Get Our Syria Support

An unsupportive public can come around: Jonathan Tepperman

(Newser) - President Obama has been "maddeningly tentative" in his handling of the Syria situation, and one big reason for that is the lack of public support in the US, writes Jonathan Tepperman in the New York Times . One week-old poll shows that just 29% of Americans are in favor of...

Syria: Sure, We'll Turn Over Our Chemical Weapons

State department backtracks on Kerry statement, says it was rhetorical

(Newser) - Syria is on board with Russia's proposal to put its chemical weapons under international control, Foreign Minister Walid Moallem told reporters in Moscow today. Moallem earlier met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov today, and says he "welcomes" Lavrov's suggestion, CNN reports. John Kerry appeared to suggest...

Kerry, Russia to Syria: Turn Over Chemical Weapons

US indicates there's still time to avoid a strike

(Newser) - Russia made the surprise move today of prodding ally Syria to hand over its chemical weapons, just hours after John Kerry suggested that Bashar al-Assad and Co. could avoid a military strike if they did exactly that within a week. "If the establishment of international control over chemical weapons...

Assad: If US Strikes Syria, 'Expect Every Action' in Return

Clips air from Charlie Rose interview

(Newser) - If the US does indeed strike Syria, "you should expect everything," "expect every action," from Syria in response, President Bashar al-Assad tells Charlie Rose in a new interview . CBS This Morning previewed the interview today; it airs in full on PBS tonight. Some of Assad's...

Obama's Syria Push Jockeys With NFL, New iPhone

Congress leans toward no as Obama fights for attention

(Newser) - As a critical week in his presidency opens, President Obama is facing a big struggle not just for support on Syria but for the nation's attention, Politico finds. He'll make his case with interviews on six TV news shows today, where he'll be competing with the opening...

Army Might've Used Gas Sans Assad's OK: Report

German spies say army asked for Assad's approval, but was denied

(Newser) - In a Charlie Rose interview airing tonight , Bashar al-Assad reportedly denies that he had "anything to do" with chemical weapons attacks on his own people—and a new report in German newspaper Bild am Sonntag suggests he might not be lying. Citing radio messages intercepted by German intelligence,...

White House Watched as Syria Stockpiled Chemicals

Leaked cables document Syria importing ingredients from Europe, US

(Newser) - It may have taken a while to convince President Obama that Assad had used chemical weapons, but it was no revelation that he had them. Leaked US diplomatic cables and declassified intelligence records show the White House had long been tracking the growing chemical arsenal being amassed by the Syrian...

Brawl Over Syria an 'Uphill Slog,' 'Amateur Hour'

White House tries to make its case as GOP roars

(Newser) - It was all Syria, all the time on the Sunday talk circuit today, with White House chief of staff Denis McDonough hitting all five networks in making the administration's case for action. "The question is very simple for Congress this week... Not a single (member of Congress) rebuts...

US Releases Videos of Syria Attack

'These are real human beings,' Kerry says as White House makes its case

(Newser) - The White House is releasing videos of the Aug. 21 chemical attack in Syria, John Kerry announced in Paris today, and they show people exhibiting what appears to be the effects of nerve gas. "Those videos make it clear to people that these are real human beings, real children,...

Assad to Charlie Rose: 'No Evidence' I Gassed My People

Syrian strongman hints he'll retaliate if US strikes

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad "denied that he had anything to do" with the chemical attack that killed nearly 1,500 of his countrymen, he tells Charlie Rose in an interview that airs tomorrow on PBS. "He basically said, ' There has been no evidence that I used weapons against my...

Syria's History of Chemical Warfare Is 1.7K Years Old

Archaeological evidence indicates invading Persians used it in AD 256

(Newser) - Amid all the uproar over chemical weapons in Syria comes this surprising revelation: What could be the earliest archaeological evidence of chemical weapons was uncovered in the country—and it is some 1,700 years old. A mixture of sulfur and pitch combined with fire was the first way humans...

100K Throng Vatican for Francis' Syria Vigil

'War is always a defeat for humanity,' pope says during 4-hour vigil

(Newser) - Tens of thousands filled St. Peter's Square for a four-hour Syria peace vigil late yesterday, answering Pope Francis' call for a grassroots cry for peace that was echoed by Christians and non-Christians alike in Syria and vigils around the world. The Vatican estimated about 100,000 took part in...

EU: Assad Is Likely Guilty, But Wait for UN Report

Representative calls chemical attack a 'war crime'

(Newser) - The European Union officially weighed in on Syria today, and Reuters uses a very common phrase of late to describe its statement: "carefully worded." It says that, yes, a chemical weapons attack occurred, and yes, all the available information "seems to indicate strong evidence that the Syrian...

Obama: This Is 'Not Another Iraq or Afghanistan'

Presses case against Syria in weekly address

(Newser) - President Obama didn't exactly return from the G20 summit with a ringing international endorsement to take action against Syria, but he continued making his case before his own nation this morning via his weekly radio address. Obama hit familiar themes, ones he will surely revisit in his speech to...

Syria Vote Unites Far Left, Far Right

In House, liberals join libertarians in opposition

(Newser) - When President Obama addresses the nation on Tuesday about Syria, he'll no doubt be hoping to sway members of Congress, too. Just how tricky that will be is made clear by the Washington Post , which reports that opposition to any such military strike has managed the rare feat of...

2 Opposing Views on Syria From the Right
2 Opposing Views on Syria From the Right

2 Opposing Views on Syria From the Right

Bill Kristol is a yes, Peggy Noonan a no

(Newser) - As the ongoing debate in Congress makes clear, the decision on whether to strike Syria isn't the usual bipartisan one. Here are two voices on the right who come to very different conclusions:
  • Peggy Noonan, opposed: What's the strategy again? "A small, limited strike will look merely

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