Ku Klux Klan

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Case of Line-Cutting Sparks Racial Firestorm

Young black woman faces 15 years in dust-up at Wal-Mart

(Newser) - Trial is set to begin in a case of Wal-Mart line-cutting that has turned into a racially charged media circus. Heather Ellis was arrested almost three years ago after an incident that began when she switched checkout lines at a Missouri store—to join her cousin in a faster queue,...

David Duke Goes to the Birds in Austria

Former Ku Klux Klan leader runs nature photography business

(Newser) - David Duke appears to have traded in burning crosses for a high-powered camera lens, reports the Telegraph, which tracked the former Ku Klux Klan honcho to a village in Austria. The onetime US presidential candidate now sells photos of birds and other wildlife he’s taken as he traipses through...

Duke: RNC's Steele a 'Black Racist'

Former KKK member rails against GOP body's first black chairman

(Newser) - Former Louisiana lawmaker David Duke is slamming the Republican National Committee for choosing Michael Steele as its chairman, Bayou Buzz reports. Duke called Steele a “radical Black racist” and a “servile dog of Israel,” and suggested that the Republican base would not suffer Steele’s leadership. Duke...

Economy Stimulates Hate Groups

Immigrants, internet, hard times are groups' 'furnace of hate,' says expert

(Newser) - The economic crush will spur more activity by the burgeoning number of hate groups in the US, experts warn. Law enforcement investigators are advocating for increased attention to the problem as the economy creates widespread discontent and more recruits for white supremacists, reports the Washington Post. "The internet, immigration...

Candidate's Klan Ties Roil Florida Race

Klansman's teenage son is disqualified on a technicality

(Newser) - In a big year for race in politics, a 19-year-old’s election to—and ban from—Palm Beach’s Republican committee has hate groups and their opponents up in arms far beyond Florida, the New York Times reports. Voters chose Derek Black, the son of a noted Klansman who made...

Jury Awards $2.5M to KKK Beating Victim

(Newser) - A KKK leader and one of his followers must pay $2.5 million in damages for the vicious beating of an American Indian teen in 2006, the Courier-Journal reports. Prosecutors hope the verdict in the civil trial will be economically devastating to the Kentucky-based Imperial Klans of America, the second-biggest...

Klan Recruit Slain in Initiation

Woman shot as she tries to leave KKK ritual

(Newser) - A woman was murdered by a Ku Klux Klan leader after she backed out of an initiation ritual, according to investigators. The unidentified Oklahoma woman, who had been recruited on the internet, was about to join a Louisiana KKK group called the Sons of Dixie Brotherhood. After several rites, including...

Mich. Letters Taunt Obama; Racist Vandals Strike Sign

Secret Service investigates mail threatening Dem, supporters

(Newser) - The Secret Service is investigating anti-Obama letters sent to a local Democratic office and a business in south-central Michigan, the AP reports, even as authorities in Pittsfield Township, about 40 miles west of Detroit, say an Obama billboard was defaced with swastikas and Klan symbols overnight. One letter declares a...

Court Tosses Ex-Klansman's Conviction in '64 Murders

Statute of limitations for kidnapping had expired, appeals panel rules

(Newser) - A federal appeals court has thrown out last year's conspiracy and kidnapping conviction of an ex-Klansman involved in the murders of two black teens in Mississippi in 1964. Lawyers for James Ford Seale said they will seek to have the 72-year-old cancer patient, who was serving three life sentences, freed...

Beyond Race? Politics Beyond Sensitive, More Like It

'Perceiving insult' hurts discourse at all levels

(Newser) - The story of an indicted Indiana student janitor underlines "super-heated capacities for perceiving insult" that color race issues in America—issues playing out in the presidential contest, too, Dorothy Rabinowitz writes in the Wall Street Journal. "Its presence is evident in this election campaign," she writes, "...

Secret Service Is Racist, Suit Alleges

Damning e-mails surface ahead of trial

(Newser) - A culture of racism lurks behind the dark glasses of the Secret Service, claims a lawsuit filed by more than 100 current and former black agents who say they were denied promotions. The Service denies the charges, but the suit has brought troubling emails to light, ABC News reports. One...

How the Left Wing Brought Me Down
How the Left Wing Brought Me Down

How the Left Wing Brought Me Down

Ex-election watchdog nominee details 'poisonous tactics'

(Newser) - Controversial civil-rights lawyer Hans von Spakovsky, who last week withdrew from consideration for appointment to the Federal Election Commission, pens a post-mortem of his own candidacy in the Wall Street Journal. Asserting that “character assassination … has become the norm” for conservatives in confirmation battles, von Spakovsky says calling...

Robert Byrd Endorses Obama
 Robert Byrd Endorses Obama 

Robert Byrd Endorses Obama

West Va. senator and former KKK member, 90, wants end to Iraq war

(Newser) - West Virginia's Robert Byrd, the longest-serving senator ever and a former Ku Klux Klansman, today endorsed Barack Obama, calling him “a noble-hearted patriot and humble Christian.” The 90-year-old, who's fourth in line for the presidency, threw his support behind Obama one week after his state voted for Hillary...

Wright Sermons Weren't 'Black Equivalent of a Klan Rally'

Parishioner decries focus on Obama pastor

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s pastor is a good man, says a fellow churchgoer, and though his “going off on white America” kept T. Shawn Taylor—a black woman—from inviting white friends to worship, it didn’t stop her from marrying a white man. Taylor writes in the Chicago Tribune...

Jesse Jackson Outraged on Umps' Behalf

League probe asked if umpires are KKK members, wife-beaters

(Newser) - Major League Baseball's umpires are fighting mad, and Jesse Jackson is behind them 100%, after reports surfaced that league officials have been asking umps' neighbors questions about marijuana use, domestic violence, and potential membership in the Ku Klux Klan. "They have essentially defamed their people in their own neighborhoods,...

Dems Slam Feds for Inaction on Noose Crimes

Racial cases up since 2000, but some spurn incidents as 'pranks'

(Newser) - Dems blasted the feds this week for not pursuing a nationwide spate of noose crimes. More than a half dozen nooses left in Maryland, Memphis, New York, and Pittsburgh have prompted no arrests, the Washington Post reports. But acting Attorney General Peter Keisler claims that the FBI and Department of...

Ex-Klansman Gets 3 Life Terms for 1964 Murders

72-year-old cancer patient says he'll appeal

(Newser) - A 72-year-old ex-Klansman drew three life sentences today for his involvement in the 1964 murders of two black teens in Mississippi, the Clarion-Ledger reports. "Justice is ageless," the judge told James Ford Seale, who was found guilty in June of kidnapping and conspiracy in the abduction, beating, and...

Ex-Klansman Guilty in '64 Teen Murders

Convicted of kidnapping, 71-year-old faces life in prison

(Newser) - A former Klansman was convicted yesterday of conspiracy and kidnapping in the 1964 murder of two black teenagers. The prosecution's star witness was a Klan member who said he and James Ford Seale stuffed the 19-year-olds into their trunk and drowned them in the Mississippi River. The jury deliberated for...

Stories 81 - 98 | << Prev