white people

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

Tea Party Rage? No, Crazy White People
 Tea Party Rage? 
 No, Crazy White People 

Tea Party Rage? No, Crazy White People

Everything we've seen since Obama's election is about race

(Newser) - How do you explain the past two years of utterly unhinged conservative rhetoric? Steven Thrasher of the Village Voice has a theory: “White people have simply gone sheer f---ing insane.” In a lengthy cover story, Thrasher recounts all the insanity of the Obama era—from Dr. Laura’s...

The 33 'Blackest White Folks'
 The 33 'Blackest White Folks' 
including glenn beck

The 33 'Blackest White Folks'

Some choices, like Glenn Beck, may be a bit tongue-in-cheek

(Newser) - Some white people “claim ‘blackness,’” and a few actually do make the cut. The Root offers a list of the 33 “blackest white folks we know”:
  • Christina Aguilera: Unlike fellow pop starlets Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson, Aguilera actually has soul. She even “channeled

Blacks No Longer Majority in Harlem

4 in 10 are African-American in cultural capital

(Newser) - Harlem, the New York City neighborhood often characterized as the capital of black culture in the US, no longer has a majority African-American population. And the shift that occurred a decade ago has accelerated in recent years as whites and Hispanics have bought into an area abandoned by many blacks...

Why Do Black People Like Michael Jackson?: O'Reilly

(Newser) - Bill O’Reilly can’t figure out why African Americans would care about Michael Jackson’s death. “Michael Jackson has white children, and he chose to have white children,” he said on his show last night. “And the face deal, I don’t even want to get...

Number of Blacks Jailed for Drugs Declines

But number of white inmates increases

(Newser) - A profound shift may be under way in the racial makeup of the nation's prison population, the Washington Post reports. For the first time in 20 years, the number of blacks imprisoned for drug offenses is falling sharply while the number of whites is rising, the Washington Post reports. One...

'Real' America's Not Racist
 'Real' America's Not Racist 

'Real' America's Not Racist

Image of rural whites distorted by McCain, media

(Newser) - The media focus on the “Bradley effect" and the notion of a divided nation—"real" vs. "elite"—hyped by the McCain campaign suggests that racism among small-town whites will prove a stumbling block for Barack Obama, Frank Rich writes. But the alleged racism is nowhere near...

Obama Brings Dems Historic White Support

Polls show 44% back Barack, most since Carter

(Newser) - Barack Obama has gained more support among whites than any Democrat since Jimmy Carter, Politico reports. Some 44% of non-Hispanic whites back the Illinois senator, Gallup and Pew polls over the last 2 weeks suggest; 47% supported Carter in 1976. In the same period John McCain has pulled between 48%...

New HIV Study Shows Disease Accelerating

CDC finds 40% more cases than thought; blacks' rate alarming

(Newser) - A new CDC study of Americans with HIV conducted with new technology shows that the virus is spreading faster than previously thought, reports the New York Times. In 2006, more than 56,000 were newly infected with the virus that causes AIDS—40% more than anticipated. The study also showed...

Minorities Surging to Majority
 Minorities Surging to Majority

Minorities Surging to Majority

Changes will dramatically alter political landscape

(Newser) - America's demographics will dramatically change by mid-century, with the white population slipping to a minority of 46% of Americans, according to projections  from the Census Bureau. Minority kids will make up 66% of the nation's population of children, reports the Washington Post. The number of Hispanics is expected to...

Minorities Becoming Majority Across US

2007 census reveals dramatic trend

(Newser) - The white population has declined in more than half of US counties, marking a dramatic shift in America's human landscape, reports USA Today. The data from the 2007 census, released today, reveals a continuing trend of immigration and growth within minority populations, coupled with slow or no growth among many...

White Flight Slows, Stops, Reverses
White Flight
Slows, Stops,

White Flight Slows, Stops, Reverses

Big cities influx of whites as more blacks move to suburbs

(Newser) - White Americans are reversing a decades-old trend by moving back to big cities, the Wall Street Journal reports. In cities like Boston, Washington DC, Seattle and Atlanta, the white population is rising again as suburbanites flock to live in newly trendy city centers—and affluent African-Americans move to the suburbs....

Clinton: Great White Hope?
Clinton: Great White Hope?

Clinton: Great White Hope?

Poll results seem to show that some view her candidacy as way to hold onto status

(Newser) - Working-class whites, as "a social category," fear a loss of definition and power, and that might be lead them to support Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama, Gregory Rodriguez writes in the Los Angeles Times. This isn't white supremacy; "in fact it might be its opposite, an acknowledgment...

Clinton, McCain Could Pick Up Some Pointers From Obama

Noonan: They could try addressing us as adults

(Newser) - Add conservative columnist—and speechwriter of note—Peggy Noonan to the list of pundits impressed by Barack Obama’s address on race. “It was a speech to think to, not clap to,” Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal . And it holds a lesson for Clinton and McCain:...

What's White and White and Read All Over?

Blog strikes a chord with some, hits a nerve with others

(Newser) - When a twentysomething writer launched a satirical blog called "Stuff White People Like" 6 weeks ago, he didn't expect an overwhelming response, and he certainly didn't expect to average 300,000 hits a day. The blog was intended to mock the way the media stereotypes ethnicities, but not all...

Michelle Obama College Thesis Muses on Race

Studies void between blacks and whites at Princeton and beyond

(Newser) - Michelle Obama’s 1985 Princeton thesis—whose unavailability at the university has prompted blogger suspicions—discusses the concerns of a black woman in a sphere dominated by whites. In the 96-page document, scored by Politico from the Obama campaign, Mrs. Obama writes that to white students, it seems “I...

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