Steven Curtis Chapman

2 Stories

Christian Star Bids Goodbye to Slain Daughter

Chapmans remember tot accidentally killed by brother in memorial

(Newser) - Christian pop star Steven Curtis Chapman and his family yesterday bid goodbye to his 5-year-old daughter in a memorial service that honored a little girl who loved to draw flowers and do dishes "buck naked," People reports. Maria Sue Chapman, one of three daughters Chapman and his wife...

Singer's Son Runs Over Daughter
 Singer's Son
 Runs Over Daughter 

Singer's Son Runs Over Daughter

Christian Grammy-winner's youngest killed in car accident in family driveway

(Newser) - The youngest daughter of Grammy-winning Christian musician Steven Curtis Chapman was struck and killed yesterday when one of her older brothers ran over the tyke in the family driveway, the AP reports. Several family members witnessed the accident that claimed the life of 5-year-old Maria Sue, who died later at...

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